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AMQP 0-8 and 0-9-1 client library for Python


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Pika, an AMQP 0-8/0-9-1 client library for Python

Pika is a pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0-8 protocol (with an 0-9-1 implementation on a separate git branch, for now) that tries to stay fairly independent of the underlying network support library. It also tries to stay neutral as to programming style, supporting (where possible) both synchronous and asynchronous approaches.

  • Since threads aren't appropriate to every situation, it doesn't require threads. It takes care not to forbid them, either. The same goes for greenlets, callbacks, continuations and generators.

  • People may be using direct sockets, asyncore, Twisted, plain old select(), or any of the wide variety of ways of getting network events to and from a python application. Pika tries to stay compatible with all of these, and to make adapting it to a new environment as simple as possible.

Pika provides adapters for

  • asyncore (part of the Python standard library)
  • direct blocking socket I/O

Support for Twisted and select() (as distinct from asyncore) is on the horizon.

Installation via pip (and, optionally, virtualenv)

You can install this package directly from github using pip:

pip install -e git://

If you are using virtualenv for context-specific Python module installations,

pip -E my_virtual_env install -e git://


virtualenv my_virtual_env
cd my_virtual_env
. bin/activate
## Now you're already in the right virtual environment, so the next
## command automatically installs pika to the correct context
pip install -e git://


  • Support continuation-passing-style, for asynchronous programming (and, eventually, Twisted support)


Pika is licensed under the MPL, and may also be used under the terms of the GPL. The full license text is included with the source code for the package. If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us at

Synchronous programming style, no concurrency

This style of programming is especially appropriate for small scripts, short-lived programs, or other simple tasks. Code is easy to read and somewhat easy to reason about.

import pika
import asyncore
conn = pika.AsyncoreConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost')
ch =
ch.exchange_declare(exchange="test_x", type="fanout", durable=False)
ch.queue_declare(queue="test_q", durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
ch.queue_bind(queue="test_q", exchange="test_x", routing_key="")
ch.basic_publish(exchange="test_x", routing_key="", body="Hello World!")

Dealing with Channel.Flow flow control

Occasionally the server will decide it needs publishing clients to be quiet for a while so it can let messages drain. When it does so, it sends out a Channel.Flow command to connected clients, which are then expected to handle it and stop publishing messages until told (by another Channel.Flow) that they're allowed to resume.

By default, Pika will honour Channel.Flow requests by setting an internal flag and throwing a ContentTransmissionForbidden exception if an application tries to publish a message when flow-control is in effect. An application has three approaches available for coping with this situation:

  • it may supply True in the optional keyword argument block_on_flow_control to the Channel.basic_publish method, and/or

  • it may register for notifications of flow-control state changes using the Channel.addFlowChangeHandler method, and/or

  • it may elect to catch the ContentTransmissionForbidden exception thrown by basic_publish and take some kind of action at that point.

Use block_on_flow_control carefully: it enters a nested event loop if it needs to wait for flow-control to stop, so your entire application must be accordingly reentrant. Here's an example of a flow-control-blocking publish call:

ch.basic_publish(exchange="test_x", routing_key="", body="Hello World!",

Here's an example flow-control state change handler:

def my_flow_handler(the_channel, transmission_permitted):
  if transmission_permitted:
    print 'Transmission is now permitted on channel', the_channel
    print 'Transmission is temporarily NOT permitted on channel', the_channel

Here's an example of catching ContentTransmissionForbidden:

  ch.basic_publish(exchange="test_x", routing_key="", body="Hello World!")
except ContentTransmissionForbidden, e:
  ## may requeue or retry later here, etc.
  print 'Could not send message right now because of flow control'

Synchronous programming style, with concurrency

This style of programming can be used when small scripts grow bigger (as they always seem to do). Code is still easy to read, but reasoning about it becomes more difficult, and care must be taken when sharing Pika resources among multiple threads of control. Beyond a certain point, the complexity of the approach will outweigh the benefits, and rewriting for the asynchronous style will look increasingly worthwhile.

The main consideration when throwing threading into the mix is locking. Each connection, and all AMQP channels carried by it, must be guarded by a connection-specific mutex, if sharing Pika resources between threads is desired.

The recommended alternative is sidestepping the locking complexity completely by making sure that a connection and its channels is never shared between threads: that each thread owns its own AMQP connection.

Asynchronous programming style

This style of programming is the only technique suitable for programming large or complex event-driven systems in python. It makes all control flow explicit using continuation-passing style, in a manner reminiscent of Javascript or Twisted network programming. Once you get your head around the unusual presentation of the code, reasoning about control becomes much easier than in the synchronous style.

(example TBD)

The asynchronous programming style can be used in both multi- and single-threaded environments. The same care must be taken when programming in a multi-threaded environment using an asynchronous style as is taken when using a synchronous style.


AMQP 0-8 and 0-9-1 client library for Python



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