#NYAN-CAT the side scrolling cute shoot em up (bullet hell) game adventure
- Initial Planning
Create a fun shoot-em-up aka bullet-hell game thats cute, attractive and possibly multiplayer
Utilize and educate self on phaser.io (and learning how to google search terms and ask questions in this.community)
- Bonuses (in order)
Add use of websockets (socket.io)
Add a DB for inputting and saving player scores
Putting it on Ionic so its native on mobile, making use of the gyroscope for player movement ##User-stories
When I start the game, I want to play the game
Game should be intuitive and only need to use a few buttons (move and shoot)
Game must be cute, colorful, hilarious, explosions and dodging and with skill
When an enemy is eliminated by my nyan-beam, it will explode and drop 'doge tokens'
I want my nyan-cat to have a tail that grows based on how well I am doing at the game
If the game has multiplayer functionality, I should be able to 'block' other players with my tail. either obscuring their vision or disabling them from grabbing 'tokens'
When a player joins on multiplayer, expand the map 'down' by the original map size
Players will have views only to the map size (so if they go out of bounds at the bottom, they will see a different 'scene'), similar to Zelda LTTP
Bounds can repeat, as in if a player goes all the way North, he will arrive at the last Block view (South)
Game should be mobile friendly, on mobile I want to tap the screen to shoot and enable the gyroscope of the device for movement. AND have a default horizontal orientation.
##Captains Log
- 10/13/2016
- added powerups!
- after 50 kills, youll get a 2x poiint multiplier
- after 10 kills, youll get a life up! (i will change this later to an hp bar)
Introducing more cats! We have Neon Cat, DonutCat, NeonColorCat
Thanks to ALexTheHedgehog15 ![alexthehedgehog!] (http://i.imgur.com/yxUhkTr.png)
added powerup sprites but need to program it
Added 15 different backgrounds
New music: Another Winter by Anamanaguchi
TO Add - music player, donut cat, 2x points, more enemies
- 8/16/2016 - Yay the GET AJAX request works with my Rails server. Took me awhile to remember I forgot Rack CORS..
![reaper sprites!] (http://i.imgur.com/8S8pBYx.png)
8/10/2016 - Making the reaper sprites using pixlr.com
Tuesday 8/23/2016
- still working on the POST for player scores
- phaser-input is nice for input form field
- https://github.com/orange-games/phaser-input
##Monday 8/8/2016
- Looked at source code from basic shoot em up.
- Created the sprites and placed Nyan-cat (player), added Bogeys (enemies) the Bomb and the mage
- Spent a 2 hours trying out different methods to append a tail to the nyan-cat... -- Need to:
- Spawn multiple enemies
- set up HP for enemies and player
- finish reading the learnpub ##MTues
- collideWorldBounds ##Wednesday
- ok the basic game is good..Need to
- create 'bosses' from killing 15 bombs
- want to add a dynamic scoreboard and have player names showing (express?) + websockets
- Expand the map, reset all the little bombs, add a camera to 800x600
##Made with:
Education from WDI General Assembly, instructors Nick, Jesse, Adrian
Runs on node.js with http-server for local testing
Socket.io for websockets
Heroku for hosting backend and possibly this app itself to get the phaser-input working..
Heroku Rails for scoreboard
Shoot em up in the afternoon learnpub tutorial (fantastic!)
Inspired by Jamestown and Ikaruga
pixlr and Adobe Photoshop for editing spritesheets
http://spritedatabase.net/ for getting the sprites
phaser input for form but makes me need to host with node.js. Thanks..
old Soundtrack: Yum yum by Essence (200% speed inspired by Runling Run WC3 UMS custom map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjIvbZTcSow)
new Soundtrack: Another Winter by Anamanaguchi (from Scott Pilgrim)