A platform for agriculture smart contracts based on the NEO blockchain . BitMari is building an infrastructure to support smart contracts in agriculture as well as lower barrier for developers to code blockchain smart contracts. This comes after over 2 years of research work and working with women farmers in Zimbabwe, Africa.
To test develop and deploy your NEO python smart contracts on your local machine you will have to setup the environment by following the tutorial link below. This will setup a private network of the neo blockchain and a wallet with NEO and GAS to test with.
Compiling the contract into an .avm file
build smartContracts/helloWorld.py
Importing the contract .avm file
import contract ./smartContracts/helloWorld.avm "" 01 False False
Invoking the contract
contract search CONTRACT_NAME
In our case
contract search helloWorld
Run a testinvoke on the contract
testinvoke CONTRACT_HASH
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@nickfujita for NEO Setup Tutorials