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dorchard edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the muCell wiki. muCell is an inter-disciplinary research tool and project that started as a 4th year MEng undegraduate group project in 2008 at the University of Warwick, UK. muCell is concerned with the research and development of a generalized tool for in silico modelling and simulation of cells and inter-cellular interactions.

muCell allows exploration of internal biochemical dynamics and their causal relationship to external behaviours of cells, and cultures of cells. and how these behaviours change under modifications to the internal dynamics. The behaviour of simulated cells is derived from metabolic pathways that are supplemented with abstract procedural models of extracellular components thus linking the internal metabolics to external effects and behaviours and vice-versa. muCell facilitates spatial simulations of cells allowing researchers to look at the physical movement of cells and their interactions. Comparative to other simulations tools muCell provides common functionality for approximating biochemical dynamics but provides the ability to link metabolics to external behaviours, and to perform spatial simulations in 3-dimensions.

The muCell project start in Autumn 2007 and formally ran until June 2008 in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick. The team comprised of Jonathan Gover, Lewis Herrington, James Lohr, Dominic Orchard, Duncan Stead, and Cathy Young, was supervised by Sara Kalvala, and advised by David Whitworth.

Download muCell:

  1. If you have any problems make sure you have the .NET framework installed.
  2. muCell uses OpenTK. The library file is supplied (and the Linux config file). If you have any problems, try installing OpenTK manually


  1. muCell – Interdisciplinary Research in Modelling and Simulation of Cell Spatial Behaviour , Orchard D, Gover J, Herrington L, Lohr J, Stead D, Young C, Kalvala S, Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2009

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