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Module ecron

Module ecron

The Ecron API module.

Behaviours: gen_server.

Authors: Francesca Gangemi (

The Ecron application executes scheduled functions. A list of functions to execute might be specified in the ecron application resource file as value of the scheduled environment variable.

Each entry specifies a job and must contain the scheduled time and a MFA tuple {Module, Function, Arguments}. It's also possible to configure options for a retry algorithm to run in case MFA fails.

  Job =  {{Date, Time}, MFA, Retry, Seconds} |
         {{Date, Time}, MFA}

Seconds = integer() is the retry interval.

Retry = integer() | infinity is the number of times to retry.

Example of

         [{{{ '*', '*', '*'}, {0 ,0,0}}, {my_mod, my_fun1, Args}},
          {{{ '*', 12 ,  25}, {0 ,0,0}}, {my_mod, my_fun2, Args}},
          {{{ '*', 1  ,  1 }, {0 ,0,0}}, {my_mod, my_fun3, Args}, infinity, 60},
          {{{2010, 1  ,  1 }, {12,0,0}}, {my_mod, my_fun3, Args}},
          {{{ '*', 12 ,last}, {0 ,0,0}}, {my_mod, my_fun4, Args}]}]},

Once the ecron application is started, it's possible to dynamically add new jobs using the ecron:insert/2 or ecron:insert/4

The MFA is executed when a task is set to run. The MFA has to return ok, {ok, Data}, {apply, fun()} or {error, Reason}. If {error, Reason} is returned and the job was defined with retry options
(Retry and Seconds were specified together with the MFA) then ecron will try
to execute MFA later according to the given configuration.

The MFA may return {apply, fun()} where fun() has arity zero.

fun will be immediately executed after MFA execution. The fun has to return ok, {ok, Data} or {error, Reason}.

If the MFA or fun terminates abnormally or returns an invalid data type (not ok, {ok, Data} or {error, Reason}), an event
is forwarded to the event manager and no retries are executed.

If the return value of the fun is {error, Reason} and retry options were given in the job specification then the fun is
rescheduled to be executed after the configurable amount of time.

Data which does not change between retries of the fun must be calculated outside the scope of the fun. Data which changes between retries has to be calculated within the scope of the fun.

In the following example, ScheduleTime will change each time the function is
scheduled, while ExecutionTime will change for every retry. If static data
has to persist across calls or retries, this is done through a function in
the MFA or the fun.

  print() ->
    ScheduledTime = time(),
    {apply, fun() ->
        ExecutionTime = time(),
        {error, retry}

Event handlers may be configured in the application resource file specifying
for each of them, a tuple as the following:

{Handler, Args}
  Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
  Module = atom()
  Id = term()
  Args = term()

Module:init/1 will be called to initiate the event handler and its internal state

Example of

  {env, [{event_handlers, [{ecron_event, []}]}]},

The API add_event_handler/2 and delete_event_handler/1
allow user to dynamically add and remove event handlers.

All the configured event handlers will receive the following events:

{mfa_result, Result, {Schedule, {M, F, A}}, DueDateTime, ExecutionDateTime}
when MFA is executed.

{fun_result, Result, {Schedule, {M, F, A}}, DueDateTime, ExecutionDateTime} when fun is executed.

{retry, {Schedule, MFA}, Fun, DueDateTime} when MFA, or fun, is rescheduled to be executed later after a failure.

{max_retry, {Schedule, MFA}, Fun, DueDateTime} when MFA, or fun has reached maximum number of retry specified when
the job was inserted.

Result is the return value of MFA or fun. If an exception occurs during evaluation of MFA, or fun, then it's caught and sent in the event. (E.g. Result = {'EXIT',{Reason,Stack}}).

Schedule = {Date, Time} as given when the job was inserted, E.g. {{'*','*','*'}, {0,0,0}}

DueDateTime = {Date, Time} is the exact Date and Time when the MFA, or the fun, was supposed to run. E.g. {{2010,1,1}, {0,0,0}}

ExecutionDateTime = {Date, Time} is the exact Date and Time when the MFA, or the fun, was executed.

If a node is restarted while there are jobs in the list then these jobs are not lost. When Ecron starts it takes a list of scheduled MFA from the environment variable scheduled and inserts them into a persistent table (mnesia). If an entry of the scheduled MFA specifies the same parameters values of a job already present in the table then the entry won't be inserted avoiding duplicated jobs.

No duplicated are removed from the MFA list configured in the scheduled variable.

add_event_handler/2Adds a new event handler.
delete/1Deletes a cron job from the list.
delete_all/0Delete all the scheduled jobs.
delete_event_handler/1Deletes an event handler.
execute_all/0Executes all cron jobs in the queue, irrespective of the time they are scheduled to run.
insert/2Schedules the MFA at the given Date and Time.
insert/4Schedules the MFA at the given Date and Time and retry if it fails.
install/0Create mnesia tables on those nodes where disc_copies resides according to the schema.
install/1Create mnesia tables on Nodes.
list/0Returns a list of job records defined in ecron.hrl.
list_event_handlers/0Returns a list of all event handlers installed by the ecron:add_event_handler/2 API or configured in the event_handlers environment variable.
print_list/0Prints a pretty list of records sorted by Job ID.
refresh/0Deletes all jobs and recreates the table from the environment variables.


add_event_handler(Handler, Args) -> {ok, Pid} | {error, Reason}
  • Handler = Module | {Module, Id}
  • Module = atom()
  • Id = term()
  • Args = term()
  • Pid = pid()

Adds a new event handler. The handler is added regardless of whether it's already present, thus duplicated handlers may exist.


delete(ID) -> ok

Deletes a cron job from the list. If the job does not exist, the function still returns ok

See also: print_list/0.


delete_all() -> ok

Delete all the scheduled jobs


delete_event_handler(Pid) -> ok
  • Pid = pid()

Deletes an event handler. Pid is the pid() returned by add_event_handler/2.


execute_all() -> ok

Executes all cron jobs in the queue, irrespective of the time they are scheduled to run. This might be used at startup and shutdown, ensuring no data is lost and backedup data is handled correctly.

It asynchronously returns ok and then executes all the jobs in parallel.

No retry will be executed even if the MFA, or the fun, fails mechanism is enabled for that job. Also in case of periodic jobs MFA won't be rescheduled. Thus the jobs list will always be empty after calling execute_all/0.


insert(DateTime, MFA) -> ok
  • DateTime = {Date, Time}
  • Date = {Year, Month, Day} | '*'
  • Time = {Hours, Minutes, Seconds}
  • Year = integer() | '*'
  • Month = integer() | '*'
  • Day = integer() | '*' | last
  • Hours = integer()
  • Minutes = integer()
  • Seconds = integer()
  • MFA = {Module, Function, Args}

Schedules the MFA at the given Date and Time.

Inserts the MFA into the queue to be scheduled at {Year,Month, Day},{Hours, Minutes,Seconds}

  Month = 1..12 | '*'
  Day = 1..31 | '*' | last
  Hours = 0..23
  Minutes = 0..59
  Seconds = 0..59

If Day = last then the MFA will be executed last day of the month.

{'*', Time} runs the MFA every day at the given time and it's the same as writing {{'*','*','*'}, Time}.

{{'*', '*', Day}, Time} runs the MFA every month at the given Day and Time. It must be Day = 1..28 | last

{{'*', Month, Day}, Time} runs the MFA every year at the given Month, Day and Time. Day must be valid for the given month or the atom last. If Month = 2 then it must be Day = 1..28 | last

Combinations of the format {'*', Month, '*'} are not allowed.

{{Year, Month, Day}, Time} runs the MFA at the given Date and Time.

Returns {error, Reason} if invalid parameters have been passed.


insert(DateTime, MFA, Retry, Seconds::RetrySeconds) -> ok
  • DateTime = {Date, Time}
  • Date = {Year, Month, Day} | '*'
  • Time = {Hours, Minutes, Seconds}
  • Year = integer() | '*'
  • Month = integer() | '*'
  • Day = integer() | '*' | last
  • Hours = integer()
  • Minutes = integer()
  • Seconds = integer()
  • Retry = integer() | infinity
  • RetrySeconds = integer()
  • MFA = {Module, Function, Args}

Schedules the MFA at the given Date and Time and retry if it fails.

Same description of insert/2. Additionally if MFA returns {error, Reason} ecron will retry to execute it after RetrySeconds. The MFA will be rescheduled for a maximum of Retry times. If MFA returns {apply, fun()} and the return value of fun() is {error, Reason} the retry mechanism applies to fun. If Retry is equal to 3 then MFA will be executed for a maximum of four times. The first time when is supposed to run according to the schedule and then three more times at interval of RetrySeconds.


install() -> ok

Create mnesia tables on those nodes where disc_copies resides according to the schema.

Before starting the ecron application for the first time a new database must be created, mnesia:create_schema/1 and tables created by ecron:install/0 or ecron:install/1




install(Nodes) -> ok

Create mnesia tables on Nodes.


list() -> JobList

Returns a list of job records defined in ecron.hrl


list_event_handlers() -> [{Pid, Handler}]
  • Handler = Module | {Module, Id}
  • Module = atom()
  • Id = term()
  • Pid = pid()

Returns a list of all event handlers installed by the ecron:add_event_handler/2 API or configured in the event_handlers environment variable.


print_list() -> ok

Prints a pretty list of records sorted by Job ID.


  ID: 208
  Function To Execute: mfa
  Next Execution DateTime: {{2009,11,8},{15,59,54}}
  Scheduled Execution DateTime: {{2009,11,8},{15,59,34}}
  MFA: {ecron_tests,test_function,[fra]}
  Schedule: {{'*','*',8},{15,59,34}}
  Max Retry Times: 4
  Retry Interval: 20

ID is the Job ID and should be used as argument in delete/1.

Function To Execute says if the job refers to the MFA or the fun returned by MFA.

Next Execution DateTime is the date and time when
the job will be executed.

Scheduled Execution DateTime is the date and time when the job was supposed to be executed according to the given Schedule.Next Execution DateTime and Scheduled Execution DateTime are different if the MFA, or the fun, failed and it will be retried later
(as in the example given above).

MFA is a tuple with Module, Function and Arguments as given when the job was inserted.

Schedule is the schedule for the MFA as given when the job was insterted.

Max Retry Times is the number of times ecron will retry to
execute the job in case of failure. It may be less than the value given
when the job was inserted if a failure and a retry has already occured.

Retry Interval is the number of seconds ecron will wait after a failure before retrying to execute the job. It's the value given when the job was inserted.


refresh() -> ok

Deletes all jobs and recreates the table from the environment variables.