!SLIDE incremental bullets
!SLIDE commandline incremental smaller
$ ~/playground $> irb -f
$ irb(main):001:0> puts $:
=> nil
!SLIDE smaller
$ ~/playground $> irb -f
$ irb(main):001:0> puts $:
=> nil
!SLIDE commandline incremental smaller
$ ~/playground $> ls /Users/john/.rubies/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/
English.rb erb.rb mathn.rb profiler.rb sync.rb
Env.rb eregex.rb matrix.rb pstore.rb tempfile.rb
abbrev.rb expect.rb md5.rb racc test
base64.rb fileutils.rb mkmf.rb rational.rb thread.rb
benchmark.rb finalize.rb monitor.rb rdoc thwait.rb
bigdecimal find.rb mutex_m.rb readbytes.rb time.rb
cgi forwardable.rb net resolv-replace.rb timeout.rb
cgi-lib.rb ftools.rb observer.rb resolv.rb tmpdir.rb
cgi.rb generator.rb open-uri.rb rexml tracer.rb
complex.rb getoptlong.rb open3.rb rinda tsort.rb
csv.rb getopts.rb openssl rss un.rb
date gserver.rb openssl.rb rss.rb uri
date.rb i686-darwin9.8.0 optparse rubyunit.rb uri.rb
date2.rb importenv.rb optparse.rb runit weakref.rb
debug.rb io ostruct.rb scanf.rb webrick
delegate.rb ipaddr.rb parsearg.rb set.rb webrick.rb
digest irb parsedate.rb sha1.rb wsdl
digest.rb irb.rb pathname.rb shell xmlrpc
dl jcode.rb ping.rb shell.rb xsd
drb kconv.rb pp.rb shellwords.rb yaml
drb.rb logger.rb prettyprint.rb singleton.rb yaml.rb
e2mmap.rb mailread.rb profile.rb soap
!SLIDE smaller
$ ~/playground $> ls /Users/john/.rubies/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/
mathn.rb profiler.rb sync.rb Env.rb eregex.rb matrix.rb pstore.rb tempfile.rb abbrev.rb expect.rb md5.rb racc test base64.rb fileutils.rb mkmf.rb rational.rbthread.rb
benchmark.rb finalize.rb monitor.rb rdoc thwait.rb bigdecimal find.rb mutex_m.rb readbytes.rb time.rb cgi forwardable.rb net resolv-replace.rb timeout.rb cgi-lib.rb ftools.rb observer.rb resolv.rb tmpdir.rb cgi.rb generator.rb open-uri.rb rexml tracer.rb complex.rb getoptlong.rb open3.rb rinda tsort.rbcsv.rb
getopts.rb openssl rss un.rb date gserver.rb openssl.rb rss.rb uridate.rb
i686-darwin9.8.0 optparse rubyunit.rb uri.rb date2.rb importenv.rb optparse.rb runit weakref.rb debug.rb io ostruct.rb scanf.rb webrick delegate.rb ipaddr.rb parsearg.rb set.rb webrick.rb digest irb parsedate.rb sha1.rb wsdl digest.rbirb.rb
pathname.rb shell xmlrpc dl jcode.rb ping.rb shell.rb xsd drb kconv.rbpp.rb
shellwords.rb yaml drb.rb logger.rb prettyprint.rb singleton.rbyaml.rb
e2mmap.rb mailread.rb profile.rb soap
!SLIDE smaller
$ ~/playground $> irb -f
$ irb(main):001:0> puts $:
=> nil
!SLIDE commandline incremental smaller
$ ~/playground $> ls /Users/john/.rubies/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
gauntlet_rubygems.rb rbconfig rubygems.rb
i686-darwin9.8.0 rubygems ubygems.rb
!SLIDE smaller
$ ~/playground $> ls /Users/john/.rubies/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
gauntlet_rubygems.rb rbconfig
i686-darwin9.8.0 rubygems ubygems.rb
!SLIDE smaller
$ ~/playground $> ls /Users/john/.rubies/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
gauntlet_rubygems.rb rbconfig rubygems.rb i686-darwin9.8.0 rubygems
!SLIDE incremental commandline
@@@ ruby
$ cat ubygems.rb
# This file allows for the running of rubygems with a nice
# command line look-and-feel: ruby -rubygems foo.rb
# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich
# and others. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
require 'rubygems'