MySmallBasic is the first open-source software for Small Basic coding environment. This project aims at pushing Small Basic as the first computer language for people who like to learn computer programming. It is started by SWLAB at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
- All features of Small Basic (SB) and the standard library
- Easy to extend with new SB language features and easy to develop new SB libraries
- An IDE with a debugger for Small Basic programs
- A Java-based implementation, mostly tested on Windows (but should work on Linux and Mac hopefully)
- Please see Developer's Guide.
- Visit Wiki.
- Master thesis by Gayoung Kim
- A Development of Open-Source Software for Educational Coding Environments Using Small Basic (Kwanghoon Choi, Gayoung Kim, Byeong Mo Chang, KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices 24 (12), 649-661)
Our project is released under [GPL 3.0 Licence]. We encourage any forms of the use of this software as long as they keep the MySmallbasic language semantics and the library interfaces.
- Auto completion in MySmallBasic GUI
- Internationalization
- MySmallBasic on Android mobile/tablet or web browser
- SmallBasic to Java/Python translators for graduation
- A Scratch-like block programming GUI
- Social coding
- Kwanghoon Choi
- Gayoung Kim
- Munyoung Cho
- Seyoung Park
- Sengwang Jung
- Jiyong Kim
- Sungmo Cho
- Tajin Kim
- Youngmin Cho
- Bumjun Kim
- SWLAB is Software Languages and Systems Laboratory at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea. We do research and development in programming languages, compilers, and software engineering.