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File metadata and controls

858 lines (681 loc) · 51.6 KB


The purpose of the ODM is to support wastewater-based surveillance and epidemiology by facilitating the collection, standardization, and transparency of data by providing a more harmonized ODM data format to share data between different data curators and data repositories.

The ODM supports data sharing in two ways:

  1. Data sharing schema - The ODM will have a schema that describes what data can be shared with one or more partners or users.
  2. Data filter based on the data sharing schema - The ODM will support an open source method for filtering data tables using the data sharing schema. This will be accomplished in large part by generating one, or a series of, SQL querries that can be used to pull selected data from a variety of different database structures.

The data sharing schema will be a csv file (sharing.csv) where each row in the sharing file corresponds to one or more headers and/or tables in the PHES-ODM, or one or more organizations with whom to share the output data. See below for an example.

ruleId table mode key operator value notes
1 measures select NA NA measureRepID,measure,value,unit,aggregation basic measures details
2 measures filter measure = mPox
3 measures filter reportable = TRUE NA
4 NA share OPH NA 1; 2 link to DSA
5 NA share PHAC NA 1; 2; 3 changed for new DSA

The sharing file should be accompanied by a metadata file, sharing_metadata.csv. This csv file provides additional information about the sharing schema, as shown in the example below:

name datasetID organizationID numberRules orgsServed contactID version firstReleased lastUpdated changes notes
quebecSharing universityLab university-1 5 PHAC;OPH lastnamePer 1.0.0 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 Deprecated outdated rules for LPH, OPH in line with DSA number 234, 565, and 901.

The data filter is a Python module (or function) that generates a SQL query to pull the shareable data based on the inclusion criteria in the data sharing schema. The function queries ODM-formatted data tables and takes a sharing schema as an input. The function includes (filters) data according to the schema rules. The function then returns a data table with only the data that is to be shared. This new, returned data is ready to be shared and used with a partner.


High level features include:

  • The data custodian should be able to define all the sharing rules in a CSV file (sharing.csv). A standard schema for defining the rules will be developed.
  • The schema should allow a data custodian to define the partner (organization or person - matching to an organizationID and/or contactID within the model) that each rule pertains to. For example, a certain rule or set of rules may be applicable only to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) while another rule may be applicable to not only the PHAC but also to Ottawa Public Health.
  • The schema should allow data custodians to define rules that apply to rows or to columns. For example, a rule can be made to share all the rows from the samples table, and/or to only include the collType column from the samples table.
  • The schema is built using the logic and arguments of the filter() and select() functions of the Dplyr package in R. When specifying details of the filter function (mode), use of the =, >, <, >=, and <= operators are supported, along with in for ranges of continuous data and NA where the operator is not relevant, like for the select function (mode).
  • Rules can be combined to form more powerful conditions by building across rows of the sharing csv. For example, include all rows with email equal to "{.email}", firstName equal to "John", and lastName equal to "Doe". This is accomplished by grouping rules together using the mode group with the operators AND or OR, creating customized combinations of conditions.
  • Rules can be made within the context of an entire table, to a column that may be present in more than one table, or to a column specific to a table. Rules can also be made at the level of all measures or datasets with a given license type.
  • The rules may only be inclusive. For example, rules can be defined to include rows but not to exclude them.
  • The data custodian will be returned a report at the end which will provide details about how many rows were filtered for inclusion in the shareable data, as well as the tables and headers selected for inclusion.
  • Version 2 of the PHES-ODM allows data generators and custodian to define data licenses. In some jurisdictions, this may be defined in detailed data-sharing agreements (DSA). The DSAs can be short simply referencing a license type, or they can be many pages identifying specifically who can use the data and for what purpose and what will be the data destruction protocols, etc. The notes column in the sharing.csv is a free text field, providing an opportunity to reference a longer document or provide more details. Most licenses currently supported by the ODM license field are open.
  • The implementation should take into account the relationship between the different tables as defined in the ODM. For example, removing a row with siteID = ottawa-1 from the sites table, should also remove all rows in the samples table with siteID = ottawa-1. All nested relationships should also be taken care of. The relationships between the tables can be seen here.
  • A python function that implements these rules should be built.

Sharing CSV


The sharing CSV file provides different data generators or custodians with a standardized and code-agnostic method to define rules for sharing data with different organizations. Each row in the CSV file defines one rule which combined defines all the sharing rules for a given data generator or custodian. The headers of the CSV file define the different parts of the rule. The following sections outline these different parts, and provide a guide to defining a rule.

1. Setting the ruleID

Because each sharing schema is a closed system to a given data generator or data custodian, the ruleIDs only need to be unique within a given schema (sharing.csv). Using sequential integers for ruleIDs works well, and is the recommended approach.

2. Rules and Modes

After defining the unique ID for a rule, the next step is to determine the mode of a rule. There are four possible values for the mode column:

  1. select: This indicates that the effect of this rule will be to select the tables and columns for inclusion in the output shareable data. It also means that the key and operator columns do not need to be defined for this rule.
  2. filter: This is used for rules that will filter the shareble data output rows based on row values. The full rule will require the key and operator columns to be fully specified.
  3. group: This defines activities for a rule that groups or combines rules together for execution. The full rule will require the operator column to be fully specified.
  4. share: This defines a rule that specifies the organizationID or contactID with which an output will be shared, as well as the rules to apply to generate the specific output data. The full rule will require the key column, but not the operator column, to be fully specified.

Generally, the bulk of a sharing csv will be composed of filter and select rules, with a few group rules, and the final share rules at the very end. Rules should also be written and specified in this same order.

3. Selecting an Entity

In order to generate an intelligible output dataset, several select and filter rules will need to first be stacked and applied. This step involves selecting the parts of the PHES-ODM or entities within the model. The entities that can be selected are:

  • Data contained in a table
  • Data contained in column(s) of table(s)
  • Data contained in row(s) of table(s)

This step uses four columns, table, mode, key, and/or value. The table column specifies the name(s) of the table(s) to which this rule applies. To list multiple tables in the table column, list each table separated by a ";". The mode column specifies the action of a rule. For mode = filter rules, the key column lists the name(s) of the column(s) to be included in the shared data output as specified by filtering rule. For mode = select rules, the names of the selected columns are specified in the value column. For rules that select entities, the filter and select modes will be used.

3.1. Selecting Columns

In order to have any data to share, tables and columns need to be specified for inclusion. These are the first rules to define in your schema. To specify which columns should be shared, specify the table or tables in the table column, list select in the mode column, and then list the column or columns to be shared in the value column. When specifying the columns, you can separate distinct column names with a ";". The key and operator columns should be left blank (or NA) as they are not used in these rules, and any values in these columns for select-mode rows will be ignored.

To select all tables or all columns, an all value can be used in the table and/or value columns of the sharing csv.

Some examples are given below:

  1. Selecting only the saMaterial column in the samples table

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    1 samples select NA NA saMaterial NA
  2. Selecting only the reportable and the pooled columns in the measures table

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    2 measures select NA NA reportable;pooled NA
  3. Selecting all the columns in the measures table

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    3 measures select NA NA all NA
  4. Selecting only the purposeID column in the measures and the samples table

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    4 measures;samples select NA NA purposeID NA
  5. Selecting the siteID column in all tables

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    5 all select NA NA siteID NA


  • In examples 2 and 4 where multiple columns and tables were selected respectively, a ; was used to separate the values. Throughout this entire document when multiple values need to listed in a single cell, the ; symbol should be used to separate discrete values.

  • In examples 3 and 5 where all the columns in a table and all the tables were selected respectively, the keyword all was used. Similar to the ; symbol, the keyword all may be used in a cell to mean everything.

  • The ruleId column is mandatory for all rules and each value is unique across the entire sheet (sharing.csv). It must be a number.

3.2. Filtering Rows

Once the columns and tables for inclusion have been specified, users can specify which rows should be shared using rules with the filter mode. Note that rules that filter can use values in any columns, including columns that are not being shared in the final output. To specify a filter rule, users need to specify the table or tables in the table column, and define the mode as filter. Then users can specify the columns which the filter will act on in the key column, specify the nature of the filter using the operator column, and the filter values in the value column. The general structure for the filter argument is:

**column name** **operator** **value**

Where the "column name" the name of a column (specified in the key column) from the table(s) specified in the table column, and the "value" is the value or range of values that determine whether a row is selected for sharing, stored in the value column. The "operator" is a placeholder for the symbol indicates that the nature of the filter to be applied, and the desired relationship between the key and the value. The currently accepted values for the operator column are:

  • =: Denotes exact equivalence. This should be used for categorical or character variables.
  • >: Denotes "greater-than". This can be used for numeric, integer, or date-type variables. Note that it is exclusive of the value used in the expression.
  • <: Denotes "lesser-than". This can be used for numeric, integer, or date-type variables. Note that it is exclusive of the value used in the expression.
  • >=: Denotes "greater-than-or-equal-to". This can be used for numeric, integer, or date-type variables. Note that it is inclusive of the value used in the expression.
  • <=: Denotes "lesser-than". This can be used for numeric, integer, or date-type variables. Note that it is inclusive of the value used in the expression.
  • in: Denotes that a value is contained in a range of continuous data. This can be used for numeric, integer, or date-type variables. Note that it is inclusive of the values used in the expression.

Technically the operator column also accepts AND and OR as values, but only for rules of the group mode.

Some examples of how these rules can be constructed and applied in practice are given below:

  1. Selecting only the rows where the value of siteID is exactly equal to "ottawa-1" in the samples table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    6 samples filter siteID = ottawa-1
  2. Selecting only the rows where the value of "Collection period" (collPer) is greater than or equal to 5 in the samples table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    7 samples filter collPer >= 5
  3. Selecting only the rows where the value of "Collection period" (collPer) is less than 5 in the samples table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    8 samples filter collPer <= 5
  4. Selecting only the rows where the value of "Analysis date end" (aDateEnd) is exactly equal to February 1st, 2022 (2022-02-01) from the measures table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    9 measures filter aDateEnd = 2022-02-01
  5. Selecting only the rows where the value of "Analysis date end" (aDateEnd) is a date in February from the measures table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    10 measures filter aDateEnd in 2022-02-01:2022-02-28

4. Grouping Rules

By default, all filter and select rules that are applied together are combined with an implicit AND. That is to say, data to be shared must meet all the criteria together. To stack particular rules to be applied together, or to combine rules with an OR, users can rely on the group mode. To create a group rule, the mode column needs to be specified to group, and the rule IDs of the rules to be groups should be listed in the value column, separated by a ";". To specify how the rules are being grouped, the operator needs to be specified as AND or OR. Group-type rules can also be grouped together, creating nested group rules.

Some examples are given below:

  1. Selecting only the rows where the value of "Analysis date end" (aDateEnd) is exactly equal to February 1st, 2022 (2022-02-01) or February 1st, 2023 (2023-02-01) from the measures table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    11 measures select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the measures table for inclusion
    12 measures filter aDateEnd = 2022-02-01 This rules takes all rows where analysis date end is February 1st, 2022
    13 measures filter aDateEnd = 2023-02-01 This rules takes all rows where analysis date end is February 1st, 2023
    14 NA group NA OR 12;13 This rule groups rules 12 and 13 together with "OR", such that if either rule is true, the data is selected
  2. Selecting only the rows where the value of siteID is exactly equal to "ottawa-1" or "laval-1" in the samples table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    15 samples select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the samples table for inclusion
    16 samples filter siteID = ottawa-1 This rules takes all rows with a siteID of ottawa-1
    17 samples filter siteID = laval-1 This rules takes all rows with a siteID of laval-1
    18 NA group NA OR 16;17 This rule groups rules 16 and 17 together with "OR", such that if either rule is true, the data is selected
  3. Selecting only the rows where the value of siteID is "ottawa-1" and the collection datetime (collDT) was February 1st, 2023 (2023-02-01) from the samples table.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    19 samples select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the samples table for inclusion
    20 samples filter siteID = ottawa-1 This rules takes all rows with a siteID of ottawa-1
    21 samples filter collDT = 2023-02-01 This rules takes all rows with a collection date of February 1st, 2023
    22 NA group NA AND 20;21 This rule groups rules 20 and 21 together with "AND", such that only rows that met both conditions are selected
  4. Selecting only the rows from the measures table that correspond to MPox measures between January 1st, 2021 and December 31st, 2021, or SARS-CoV-2 measures after January 1st, 2020.

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    23 measures select NA NA measure; value; unit; aggregation This rule selects the measure, value, unit, and aggregation columns from the measures table for inclusion
    24 measures filter measure = mPox This rules takes all rows with an MPox measure in the measures table
    25 measures filter reportDate in 2021-01-01:2021-12-31 This rules takes all rows with a report date between jan.1 and dec. 31, 2021 in the measures table
    26 NA group NA AND 24;25 This rule groups rules 24 and 25 together with "AND", such that only rows that met both conditions are selected
    27 measures filter measure = cov This rules takes all rows with a SARS-CoV-2 measure in the measures table
    28 measures filter reportDate >= 2020-01-01 This rules takes all rows with a report date after jan.1, 2020 in the measures table
    29 NA group NA AND 27;28 This rule groups rules 27 and 28 together with "AND", such that only rows that met both conditions are selected
    30 NA group NA OR 26;29 This rule groups rules 26 and 29 together with "OR", such that if either grouping of rules is true, the data is selected

5. Selecting an Organization for Sharing

Once the rules in the sharing csv are defined, the next step is deciding to which organization(s) or person/people a rule applies. This is done using the an additional rule row with the mode columns value specified as share. A unique identifier for each organization or person should be used and reused throughout the entire document, and is used in the key column for sharing rules. This unique identifier should ideally correspond to an organization ID (organizationID) in the organizations table, or a contact ID (contactID) in the contacts table of the ODM. To apply a single rule across multiple organizations, the different organizations that a rule pertains to can be listed together in the key column. The listed organizations should be separated by a ";". For example, if a rule applies to the Public Health Agency of Canada (organizationID = PHAC) as well as Ottawa Public Health (organizationID = OPH) the value of the key cell in the row for that rule would be PHAC;OPH. The example assumes that PHAC and OPH are the agreed upon identifiers to represent these organizations. The rules to apply for the shared data output should be listed in the value column, with that various rule IDs separated by a ";". To specify different rules for different organizations/people, users will need to generate addition share-mode rules.

Some examples of how these rules can be constructed and applied in practice are given below:

  1. Selecting only all columns of the measures table, but only the rows where the value of "Analysis date end" (aDateEnd) is exactly equal to February 1st, 2022 (2022-02-01) or February 1st, 2023 (2023-02-01), and everything from the samples table with the Public Health Agency of Canada (organizationID = PHAC) and Ottawa Public Health (organizationID = OPH). Using those same rules for Laval Public Health (organizationID = LPH), except only including the rows of the samples table where the value of siteID is exactly equal to "ottawa-1" or "laval-1".

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    11 measures select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the measures table for inclusion
    12 measures filter aDateEnd = 2022-02-01 This rules takes all rows where analysis date end is February 1st, 2022
    13 measures filter aDateEnd = 2023-02-01 This rules takes all rows where analysis date end is February 1st, 2023
    14 NA group NA OR 12;13 This rule groups rules 12 and 13 together with "OR", such that if either rule is true, the data is selected
    15 samples select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the samples table for inclusion
    16 samples filter siteID = ottawa-1 This rules takes all rows with a siteID of ottawa-1
    17 samples filter siteID = laval-1 This rules takes all rows with a siteID of laval-1
    18 NA group NA OR 16;17 This rule groups rules 16 and 17 together with "OR", such that if either rule is true, the data is selected
    31 NA share OPH;PHAC NA 11;14;15 Share all measures from feb. 1 2022 and 2023, and all samples information
    32 NA share LPH NA 11;14;15;18 Share all measures from feb. 1 2022 and 2023, and all samples from ottawa and laval
  2. Share MPox data from 2021 with Ottawa Public Health (organizationID = OPH), share all SARS-CoV-2 data since 2020 with Laval Public Health (organizationID = LPH), and share MPox data from 2021 and all SARS-CoV-2 data since 2020 with the Public Health Agency of Canada (organizationID = PHAC).

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    23 measures select NA NA measure; value; unit; aggregation This rule selects the measure, value, unit, and aggregation columns from the measures table for inclusion
    24 measures filter measure = mPox This rules takes all rows with an MPox measure in the measures table
    25 measures filter reportDate in 2021-01-01:2021-12-31 This rules takes all rows with a report date between jan.1 and dec. 31, 2021 in the measures table
    26 NA group NA AND 24;25 This rule groups rules 24 and 25 together with "AND", such that only rows that met both conditions are selected
    27 measures filter measure = cov This rules takes all rows with a SARS-CoV-2 measure in the measures table
    28 measures filter reportDate >= 2020-01-01 This rules takes all rows with a report date after jan.1, 2020 in the measures table
    29 NA group NA AND 27;28 This rule groups rules 27 and 28 together with "AND", such that only rows that met both conditions are selected
    30 NA group NA OR 26;29 This rule groups rules 26 and 29 together with "OR", such that if either grouping of rules is true, the data is selected
    33 NA share OPH NA 23;26 Share MPox data from 2021 with Ottawa Public Health
    34 NA share LPH NA 23;29 Share all SARS-CoV-2 data since 2020 with Laval Public Health
    35 NA share PHAC NA 23;30 Share MPox data from 2021 and all SARS-CoV-2 data since 2020 with PHAC

Example Scenarios

In this section we will be working with some data, providing an example scenario for a rule and showing what the rule looks like in practice.

Filtering on license type

One special case for filtering is using the license type (license in the datasets table, or measureLic in the measures table). This is more useful for data generators and custodians who work with a mix of open and private data. By only filtering on open data, or open data with a specific license, all of the data and metadata that are open can be shared, without needing to specify additional sharing filters. For example, to share all data in a given dataset:

ruleId table mode key operator value notes
1 all select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns and tables for inclusion
2 all filter license = open This rules takes all rows where the license is open
3 all filter measureLic = open This rules takes all rows where the measure license is open
4 NA group NA OR 2; 3 This rule groups rules 2 and 3 together with "OR", such that if either rule is true, the data is selected
5 NA share PHAC NA 1; 4 This rule specifies that the data should be filtered using rules 1 and 4, and shared with PHAC

For an example pulling specifically open measures:

ruleId table mode key operator value notes
1 measures select NA NA all This rule selects all the columns from the measures tables for inclusion
2 measures filter measureLic = open This rules takes all rows in the measures table where the measure license is open
3 NA share PHAC NA 1; 2 This rule specifies that the data should be filtered using rules 1 and 2, and shared with PHAC

General Example

The data we will be working with has two tables from the ODM, samples and sites. It does not include all the columns present in these tables. The rows in the samples and sites table respectively are shown below:


sampleID siteID collDT saMaterial reportable notes
ottWa19-1 ottawa-1 2021-08-19 rawWW TRUE Note 1
ottWa18-1 ottawa-1 2021-08-18 sweSed TRUE Note 2
ottWa17-1 laval-1 2021-08-17 pstGrit TRUE Note 3
ottWa10-1 laval-1 2020-01-10 water FALSE Note 4


siteID name repOrg1 sampleshed
ottawa-1 University of Ottawa OPH school
laval-1 University of Laval LPH school

Basic Example

  1. Share all columns in the samples table, but select only rows whose site ID is "ottawa-1" for Ottawa Public Health (OPH)

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    1 samples select all
    2 samples filter siteID = ottawa-1
    3 NA share OPH 1;2
  2. Share all columns in the samples table, but select rows whose sample material (saMaterial) is rawWW or sweSed for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    4 samples select all
    5 samples filter saMaterial = rawWW;sweSed
    6 NA share PHAC 4;5
  3. Share all rows, but select the notes column from all tables for Laval Public Health (LPH)

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    7 all select notes
    8 NA share LPH 4;5
  4. Share all columns, but select only the rows for samples taken in the year 2021 and who have been marked as 'reportable' for Ottawa Public Health (OPH) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    9 all select all
    10 samples filter reportable = TRUE
    11 samples filtr collDT in 2021-01-01:2021-12-31
    12 NA group AND 10;11
    13 NA share PHAC 9;12
  5. Select all columns from the samples and sites tables, but only rows that belong to the University of Laval for Laval Public Health (LPH)

    ruleId table mode key operator value notes
    14 all select all
    15 all filter siteID = laval-1
    16 NA share LPH 14;15

A Note on Filter and Select, Groups

When specifying the columns to include in the shared data with the select column, it is implied that all rows will be included unless a filter has also been specified separately. Conversely, specifying the rows you want to include in the filter column does not specifies that the column used for filtering should be included in the filtered_data output. select is the only way to specify columns for inclusion.

As such, if you wanted to share all of the samples table data with Laval Public Health (LPH), it would suffice to define the rules as:

| ruleId | table    | mode   | key        | operator | value        | notes     |
| 1      | samples  | select |            |          | all          |           |
| 2      | NA       | share  | LPH        |          | 1            |           |

Similarly, if you only wanted to share the measure, value, and unit columns for the siteID that belong to the University of Laval, but did not want to share the siteID column, the rules would be:

| ruleId | table    | mode   | key    | operator | value              | notes |
| 1      | measures | select |        |          | measure;value;unit |       |
| 2      | measures | filter | siteID | =        | laval-1            |       |
| 3      | NA       | share  | LPH    |          | 1;2                |       |

With group-type rules, the rules are combined with an AND or OR operator, and the rules to be combined are listed in the value field. Similarly, when specifying the sharing target, users also list the rules to apply for the output. The result is that with the sharing, there is an implicit grouping action run by the library as part of this activity as well.

ruleId table mode key operator value notes
1 measures select NA NA measure;value;unit
4 measures filter measure = mPox
5 measures filter reportDate in 2021-01-01;2021-12-31
6 measures filter measure = cov
7 measures filter reportDate >= 2020-01-01
8 NA group NA AND 4; 5
9 NA group NA AND 6; 7
10 NA group NA OR 8; 9
11 measures filter reportable = TRUE
12 NA share PHAC NA 10;11

Which implicitly generates -->

ruleId table mode key operator value notes
13 measures group NA AND 10;11

Which then generates the SQL query for sharing with PHAC for this example -->

select measure, value, unit from measures where ((4 and 5) or (6 and 7)) and 11

Sharing CSV Columns

This section summarizes all the columns that are a part of the file

ruleId: Mandatory for all rules. Recommended to use sequential integers for naming, but can be a number or a string. If a string, then its recommended to use snake_case - spaces in names are not supported. Each value should be unique across an entire sharing file (sharing.csv).

table: The name(s) of the tables for this rule. Allowable values are names (partIDs) of the tables separated by a ;, or all to select all tables.

mode: The activity and modality of a rule. Allowable values are:

  • select: used for rules that define which tables and columns are to be shared. Requires values in the ruleID, table, mode, and value columns of the sharing csv.
  • filter: used for rules that define which rows of data are appropriate for sharing. Requires values in the ruleID, table, mode, key, operator and value columns of the sharing csv.
  • group: used for grouping together rules that should be applied as combined conditions, using either AND or OR as the operator. Requires values in the ruleID, mode, operator and value columns of the sharing csv.
  • share: used for rules defining the target for the sharing data output. Requires values in the ruleID, mode, key (to specify the organizationID(s) or contactID(s)) and value (to specify the rules to apply for the output) columns of the sharing csv.

key: The argument used to specify the header or headers used for a filtering rule, or the destination organization or person for a sharing rule. Multiple headers can be listed, and likewise multiple organizations/individuals can be separated by a ;. Also supports key word all. The organizations here reference the organizations table (organizationID), or the contacts table (contactID) in the ODM data.

operator: The operator used to define the logic of filtering and grouping rules. For filter-mode rules, use of the =, >, <, >=, and <= operators are supported, along with in for ranges of continuous data. For group-mode rules, the acceptable values for this field are AND or OR.

value: Specifies the values for filtering rules, and the rules to be grouped for grouping rules. Discrete, listed values in this field should be separated by a ";".

notes: An optional, free-text description or notes explaining this rule, or other related information deemed worthy of sharing.

Sharing Metadata CSV Columns

Metadata for the sharing csv is stored in a separate file, the sharingMetadata.csv. This section summarizes all the columns that are a part of the file:

name: the name given to a sharing schema. This is less important for data custodians/generators who only use a single schema, but these are unique names for each sharing.csv for each group or dataset. For naming, it is recommended to use snake_case - spaces in names are not supported. Each value should be unique across an entire sharing metadata file (sharing_metadata.csv).

datasetID: The dataset(s) for which a given sharing schema applies. Multiple datasets can be separated by a ;. The dataset(s) here reference the datasets table (datasetID) in the ODM data.

version: The version number of a given sharing schema. Version numbering should be updated with each change, ideally following semantic versioning structure. Given a version number "x.y.z", or "1.0.0", for example. The meaning of a change to each of these numbers based on position is: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. MAJOR version updates are when rules are added or removed, MINOR version updates are when when you are editing rules, and PATCH version updates are when you tweak the status or valid_period columns.

organizationID: The organization who created a given sharing schema. The organization here should reference the organizations table (organizationID) in the ODM data.

contactID: The contact information for the person who created a given sharing schema. The contact here references the contacts table (contactID) in the ODM data.

numberRules: The number of rules defined in the sharing csv schema.

orgsServed: A list of the organizations/people served by a sharing csv. This is a list of organizationID and/or contactID entries in the key field for sharing-type rules. The values should be separated with a ";".

firstReleased: A date to specify when the sharing schema was made.

lastUpdated: A date to specify when the sharing schema was last edited or updated.

changes: A free-text field to record changes made at the last update to the sharing schema.

notes: An optional, free-text description or notes explaining details about the sharing schema, or other related information deemed worthy of sharing.

An example of this table is found below. For this example, the university lab records data for two different municipalities, and has separate datasetIDs for data from the different municipalities. To make their workflow clearer, they've also opted to created separate sharing schemas for the separate datsets.

name datasetID version organizationID contactID firstReleased lastUpdated changes notes
ottawaSharingA cityAReportData 1.1.0 university-1 lastnamePer 2022-02-01 2023-03-01 Deprecated outdated rules for city A NA
ottawaSharingB cityBReportData 1.2.0 university-1 lastnamePer 2022-03-15 2023-03-01 Changed outdated rules for city B NA

Many of these values can be generated automatically: name can be extracted from the filename of the schema. lastEdited can be inferred by reading in the modified date from the filesystem. organizationID, status, version, and notes are not able to be automatically inferred ar this point, but we hope to be able to infer them automatically in a later version of the sharing system.


Function Signature

The function which implements the sharing feature takes two arguments:

  1. data: A series of tables from PHES-ODM formatted data. The data input does not have to contain all the entities defined in the ODM, but can only contain those on which the sharing rules should be applied. An example is shown below,


measureRepID sampleID measure value unit aggregation
ottWW100 pgsOttS100 covN1 0.0023 gcml sin
ottWW101 pgsOttS101 covN1 0.0402 gcml sin


sampleID siteID collDT saMaterial
pgsOttS100 ottawa-1 2021-02-01 9:00:00 PM rawWW
pgsOttS101 ottawa-1 2021-02-01 9:00:00 PM rawWW
pgsOttS102 ottawa-1 2021-02-26 9:00:00 PM rawWW


organizationID name orgType
lab100 University L100 Lab academ
lab101 University L101 Lab academ

The above data example has three tables, measures, samples, and organizations, with each table containing two or three rows. The table names (partIDs) as specified in the ODM should match the input file names. The names of the columns and their value types should match up with their specification (including the named partID) in the ODM.

  1. sharing_rules: The tabular sharing.csv containing the sharing rules to be applied to the data. Each item must reference a table (or multiple tables), and reference some or all of the fields as defined in the data above. An example is shown below,
ruleId table mode key operator value notes
1 all select NA NA all
2 samples filter collDT in 2021-01-25:2021-02-25
3 samples;measures filter sampleID = pgsOttS101;pgsOttS102
4 NA share PHAC NA 1;3
5 NA share public NA 1;2;3

The above sharing_rules example contains three rules to apply to the data, and 2 rules for targetting the sharing of data.

The function will then return one dataset output (either xlsx file or series of csv files) per organization/individual named in the rules with a share value in the mode column. This will be the filtered_data, with the example shown below:

  • filtered_data: The data to share with an organization. This is a copy of the data parameter with the columns and rows that meet the inclusion rules defined in the sharing rules for the passed organization. It has the same structure as the data argument described above. To continue our example:



measureRepID sampleID measure value unit aggregation
ottWW101 pgsOttS101 covN1 0.0402 gcml sin


sampleID siteID collDT saMaterial
pgsOttS101 ottawa-1 2021-02-01 9:00:00 PM rawWW


organizationID name orgType
lab100 University L100 Lab academ
lab101 University L101 Lab academ



measureRepID sampleID measure value unit aggregation
ottWW101 pgsOttS101 covN1 0.0402 gcml sin


sampleID siteID collDT saMaterial
pgsOttS101 ottawa-1 2021-02-01 9:00:00 PM rawWW
pgsOttS102 ottawa-1 2021-02-26 9:00:00 PM rawWW


organizationID name orgType
lab100 University L100 Lab academ
lab101 University L101 Lab academ

The above data can then be exported as two separate excel files (or sets of csv files), with one for the public and one for PHAC.

  • sharing_summary: A tabular breakdown of entities for whom sharing data was generated, and for each organization it lists the ruleIDs of the applied rules, the tables included in the shared data, and the number of rows for each shared table. An example is shown below:


destination_org rule_ids_used tables_shared number_rows_output
public 1,2,3 measures 1
public 1,2,3 samples 1
public 1,2,3 organizations 2
PHAC 1,3 measures 1
PHAC 1,3 samples 2
PHAC 1,3 organizations 2
  • sharing_rules_summary: A copy of the sharing rules csv, but with an additional column for recording the number of cells selected by each rule. Allows for users to check the fineness of their data filtration, and detect potential errors. As an example:
ruleId table mode key operator value notes selectedCells
1 all select NA NA all 30
2 samples filter collDT in 2021-01-25:2021-02-25 8
3 samples;measures filter sampleID = pgsOttS101;pgsOttS102 14
4 NA share PHAC NA 1;3 20
5 NA share public NA 1;2;3 16

The sharing_summary and sharing_rules_summary tables should be shared with the filtered_data output, along with the sharing_metadata file.

Describing the example above,

  1. For the rule with ID 1, it says to include all tables and columns. So all tables and columns were included in the output filtered_data, with only the rows that matched inclusion criteria. If no filtration on rows was provided, the column-based rules set the definition to include all rows in the included columns.
  2. For the rule with ID 2, an additional row was filtered out of samples as one the of entries did not match the inclusion criteria for the collection date.
  3. The rule with ID 3 says that rows with the sampleID of "pgsOttS101" or "pgsOttS102" were included across the measures and samples tables. This meant that only one row that met this criteria in the measures table was included, and the two rows from the samples table that met that criteria were included.
  4. RuleID 4 says to share with PHAC the data that meets the criteria of both 1 and 3, and RuleID 5 says to share with the public the data that meets the criteria of both 1, 2, and 3. So those rules are applied together to generate the two outputs, one for each sharing partner.