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814 lines (613 loc) · 23.1 KB

RbxMouse v4.1

This library provides a consistent interface for all mouse related APIs. Notable features:

  • Mouse target detection involving a flexible raycasting system using the raycasting API. You can filter with ignore lists, collision groups, and any other arbitrary user-defined constraints.
  • Accurate mouse delta is provided when MouseBehavior is not LockCenter.
  • A simple stack for managing multiple mouse icons.
  • Designed to work cross-platform and in many different contexts, able to manually fire mouse-related signals and listen to touch and gamepad/keyboard input.
  • Helpers for working with touch input and button presses.

Quick Reference

-- Properties

bool RbxMouse.Button1                      [readonly]
bool RbxMouse.Button2                      [readonly]
bool RbxMouse.Button3                      [readonly]

array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button1Inputs  [readonly]
array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button2Inputs  [readonly]
array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button3Inputs  [readonly]

Vector2 RbxMouse.Position                  [readonly]
Vector2 RbxMouse.InsetPosition             [readonly]

KeyCode RbxMouse.Button1KeyCode
KeyCode RbxMouse.Button2KeyCode
KeyCode RbxMouse.Button3KeyCode

-- Signals

RbxMouse.Button1Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button2Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button3Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

RbxMouse.Button1Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button2Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button3Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

RbxMouse.Scrolled(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.ScrolledUp(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.ScrolledDown(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

RbxMouse.Moved(Vector2 delta, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

-- Methods

bool RbxMouse:GetVisible()
void RbxMouse:SetVisible(bool visible)

float RbxMouse:GetSensitivity()
void RbxMouse:SetSensitivity(float sensitivity)

Vector2 RbxMouse:GetDelta()
bool RbxMouse:GetEnabled()

bool RbxMouse:IsButtonPressed(UserInputType mouseButton)
array<InputObject> RbxMouse:GetButtonsPressed()

bool RbxMouse:IsTouchUsingThumbstick(InputObject inputObject)
bool RbxMouse:IsInputNew(InputObject inputObject)

bool RbxMouse:BeginSingleInput(any key, InputObject inputObject)
void RbxMouse:EndSingleInput(any key, optional InputObject inputObject)

string RbxMouse:GetIcon()
void RbxMouse:SetIcon(string asset)
void RbxMouse:PushIcon(string asset)
void RbxMouse:PopIcon(optional string asset)
void RbxMouse:ClearAllIcons()
void RbxMouse:ClearIconStack()

MouseBehavior RbxMouse:GetBehavior()
void RbxMouse:SetBehavior(MouseBehavior behavior)

void RbxMouse:SetBehaviorEveryFrame(
   MouseBehavior behavior,
   optional int renderStepPriority
void RbxMouse:StopSettingBehaviorEveryFrame()

Ray RbxMouse:GetRay(number maxDistance, <Vector2|UDim2> position)

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse:GetTargetIgnore(
   optional array<Instance> ignoreList

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse:GetTarget(
   optional RaycastParams params,
   optional function filter,
   optional Ray ray,
   optional bool mutateParams

   filter: bool function (
      RaycastResult result,
      RaycastParams params,
      Vector3 origin,
      Vector3 direction

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse.Raycaster(
   Vector3 origin,
   Vector3 direction,
   RaycastParams raycastParams,
   optional function filter,
   optional bool mutateParams

Vector2 RbxMouse:AbsoluteToInset(Vector2 absolutePosition)
Vector2 RbxMouse:InsetToAbsolute(Vector2 insetPosition)

void RbxMouse:Fire<Signal>(<signalParameters>)

-- Filter function presets

bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE(RaycastResult result)
bool RbxMouse.FILTER_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)
bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE_AND_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)
bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE_OR_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)



bool RbxMouse.Button1
bool RbxMouse.Button2
bool RbxMouse.Button3

These are true when the respective buttons are pressed, and false when not. If the player uses multiple inputs for a single button, the most recent inputs will affect the value.

e.g. The sequence left mouse button down -> touch start -> left mouse button up, will result in RbxMouse.Button1 being false because the most recent input was left mouse button up even though the touch is still happening.

array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button1Inputs
array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button2Inputs
array<InputObject> RbxMouse.Button3Inputs

An array of InputObjects currently active for each button. When an input starts (e.g. the left mouse button is pressed, or the player touches the touchscreen) its InputObject is added to the array. When an input finishes (e.g. the left mouse button is released or the player stops touching the screen) its InputObject is removed from the array.

Vector2 RbxMouse.Position

The absolute position of the mouse on the screen. Top left corner of the screen will be (0, 0).

Vector2 RbxMouse.InsetPosition

The position of the mouse on the screen after accounting for GUI inset. Top left corner of the screen will be something like (0, -36).

KeyCode RbxMouse.Button1KeyCode
KeyCode RbxMouse.Button2KeyCode
KeyCode RbxMouse.Button3KeyCode

The optional KeyCodes that can trigger mouse button presses. Useful for gamepad support. Button1KeyCode defaults to KeyCode.ButtonA, the others to nil.


RbxMouse.Button1Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button2Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button3Pressed(InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

These signals fire when mouse buttons begin being pressed. The input parameter can be used to determine the source of the button press(whether it was from the mouse, from a KeyCode, or from touch - and if so, which touch).

RbxMouse.Button1Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button2Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.Button3Released(float duration, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

These signals fire when mouse buttons are released. The duration parameter tells you how many seconds the button was held down for. The input parameter can be used to determine the source of the button release (whether it was from the mouse, from a KeyCode, or from touch - and if so, which touch).

RbxMouse.Scrolled(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.ScrolledUp(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)
RbxMouse.ScrolledDown(int direction, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

These signals fire when the mouse wheel is scrolled. Scrolled will fire for all scrolls, and ScrolledUp and ScrolledDown will fire when direction is positive and negative respectively. The direction the wheel was scrolled in is passed to all signals (not just Scrolled) for convenience.

RbxMouse.Moved(Vector2 delta, InputObject input, bool gameProcessed)

This signal fires when the mouse is moved. The delta parameter describes how far in pixels the mouse moved, and is multiplied by the mouse sensitivity set by RbxMouse:SetSensitivity().


bool RbxMouse:GetVisible()
void RbxMouse:SetVisible(bool visible)

Gets and sets whether the mouse icon is visible using UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled.

float RbxMouse:GetSensitivity()
void RbxMouse:SetSensitivity(float sensitivity)

Gets and sets the mouse delta sensitivity. Mouse delta will be multiplied by this value when returned from RbxMouse:GetDelta() and RbxMouse.Moved. Note that this does NOT use UserInputService.MouseDeltaSensitivity, although RbxMouse still supports this property consistently regardless of MouseBehavior.

Vector2 RbxMouse:GetDelta()

Returns UserInputService:GetMouseDelta() if the mouse is locked, otherwise if the mouse is free it returns the mouse delta this frame. Before being returned, the delta is multiplied by the mouse sensitivity set by RbxMouse:SetSensitivity(). Unlike the Roblox APIs, this delta will be nonzero regardless of MouseBehavior (not just when it is set to LockCenter).

bool RbxMouse:GetEnabled()

Gets UserInputService.MouseEnabled, which is true if the user's device has a mouse available or false otherwise.

bool RbxMouse:IsButtonPressed(UserInputType mouseButton)

Calls UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed().

array<InputObject> RbxMouse:GetButtonsPressed()

Calls UserInputService:GetMouseButtonsPressed().

bool RbxMouse:IsTouchUsingThumbstick(InputObject inputObject)

Returns true if the given input is currently using one of the touch thumbstick controls in the core scripts. Will return false if inputObject is a not a Touch input so you don't need to check that yourself. Useful if you want to ignore button presses(e.g. Rbxmouse.Button1Pressed or a GUI input event) from a specific touch when the player is the using the thumbstick.

bool RbxMouse:IsInputNew(InputObject inputObject)

Returns true if the input is new. Useful for GUI input events where InputBegan will fire even if the mouse click or touch started outside of the button and moved into the button later, in which case you typically don't want buttons to register that as a press. This function is equivalent to inputObject.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin.

bool RbxMouse:BeginSingleInput(any key, InputObject inputObject)

Allows you to process only a single unique input for a specified key at a time (key can be an Instance, a string, or any other value used as keys in tables). Useful on mobile where the player can press multiple buttons at once. Returns true if the input should be processed, false if there is already another input active. Don't forget to call RbxMouse:EndSingleInput() when the input is considered finished! (Or when the key needs to be garbage collected to prevent memory leaks.)

void RbxMouse:EndSingleInput(any key, optional InputObject inputObject)

Removes a previously begun input for a specified key. The inputObject parameter is optional, and if given will only remove it if it matches the active input for that key.

string RbxMouse:GetIcon()

Gets the currently visible mouse icon.

void RbxMouse:SetIcon(string asset)

Sets the mouse icon. If the stack methods are being used, this method will set the stack's default icon (i.e. the icon used when there is nothing in the stack) and will not override the visible icon in the stack.

void RbxMouse:PushIcon(string asset)

Push an icon to the stack. This allows the mouse to have multiple icons at once, in priority of the order they were added to the stack (the most recent icon will be the one visible).

void RbxMouse:PopIcon(optional string asset)

Pop an item from the stack. If an icon is provided, only items with that icon will be removed. This is useful if icons will be pushed to the stack in an unknown order and you want to remove only a specific icon.

void RbxMouse:ClearAllIcons()

Clears the icon stack and removes the default icon set by RbxMouse:SetIcon().

void RbxMouse:ClearIconStack()

Clears the icon stack without removing the default icon set by RbxMouse:SetIcon().

MouseBehavior RbxMouse:GetBehavior()
void RbxMouse:SetBehavior(MouseBehavior behavior)

Gets and sets UserInputService.MouseBehavior.

void RbxMouse:SetBehaviorEveryFrame(MouseBehavior behavior, optional int renderStepPriority)

Binds a callback using RunService:BindToRenderStep() that sets UserInputService.MouseBehavior to the behavior argument every frame. This is useful because mouse behaviour typically gets reset every frame by Roblox. This will be callback bound with priority Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value - 1, or renderStepPriority if it is given as an argument.

void RbxMouse:StopSettingBehaviorEveryFrame()

Unbinds the above mouse behavior callback.

Ray RbxMouse:GetRay(
   optional float maxDistance,
   optional <Vector2|UDim2> position

Creates a ray from the current mouse position. The ray will have a length of maxDistance(defaulting to 1000).

If the position argument is provided, the ray will come from that position on the screen instead of the mouse position. This position does not include GUI inset, so the top left corner of the screen will always be (0, 0).

If your position is in is in inset (AKA 'screen') space, you can convert it first using RbxMouse:InsetToAbsolute(position) (see documentation further below).

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse:GetTargetIgnore(
   optional array<Instance> ignoreList

Performs a raycast to get the current mouse target, ignoring instances (and their descendants) in the ignoreList argument if it is provided.


-- Raycast from current mouse position, hitting anything except instances
-- that are inside the ignore list.
local ignoreList = {instanceToIgnore}
local result = RbxMouse:GetTargetIgnore(ignoreList)
if result then
   -- a hit was detected

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse:GetTarget(
   optional RaycastParams params,
   optional function filter,
   optional Ray ray,
   optional bool mutateParams

Performs a raycast to get the current mouse target. This method allows much greater control over what a valid target will be, allowing the caller to specify what RaycastParams and Ray to use when performing the raycast. By default, params defaults to the default RaycastParams instance, and ray defaults to the current mouse position i.e. RbxMouse:GetRay().

This method also allows the caller to provide a filter function which will determine whether a raycast hit is valid (it should be returned) or not (it should be ignored and raycasting should continue). This function has the following signature:

bool filter (
   RaycastResult result,
   RaycastParams params,
   Vector3 origin,
   Vector3 direction

All arguments to this function are guaranteed to not be nil. It should return true if the result should be considered a hit, false if not and the result should be ignored. RbxMouse provides four preset filters, documented further below.

Lastly, the mutateParams argument is there to allow the caller to control whether the RaycasParams instance will have its FilterDescendantsInstances table permanently modified. By default, the argument is false and will not allow modifications, but there may be some occasions where you find it more efficient to allow FilterDescendantsInstances to be changed.


-- Raycast from current mouse position, hitting anything.
local result = RbxMouse:GetTarget()
if result then
   -- a hit was detected

For more examples, see the "Contrived examples" section below.

<void|RaycastResult> RbxMouse.Raycaster(
   Vector3 origin,
   Vector3 direction,
   RaycastParams raycastParams,
   optional function filter,
   optional bool mutateParams

The function that is actually used to perform raycasts once all data is ready. This can be overwritten with your own custom raycasting function if you wish. The first three arguments are part of the normal workspace:Raycast() API. See documentation for RbxMouse:GetTarget() for the last two parameters.

Vector2 RbxMouse:AbsoluteToInset(Vector2 absolutePosition)
Vector2 RbxMouse:InsetToAbsolute(Vector2 insetPosition)

Utility functions for converting between absolute space (WITHOUT the GUI inset, AKA "Viewport" in Roblox APIs) and inset space (WITH the GUI inset, AKA "Screen" in Roblox APIs).

void RbxMouse:Fire<Signal>(... signalParameters)

Fires a RbxMouse signal with the name after 'Fire'. Signal parameters is a tuple of any values which will be passed to the signal callbacks. Make sure to check they are of the correct type and are in the right order.


RbxMouse:FireButton1Pressed(mouseButton1InputObject, true)

RbxMouse:FireButton3Released(1.5, mouseButton1InputObject, true)

RbxMouse:FireMoved(, 10), moveInputObject, true)

Some of these signals require InputObjects, which are not creatable by scripts. How you deal with is entirely up to you, as RbxMouse does not use these signals internally.

For example, you could pass in a dummy table (pretending to be an InputObject with the properties your callbacks use) or nil. Passing in nil may be useful as a convention so that your callbacks can know when the signal has been fired manually:

   RbxMouse.Button1Pressed:Connect(function(inputObject, gameProcessed)
      if not inputObject then
         -- we reach here if the signal was fired manually by your code
         -- otherwise we know this was triggered by real user input

   RbxMouse:FireButton1Pressed(nil, true)

Filter function presets

Four predefined filter functions for use in the filter argument for RbxMouse:GetTarget() and RbxMouse.Raycaster.

bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE(RaycastResult result)

Only hit parts with Transparency < 1

bool RbxMouse.FILTER_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)

Only hit parts with CanCollide == true

bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE_AND_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)
bool RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE_OR_CANCOLLIDE(RaycastResult result)

Self explanatory combinations of the above

Contrived examples

Perform a simple raycast, hitting anything:

local result = RbxMouse:GetTarget()

More complicated raycasting with RaycastParams, a filter function, and a ray:

-- Ignore the player's character.
local params =
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character}

-- Raycast from any 3D origin in any 3D direction (stopping after length of direction).
local ray =, direction)

-- Only hit instances that have CanCollide = true.
local result = RbxMouse:GetTarget(params, RbxMouse.FILTER_CANCOLLIDE, ray)

As you can see, RbxMouse is flexible enough that you can use it as a raycasting library in its own right.

Raycasting from center of screen and only hitting very specific parts:

-- Only hit instances named "HitMe" and with "CanHit" attribute set to boolean value true.
local function customFilter(result, params, origin, direction)
      (result.Instance.Name == "HitMe") and
      (result.Instance:GetAttribute("CanHit") == true)

-- Raycast from the center of the screen and with a max distance of 512 studs.
local ray = RbxMouse:GetRay(512, workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize/2)

-- No raycast params, so it will hit anything as long as the customFilter function accepts the hit.
local result = RbxMouse:GetTarget(nil, customFilter, ray)

Using the mouse icon stack:

local DEFAULT_ICON = "rbxassetid://6978852551"
local LEFT_ICON = "rbxassetid://6733999189"
local RIGHT_ICON = "rbxassetid://6733496085"





Ignoring taps on the screen when using thumbstick:

   if not RbxMouse:IsTouchUsingThumbstick(inputObject) then
      -- Your code here

Prevent buttons being pressed by a click/tap starting elsewhere then being dragged onto the button:

local button = gui.TextButton

   if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch or
      inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1
      if BbxMouse:IsInputNew(inputObject) then
         -- Your code here

Only allow a button to be pressed by a single finger at once on mobile:

local button = gui.TextButton

   if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
      if RbxMouse:BeginSingleInput(button, inputObject) then
         -- Your code here

   if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
      RbxMouse:EndSingleInput(button, inputObject)

Mouse movement w/ terrible first person camera:

local MIN_Y = -math.pi/2.1
local MAX_Y = math.pi/2.1

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local angleX = 0
local angleY = 0

-- Lock the mouse in the center of the screen, hide the icon, and set the sensitivity

   -- Use mouse delta (which is in pixel units) to modify camera angle
   angleX = angleX - delta.X
   angleY = math.clamp(angleY - delta.Y, MIN_Y, MAX_Y)

   local character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
   if character then
      local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head")
      if head then
         camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
         camera.Focus =
         local offset =
         camera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(head.Position, head.Position + offset)
         camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
      camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

Finding player on click:

local raycastParams =
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist

local players = game:GetService("Players")

   -- Cast a ray that only hits parts with Transparency < 1 and CanCollide == true.
   local targetResult = RbxMouse:GetTarget(raycastParams, RbxMouse.FILTER_VISIBLE_AND_CANCOLLIDE)
   if targetResult and targetResult.Instance then
      local targetPlayer = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(targetResult.Instance.Parent)
      if targetPlayer then
         print(("Hit part %s (of player %s)")
            :format(targetResult.Instance.Name, targetPlayer.Name))
         print(("Hit part %s")