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Documentation Cleanup Brainstorming

DeadSuperHero edited this page Feb 19, 2012 · 7 revisions

What's going on?

Currently, the documentation for the Diaspora project is kind of messy. Granted, there's enough information here to get a basic pod going, but it's somewhat cluttered, some information is missing, and other information is outdated. We want to fix this.

What can be done about it?

A restructuring and cleanup of documentation is necessary. Furthermore, we have a few questions that we'd like to ask enthusiasts, community contributors, and podmins. We want our documentation to be comprehensive, current, and cohesive.

  1. What do you feel that the documentation is missing?
  2. Have you noticed any documentation that isn't up to date, and is no longer correct?
  3. What snags have you run into in trying to run your own pod, and what would you like documented about those problems?
  4. Is there anything in the documentation that just plain doesn't make sense to you?
  5. Do you feel that the GitHub wiki serves its purpose well, or do you think a different solution would be necessary in the future? (MediaWiki, MoinMoin, Tiddlywiki, etc.)

Who should the feedback go to?

Right now, Sean Tilley is probing for feedback and ideas, so you're welcome to send him a private message, shoot him [an email](mailto:, or leave a comment. Feedback will be compiled to figure out what needs the most attention first. Alternatively, you can also hit up this thread for the sake of presenting some public conversation that everybody can look at and think about.

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