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Grassroots Projects

PaulMorris edited this page Oct 11, 2011 · 13 revisions

This is a list of projects that members of the Diaspora grassroots community are working on. They are all great ways to help out and get involved with Diaspora. Please let us know if there are any projects that should also be listed here, other projects we should work on, or any questions/feedback you may have.

##Simple ways everyone can help

Support Hashtags
Help respond to users' posts to #question, #bug, and #feature tags on Diaspora.

Help answer questions and assist new Diaspora members.

IRC Chat
Visit our IRC chat channel to answer questions, discuss bugs, new feature suggestions, etc.

Welcome Committee
Help us [welcome] ( new users to Diaspora.

##Projects that could use more volunteers To help with these projects, join the grassroots mailing list and inquire there. Or send email to "people" [at] "joindiaspora" [dot] com.

Beta Launch
Will need meetup organizers, designers, and writers.

Bill of Rights, Privacy Policy & Terms of Service
Need writers.

Need meetup organizers.

Pod Uptime
Need designers to help make Pod Uptime (the great directory of Diaspora* pods) even more awesome.

Media Team
Need more bloggers/writers to join our media outreach group.

Could use more writers, and especially, translators.

Could use more help running this forum, responding to questions, problems, etc.

Translators needed for our grassroots translations group. We'd like to try to translate Diaspora into all world languages.

Wiki on Github
Need user documentation writers.

##Projects that currently do not need additional volunteers

Creative Collective
A creative collective a la Mozilla to have a place for everyone to come together to develop great fan art, and then enable Diaspora users to create t-shirts, mugs, etc from the fan art via something like Zazzle.

Diaspora Project Website

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