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Installing on Mac OS X

veganstraightedge edited this page May 8, 2011 · 11 revisions


These instructions are for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

Package Management

Install Homebrew and then come back here.

Build Tools

To install build tools, you need to download and install Xcode. It's a large download; it also comes on your OS X DVD.


To install MySQL, run the following:

    brew install mysql

Install the MySQL Preference Pane to control the MySQL daemon easily. Alternatively, you can run

    sudo mysqladmin start

from Terminal to start the MySQL server.


To install ImageMagick, run the following:

    brew install imagemagick


To install Git, run the following:

    brew install git


To install Redis, run the following:

    brew install redis


RubyGems comes preinstalled. However, you might need to update it for use with the latest Bundler. To update RubyGems, run

    sudo gem update --system


To install Bundler, run the following:

    sudo gem install bundler 

Congrats! You have all your dependencies installed. Go back to Installing and Running Diaspora.

Now, go back to Installing and Running Diaspora to continue with the installation.

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