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Tools to use with Diaspora

SilviaMorgenstern edited this page Nov 10, 2011 · 45 revisions

Links to various tools built by the community for use with Diaspora.

Browser Add-ons

Sharing extensions

  • Diaspora Tools - (Firefox) share webpages and images to Diaspora, translate text on Diaspora

  • Diaspora* Publisher - (Chrome) allows you to share your favorite pages with your friends; you can also select and share a specific part of the page.

  • Diaspost - (Chrome) quickly share webpages to Diaspora

  • Diaspora* Opera sharing extension (Opera) quickly share webpages to Diaspora

More cool stuff

  • D* Hide Images - (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) hides images in your stream until you choose to show them, hover to preview

  • Diaspora Tagfilter - ( Firefox with Greasemonkey ) GreaseMonkey script to filter postings in your diaspora-stream by tags. It also can replace all inline-images (except avatars) by links to those images.

  • Löwenzahn - (Firefox) This addon shows a notification when you get a new Diaspora message or notification.

  • Diaspora Translate - (Firefox with Greasemonkey, Chrome) GreaseMonkey script to translate posts in your stream, also offers hiding non-ssl images.

  • Speech to Text - (Chrome/Chromium) Diaspora* with Google Chrome HTML5 speech to text input.


"Share on Diaspora" Buttons (for use on blogs and websites)

WordPress Plugins extensions

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