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Using apache

leamas edited this page Sep 27, 2010 · 39 revisions

Using apache instead of thin server on Fedora

No, this does NOT work. It's left as a starting point for those brave who might make it work.

This content is currently being discussed on Discussions on Fedora Apache wiki page


This page covers the steps which makes diaspora server running on port 3000. Besides this, most users have a need to making this server available to the outside world on port 80. This is not covered at this point. Personally, I just forwarded port 80 on my router to port 3000 on my box.

You can get the same basic behavior that nginx proxy uses from the proxy_balancer Apache mod. With this you can put in a rewrite rule for /diaspora and send it to port 3000. You would still need port 8080 open for the EM server, but there is no reason a basic proxy mechanic shouldn't work. I haven't tried it, but it's the path least fraught with peril.

##Passenger A common way to run Rails apps on Apache is the Passenger apache module. See

There is no Fedora passenger rpm ATM, see

See also Installing on Ubuntu Apache

Install passenger module

To setup apache to run diaspora:

  sudo gem install passenger
  sudo  yum install apr-devel httpd-devel rubygem-rake
  sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Create a new file /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf with content as given from passenger-install-apache2-module. For me, this was:

 LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.15/ext/apache2/
 PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.15
 PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby

Create the diaspora user and setup the web app.

 useradd -md /var/diaspora diaspora
 su - diaspora
 chmod 755 .
 git clone master
 cd master
 bundle install --deployment
 mkdir tmp
 cp config/app_config.yml.example app_config.yml
 ! Edit app_config.yml, fix at least hostname

Configure apache server instance

Create a virtual http server for the diaspora app by appending something like this to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (using your own servername for host.domain.tld):

Listen 3000
<virtualhost *:3000>
    ServerName     host.domain.tld
    DocumentRoot   /var/diaspora/master
    RailsEnv       development
    RackEnv        development
     <Directory /var/diaspora/master/public>
        AllowOverride None
        Order         allow,deny
        Allow         from all

Run and access server

Restart server using 'server httpd restart'.

Access the server on http://host.domain.tld:3000


  • At this point, adding friends from this server to other servers fails with a "Connection timeout" message.

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