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Work on a bug

Sarah Mei edited this page Apr 4, 2011 · 13 revisions

How to claim and work on bugs

So you'd like to start contributing, but you don't know where to start? This is a fairly large project, which means it's useful to begin with a small fix so you can get used to the codebase. We have an issue/bug tracker
(we often use issue and bug interchangably) at

This page covers how to be assigned a bug, and what to do once you fix it.

  1. Make an account on the Diaspora bug tracker.
  • Make sure you've been added to list of people who can modify bugs on the tracker. This is called the 'Assignee' list.

    • Someone on IRC should be able to help you out. See webchat for how to get into IRC.
  • Claim an issue

    1. If you created a bug that you want to work on, assign it to yourself. * You can see a list of your activity by following My Page when you're logged in to the bug tracker. * Click on an issue * Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Update' * In the list of 'Assignee' people, select your username.
  • Updating the issue's progress

    • To change any fields mentioned: Scroll to the bottom of the issue page and click 'Update'. From there you can edit the issue.
    1. If someone has duplicated the issue, mark the issue status 'Confirmed'
    • Ideally, there should be a spec written for this bug. If you've done this, mark the issue 'Isolated'
    • If a pull request has been made for the issue, senior members will set the status 'Awaiting Acceptance'
    • As you make progress, particularly if the fix is more than a day, please set the '% Done' to something meaningful
  • Don't forget about the all important git

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