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Example Transmitter

A web server that hosts the Stream Configuration endpoints, as well as a place to poll for events. Will also create a /ui page that shows Swagger documentation of the OpenAPI spec described in transmitter_spec.

We have added a /register endpoint to this service, which is not part of the Shared Signals spec, because we needed an easy way to create streams and provide bearer tokens. As the SSF spec continues to evolve, this endpoint may become unnecessary.


This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub. This is an example of building a swagger-enabled Flask server.

This example uses the Connexion library on top of Flask.


Python 3.9+

Run with Docker Compose

From the examples directory:

docker-compose up transmitter

will build an image named transmitter_1 and run it with development settings (hot-reloading).

Run with Docker

To run the server on a Docker container, please execute the following from the examples/transmitter directory:

# building the image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t transmitter .

# starting up a container
docker run -p 443:443 -v "${PWD}":/usr/src/app transmitter

You can also run tests with docker, if you'd like:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/usr/src/app transmitter -m pytest

Note that this runs without hot-reloading.

Run without docker

To run the server, please execute the following from the examples/transmitter directory:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
JWKS_PATH=jwks.json JWK_KEY_ID=key-id python3 -m swagger_server

Environment variables

There are a few environment variables you can set to control how the transmitter works:

  • FLASK_ENV=development This will cause the flask server to hot-reload if you change any code while it is running.
  • JWKS_PATH=/path/to/jwks.json This specifies where your jwks.json file lives. If you want to use a specific set of keys, you can add them this way. This value will default to /usr/keys/jwks.json and will auto-create a new set of keys on every run.
  • JWK_KEY_ID=key-id This specifies which key id in the JWKS you want to use to encode the SETs. Controlling it with an environment variable allows you to rotate keys in the JWKS if desired. By default, this will be transmitter-ES256-001.


To view the Swagger UI open your browser to here:


Your Swagger definition lives here:


Note that because this is a local environment, your browser will warn you that the https connection is unsafe. You can ignore that warning.


To launch the integration tests, use tox:

pip3 install tox
python3 -m tox
# run only certain tests:
python3 -m tox -- -k test_name_pattern



Re-generates swagger.yaml and Run it from examples/transmitter by running ./