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Witness CLI Reference

This is the reference for the Witness command line tool, generated by Cobra.

witness attestors

List all available attestors


Lists all the available attestors in Witness with supporting information

witness attestors [flags]


  -h, --help   help for attestors

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string      Path to the witness config file (default ".witness.yaml")
  -l, --log-level string   Level of logging to output (debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")


  • witness - Collect and verify attestations about your build environments

witness run

Runs the provided command and records attestations about the execution

witness run [cmd] [flags]


      --archivista-server string                      URL of the Archivista server to store or retrieve attestations (default "")
  -a, --attestations strings                          Attestations to record ('product' and 'material' are always recorded) (default [environment,git])
      --attestor-link-export                          Export the Link predicate in its own attestation
      --attestor-maven-pom-path string                The path to the Project Object Model (POM) XML file used for task being attested (default "pom.xml"). (default "pom.xml")
      --attestor-product-exclude-glob string          Pattern to use when recording products. Files that match this pattern will be excluded as subjects on the attestation.
      --attestor-product-include-glob string          Pattern to use when recording products. Files that match this pattern will be included as subjects on the attestation. (default "*")
      --attestor-slsa-export                          Export the SLSA provenance predicate in its own attestation
      --enable-archivista                             Use Archivista to store or retrieve attestations
      --hashes strings                                Hashes selected for digest calculation. Defaults to SHA256 (default [sha256])
  -h, --help                                          help for run
  -o, --outfile string                                File to write signed data to
      --signer-file-cert-path string                  Path to the file containing the certificate for the private key
      --signer-file-intermediate-paths strings        Paths to files containing intermediates required to establish trust of the signer's certificate to a root
  -k, --signer-file-key-path string                   Path to the file containing the private key
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-client-id string           OIDC client ID to use for authentication
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-issuer string              OIDC issuer to use for authentication
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-redirect-url string        OIDC redirect URL (Optional). The default oidc-redirect-url is 'http://localhost:0/auth/callback'.
      --signer-fulcio-token string                    Raw token string to use for authentication to fulcio (cannot be used in conjunction with --fulcio-token-path)
      --signer-fulcio-token-path string               Path to the file containing a raw token to use for authentication to fulcio (cannot be used in conjunction with --fulcio-token)
      --signer-fulcio-url string                      Fulcio address to sign with
      --signer-kms-aws-config-file string             The shared configuration file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-credentials-file string        The shared credentials file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-insecure-skip-verify           Skip verification of the server's certificate chain and host name
      --signer-kms-aws-profile string                 The shared configuration profile to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-remote-verify                  verify signature using AWS KMS remote verification. If false, the public key will be pulled from AWS KMS and verification will take place locally (default true)
      --signer-kms-gcp-credentials-file string        The credentials file to use with the GCP KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-hashType string                    The hash type to use for signing (default "sha256")
      --signer-kms-keyVersion string                  The key version to use for signing
      --signer-kms-ref string                         The KMS Reference URI to use for connecting to the KMS service
      --signer-spiffe-socket-path string              Path to the SPIFFE Workload API Socket
      --signer-vault-altnames strings                 Alt names to use for the generated certificate. All alt names must be allowed by the vault role policy
      --signer-vault-commonname string                Common name to use for the generated certificate. Must be allowed by the vault role policy
      --signer-vault-namespace string                 Vault namespace to use
      --signer-vault-pki-secrets-engine-path string   Path to the Vault PKI Secrets Engine to use (default "pki")
      --signer-vault-role string                      Name of the Vault role to generate the certificate for
      --signer-vault-token string                     Token to use to connect to Vault
      --signer-vault-ttl duration                     Time to live for the generated certificate. Defaults to the vault role policy's configured TTL if not provided
      --signer-vault-url string                       Base url of the Vault instance to connect to
  -s, --step string                                   Name of the step being run
      --timestamp-servers strings                     Timestamp Authority Servers to use when signing envelope
      --trace                                         Enable tracing for the command
  -d, --workingdir string                             Directory from which commands will run

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string      Path to the witness config file (default ".witness.yaml")
  -l, --log-level string   Level of logging to output (debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")


  • witness - Collect and verify attestations about your build environments

witness sign

Signs a file


Signs a file with the provided key source and outputs the signed file to the specified destination

witness sign [file] [flags]


  -t, --datatype string                               The URI reference to the type of data being signed. Defaults to the Witness policy type (default "")
  -h, --help                                          help for sign
  -f, --infile string                                 Witness policy file to sign
  -o, --outfile string                                File to write signed data. Defaults to stdout
      --signer-file-cert-path string                  Path to the file containing the certificate for the private key
      --signer-file-intermediate-paths strings        Paths to files containing intermediates required to establish trust of the signer's certificate to a root
  -k, --signer-file-key-path string                   Path to the file containing the private key
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-client-id string           OIDC client ID to use for authentication
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-issuer string              OIDC issuer to use for authentication
      --signer-fulcio-oidc-redirect-url string        OIDC redirect URL (Optional). The default oidc-redirect-url is 'http://localhost:0/auth/callback'.
      --signer-fulcio-token string                    Raw token string to use for authentication to fulcio (cannot be used in conjunction with --fulcio-token-path)
      --signer-fulcio-token-path string               Path to the file containing a raw token to use for authentication to fulcio (cannot be used in conjunction with --fulcio-token)
      --signer-fulcio-url string                      Fulcio address to sign with
      --signer-kms-aws-config-file string             The shared configuration file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-credentials-file string        The shared credentials file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-insecure-skip-verify           Skip verification of the server's certificate chain and host name
      --signer-kms-aws-profile string                 The shared configuration profile to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-aws-remote-verify                  verify signature using AWS KMS remote verification. If false, the public key will be pulled from AWS KMS and verification will take place locally (default true)
      --signer-kms-gcp-credentials-file string        The credentials file to use with the GCP KMS signer provider
      --signer-kms-hashType string                    The hash type to use for signing (default "sha256")
      --signer-kms-keyVersion string                  The key version to use for signing
      --signer-kms-ref string                         The KMS Reference URI to use for connecting to the KMS service
      --signer-spiffe-socket-path string              Path to the SPIFFE Workload API Socket
      --signer-vault-altnames strings                 Alt names to use for the generated certificate. All alt names must be allowed by the vault role policy
      --signer-vault-commonname string                Common name to use for the generated certificate. Must be allowed by the vault role policy
      --signer-vault-namespace string                 Vault namespace to use
      --signer-vault-pki-secrets-engine-path string   Path to the Vault PKI Secrets Engine to use (default "pki")
      --signer-vault-role string                      Name of the Vault role to generate the certificate for
      --signer-vault-token string                     Token to use to connect to Vault
      --signer-vault-ttl duration                     Time to live for the generated certificate. Defaults to the vault role policy's configured TTL if not provided
      --signer-vault-url string                       Base url of the Vault instance to connect to
      --timestamp-servers strings                     Timestamp Authority Servers to use when signing envelope

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string      Path to the witness config file (default ".witness.yaml")
  -l, --log-level string   Level of logging to output (debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")


  • witness - Collect and verify attestations about your build environments

witness verify

Verifies a witness policy


Verifies a policy provided key source and exits with code 0 if verification succeeds

witness verify [flags]


      --archivista-server string                   URL of the Archivista server to store or retrieve attestations (default "")
  -f, --artifactfile string                        Path to the artifact to verify
  -a, --attestations strings                       Attestation files to test against the policy
      --enable-archivista                          Use Archivista to store or retrieve attestations
  -h, --help                                       help for verify
  -p, --policy string                              Path to the policy to verify
      --policy-ca strings                          Paths to CA certificates to use for verifying the policy
  -k, --publickey string                           Path to the policy signer's public key
  -s, --subjects strings                           Additional subjects to lookup attestations
      --verifier-kms-aws-config-file string        The shared configuration file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --verifier-kms-aws-credentials-file string   The shared credentials file to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --verifier-kms-aws-insecure-skip-verify      Skip verification of the server's certificate chain and host name
      --verifier-kms-aws-profile string            The shared configuration profile to use with the AWS KMS signer provider
      --verifier-kms-aws-remote-verify             verify signature using AWS KMS remote verification. If false, the public key will be pulled from AWS KMS and verification will take place locally (default true)
      --verifier-kms-gcp-credentials-file string   The credentials file to use with the GCP KMS signer provider
      --verifier-kms-hashType string               The hash type used for verifying (default "sha256")
      --verifier-kms-keyVersion string             The key version to use for signing
      --verifier-kms-ref string                    The KMS Reference URI to use for connecting to the KMS service

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string      Path to the witness config file (default ".witness.yaml")
  -l, --log-level string   Level of logging to output (debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")


  • witness - Collect and verify attestations about your build environments

witness version

Prints out the witness version


Prints out the witness version

witness version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string      Path to the witness config file (default ".witness.yaml")
  -l, --log-level string   Level of logging to output (debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")


  • witness - Collect and verify attestations about your build environments