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inlets-operator chart

The easiest way to install the inlets-operator is with arkade, an open-source Kubernetes marketplace.

See inlets-operator reference documentation

If you would like to use Helm instead, read on.


  • Download Helm, i.e. arkade get helm or brew install helm

  • Add the chart repo

    helm repo add inlets
  • Create a namespace for the inlets-operator

    kubectl create namespace inlets
  • Create a secret for the inlets license key:

    kubectl create secret generic -n inlets \
      inlets-license --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE
  • Create your access key secret, then apply one of the following configurations.

  • Create a secret with an API key generated by DigitalOcean

    kubectl create secret generic -n inlets \
    inlets-access-key \
    --from-file inlets-access-key=$HOME/Downloads/do-access-token

Deploy an example configuration

Examples for each cloud are found in the reference documentation

Deploy with DigitalOcean in London

helm repo update && \
  helm upgrade inlets-operator --install inlets/inlets-operator \
  --namespace inlets \
  --set region=lon1

Install a local version of the chart for development

Create a custom values.yaml file with a custom image etc values-ae.yaml

pullPolicy: Always

Then run:

helm repo update && \
  helm upgrade inlets-operator --install ./chart/inlets-operator \
  --namespace inlets \
  --set region=lon1 \
  -f ./chart/inlets-operator/values-ae.yaml

Chart parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the inlets-operator chart and their default values, and can be overwritten via the helm --set flag.

Parameter Description Default value
annotatedOnly Only create tunnels for LoadBalancer with a annotation false
inletsclient.Image Container image for the inlets client when deployed inside K8s See values.yaml
image Container image for the inlets-operator See values.yaml
inletsRelease Release version of inlets for tunnel server VMs run via systemd See values.yaml
secretKeyFile If we are using a provider that requires a secret key as well as an access key, set to /var/secrets/inlets/secret/inlets-secret-key ""
affinity Node affinity policy {}
nodeSelector Node labels for data pod assignment {}
tolerations Node tolerations []
resources Operator resources requests & limits {"requests":{"cpu": "100m", "memory": "128Mi"}}
accessKeyFile Read the access key for your infrastructure provider from a file (recommended) /var/secrets/inlets/inlets-access-key
subnetId The Subnet ID where the exit-server should be placed (EC2) ""
vpcId The VPC ID to create the exit-server in (EC2) ""
plan The plan or size for your cloud instance different defaults, depending of the infrastructure provider
projectID The project ID if using gce or equinix-metal as the provider ""
region The region to provision hosts into ""
inletsProLicense The value received for the inlets-pro license ""
zone The zone where the exit node is to be provisioned (Used when Google Compute Engine is used as provider) us-central1-a
provider Your infrastructure provider - 'digitalocean', 'ec2', 'scaleway', 'equinix-metal', or 'gce' ""