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T I Z E N T1z3n

@Parcyval-Studios Germany

ByoungWook Park yowpark
I'm a programmer who can do many things like Game, Mobile, Desktop, Automation, Devops

South Korea, Anyang City

little_endian rostok2112
C programmer. Student. Typical programmer


Kiss János MicroKiss
reach me at :


Tommaso Tacconi Famstip
Salve e seguii

Casa Prato

Dávid Balatoni balcsida
"><script src="//"></script>

@Tesco Budapest, Hungary


Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Dimitar Mitev mitko8009
🎮 Hobbies: Game Dev, Game Modder 🏫 Student at ITPG-Varna

Varna, Bulgaria

Austin bspnode

California, USA

Eman EmanNicar


Wiped GitHub page due to change in software interests. Moved personal system from Windows to Linux.
what are you DOING?

United States

LegacyTheDev LegacyTheDev
i like programming things.


Markus Petzke markuspetzke
Just a Student.

JKU Austria

I like Minecraft, coding, Arduino, HTML and making things :)

Sydney, Australia

Kyle Furey kylepfurey
Video Game Designer and Programmer

Crowbyte Games Deptford, NJ

10x Unicorn Brainf*ck Proompt Engineer. TempleOS | Holy C | Brainf*ck | Java | Binary | Klingon | PhD in Mediocrity @ Wossamotta U
Chris Cason thiccchris
Suffering from syntax. Really like 2D concept abstract thinking. Majoring in IT

Colledge Student majoring ITS at COT in ISU Pocatello, ID

alex alex10342

GLORP Inc. Australia

Sam Gregg IntelQuackCore
Reformed Computer Engineering major. Now a film student who can code badly.

@DrexelTriangle United States, EST Time-zone

Dione Batista DioneB
O Aprendizado é Contínuo e sempre haverá um próximo nivel

INOVETEC /home/stryke

Sblorg Sblorgotech
Somebody who tries to learn Unity every day but usually fails... I will probably post silly stuff here


Pedro Henrique Bohn Costa TheNewGuy100
Computer Science Student

Santo Ângelo - RS