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Pedro Braga Dev-PedroB
Systems Analyst | Fullstack Software Developer | Systems Support Analyst

Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil

Daniel Nobre Dan-Nobre
Student of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science @IFCE and currently a iOS Developer at @AppleAcademyIFCE 🫡

@AcademyIFCE Fortaleza, Ceará

Omkar Khanvilkar omkarkhanvilkar
Just a kid trying to code better

Boston, MA

Oleh Yaroshenko oleh-yaroshenko
13 y. o. Frontend Developer from Kyiv. Have some experience in Swift (iOS Mobile App Development).


Diego diegonrd

São Paulo, Brazil

Mohamed Ali Ebaid mo7amedaliEbaid
Software Engineer - Mobile Application Developer - Flutter Developer.

WebStdy Egypt

Qin qinjiangban
@qiancset Learn to develop blockchain together 学习共同开发区块链

qiancset 中国

wallezen wallezen
leave things better than you found them

@crowaixyz Hongkong, China

Gopher GopherTheCoder
Just a Rookie.

@Ubisoft Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Arun Wadhwa arunwadhwa
Physician, Ex-WebDev

Nanjing, China

Matthew Groholski mgroholski
Software Engineer

Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Since™️ OneNiNE87
I’m like the ‘John Wick’ of this World. After 13 years of Mechanical Engineering Services, I was destined to choose my own path and become the “Ex Communicado”.

@BlockOne987 Canada

Jhone Dourado jhonedourado
Estudante de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas com ênfase em Engenharia de Computação na UFRB e entusiasta na área de tecnologia.

Bahia, Brazil

Maverick MevScreenager
New solutions, new ideas, new opportunities. Python, DevOps, EN


Massimiliano mbarbierato
C++ , Java, C# Developer

@Hackintoshlifeit Padua (it)

Jaxon7Cheung Jaxon7Cheung
A sophomore in Xiyou.
Kusal Shrestha kusalshrestha
I make machines do work. Hello 🌍

@FleetPanda Kathmandu

Eastward New eastwardnew
Hey! I'm Eastward New 🔭 I’m currently working on backend projects looking for exciting job opportunity to learn more. 🛠️ My tech stack is Python, Django,

Forward company (FIJI) Nadi ,Fiji

Nickolas Chaikalis nchaikalis
Software Engineer | Cloud Native Engineer


Kenta Kubo kkebo
iPad power user

Tokyo, Japan

hapiii hapiii
Love life, love learning.

KK BeiJing

Andreas andreas-04
Better Everyday


Luka Podiashvili LukaPollo
Hello! My repository might be underwhelming because I forget this exists and load my work up, then I get lazy.

Budapest, Hungary

Prathmesh Shukla Prthmsh7
I use Arch btw :)


Haeyoung drsuneamer
& ___ **

Seoul, Korea

HyunHoCho leadershyun