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Pisit Sawangvonganan ndrs-pst
Loving Embedded System, MBTI: ISTJ-A, ENNEAGRAM: Type 1 (ZEAL) #xennial, #omad, #colemak, #thinkpad, #trackpoint, #minimalist

NDR Solution (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand

Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀 Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing, and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Bodo Menke bodomenke
Managing Maus, Man, and Machine


Self-employed Software Engineer focusing on .NET, desktop + mobile, databases (SQL Server, Access) and Office dev. Former Microsoft MVP (Access) and MCC (WPF).

IntuiDev IT-solutions Germany

Jovan Kostovski chombium

@SAP Walldorf, Germany

Tom Phan phanOne
New to programming

THP Irvine, CA

mehrdad Mehrdad-Farshi
Linux enthusiast on a quest for endless knowledge in the open-source realm. 🐧 Exploring the depths of Linux, one command at a time. 💻

@arjavand Tehran,iran


KULeuven Leuven