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渡世白玉 dushibaiyu

ShangHai China

Chetan Ganji ryucoder
Python and Django Developer
Gabriel B. Sant'Anna baioc
If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worthy of debate. ¬ Mike Alder


Drew Adams druonysus
Personal projects kept on GitLab.

openSUSE Long Beach, CA

Menjanahary menjaraz
Accountant by education, Chess fan & Beekeeper by passion. Everything Strong Formal Logic enthusiast and warm-blooded Coder.

Antananarivo, Madagascar

Per Nordlöw nordlow
Safe, fast, and maintainable.

Salutech AB Sweden

Kerim Güven akgvn
Quant @ hedge fund. I also enjoy doing low-level / embedded / systems stuff.


Zeke Xiao zekexiao

Linger Me Changsha, China



Michael Wallner m6w6

SmugMug, Inc. Austria

Mr. Chen chenhongbao
Trader in China.


Matt Erbst merbst
I'm a fan of abstraction, alterity, knowledge representation, linguistics, logic, metri physics, semantics, socialism, software, & virtue epistemology!

@DandelionLabs Foundation Internet Literacy Mentoring Inspiring Collaboration Across Oceans with Open Content Laguna Niguel, CA, USA

Timothy mitoksim
Engineering Profesional
