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Javascript Execution Activity

The jsexec activity evaluates a javascript script along with provided parameters and returns the result in the outputs.

Flogo CLI

flogo install



Name Type Description
script string The javascript code to evaluate


Name Type Description
parameters object Key/value pairs representing parameters to evaluate within the context of the script


Name Type Description
error bool Flag indicating if there was an error executing the script
errorMessage string The error message
result object The result object from the javascript code

Microgateway Usage

A sample service definition is:

  "name": "JSCalc",
  "description": "Make calls to a JS calculator",
  "ref": "",
  "settings": {
    "script": " = parameters.num * 2;"

An example step that invokes the above JSCalc service using parameters is:

  "if": "$.PetStorePets.outputs.result.status == 'available'",
  "service": "JSCalc",
  "input": {
    "parameters.num": "=$.PetStorePets.outputs.result.available"

Utilizing the response values can be seen in a response handler:

  "if": "$.PetStorePets.outputs.result.status == 'available'",
  "error": false,
  "output": {
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
      "": "=$.PetStorePets.outputs.result",
      "body.inventory": "=$.PetStoreInventory.outputs.result",
      "body.availableTimesTwo": "=$"

Additional microgateway examples that utilize the jsexec activity

  • api - A simple API example
  • json - An example that using a flogo.json



To run tests issue the following command in the root of the project:

go test -p 1 ./...

The -p 1 is needed to prevent tests from being run in parallel. To re-run the tests first run the following:

go clean -testcache

To skip the integration tests use the -short flag:

go test -p 1 -short ./...