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Aprendiendo programación en R con la robot Karel #620

11 of 29 tasks
mpru opened this issue Dec 28, 2023 · 43 comments
11 of 29 tasks

Aprendiendo programación en R con la robot Karel #620

mpru opened this issue Dec 28, 2023 · 43 comments


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mpru commented Dec 28, 2023

Nombre de la Persona Encargada: Marcos Prunello
Usuario GitHub de la Persona Encargada: @mpru
Versión Enviada:
Tipo de Envio: Estándar
Editora: @maurolepore
Revisores: @vjimenez9, @joelnitta

Archivo: TBD
Versión Aceptada: TBD
Idioma: es

  • Pega el archivo DESCRIPTION completo dentro del siguiente bloque de código.
Package: karel
Title: Learning programming with Karel the robot
    person(given = "Marcos",
           family = "Prunello",
           role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
           email = "",
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-9611-527X"))
Description: This is the R implementation of Karel the robot, a programming 
  language created by Dr. R. E. Pattis at Stanford University in 1981. Karel is 
  an useful tool to teach introductory concepts about general programming, such 
  as algorithmic decomposition, conditional statements, loops, etc., in an 
  interactive and fun way, by writing programs to make Karel the robot achieve 
  certain tasks in the world she lives in. Originally based on Pascal, Karel 
  was implemented in many languages through these decades, including 'Java', 'C++', 
  'Ruby' and 'Python'. This is the first package implementing Karel in R.
Depends: R (>= 3.6.0)
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
    testthat (>= 3.0.0),
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Config/testthat/edition: 3


  • Por favor, indica qué categoría(s) aplican a este paquete. Las puedes encontrar en nuestras políticas de inclusión de paquetes (Inglés). Por favor, tilda todas las apropiadas. Si no estás seguro, te sugerimos que comiences un pre-envío.

    • recuperación de datos (data retrieval)
    • extracción de datos (data extraction)
    • munging de datos (data munging)
    • disposición o declaración de datos (data deposition)
    • validación y prueba de datos (data validation and testing)
    • automatización de flujos de trabajo (workflow automation)
    • control de versiones (version control)
    • manejo de citas y bibliometría (citation management and bibliometrics)
    • envoltorios de software científico (scientific software wrappers)
    • herramientas para trabajo de campo y reproducibilidad (field and lab reproducibility tools)
    • ligamientos con software de base de datos (database software bindings)
    • datos geoespaciales (geospatial data)
    • análisis de texto (text analysis)
  • Explica cómo y por qué el paquete encaja dentro de estas categorías (1 a 3 oraciones):

    Este paquete no entra en ninguna categoría, ya que está relacionado con Educación. Fue aceptado para el Programa Campeones, bajo la supervisión de @yabellini.

  • ¿Cuál es la audiencia esperada y las aplicaciones científicas de este paquete?

    Este paquete es utilizado por docentes para enseñar conceptos introductorios sobre programación, como descomposición algorítmica, declaraciones condicionales, bucles, etc., a estudiantes que posteriormente utilicen R como lenguaje de programación para otras tareas. Ha sido creado con un enfoque multilingüe que actualmente incluye los idiomas español e inglés, pero que puede ser expandido a otros de forma sencilla.

  • ¿Hay otros paquetes de R que logren el mismo objetivo? Si los hay, ¿cómo se diferencian del tuyo, o alcanzan nuestro criterio del mejor de su categoría (documento en Inglés)?

    No actualmente, según mi conocimiento.

  • (Si aplica) ¿Tu paquete cumple con nuestras guías de Ética, Privacidad de Datos e Investigación de Sujetos Humanos (documento en Inglés)?

    No aplica.

  • Si ya has hecho una consulta de pre-envío, por favor pega el enlace al issue correspondiente, una publicación del foro, u otra discusión. Alternativamente, etiqueta al editor (con @tag) con el que te contactaste.

    No realicé consulta de pre-envío.

  • (Si aplica) Explique las razones de los elementos pkgcheck que su paquete no puede pasar.

    pkgcheck pasa cuando lo ejecuto localmente. He observado dos advertencias en el CI, pero creo que están relacionadas con pkgcheck y GitHub Actions, y no relacionadas directamente con mi paquete. En cuanto al estilo, obtengo la sugerencia de evitar largas líneas de código. Sin embargo, las únicas líneas de código que superan los 80 caracteres de ancho corresponden a cadenas de texto con mensajes en diferentes idiomas para los usuarios, dentro de las cuales prefiero no incluir saltos de línea.

Revisiones Técnicas

Tilda los siguientes items para confirmar que los has completado:

Este paquete:

Opciones de Publicación

Opciones para MEE
  • Este paquete es novedoso y será de interés para la mayoría de lectores de la revista.
  • El manuscrito que describe el paquete no tiene más de 3000 palabras y está escrito en Inglés.
  • Tienes intenciones de archivar el código del paquete en un repositorio a largo plazo, que cumple los requerimientos de la revista (mira las Políticas de Publicación de MEE (documento en Inglés))
  • (Alcance: Considera los Objetivos y Alcance de MEE (documento en Inglés) para tu manuscrito. No otorgamos garatías de que tu manuscrito esté en el ámbito de MEE.)
  • (Aunque no es requerido, recomendamos tener un manuscrito completamente preparado y en Inglés, al momento de enviar.)
  • (Por favor, no envíes tu paquete de forma separada a Methods in Ecology and Evolution)

Código de Conducta

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Thanks for submitting to rOpenSci, our editors and @ropensci-review-bot will reply soon. Type @ropensci-review-bot help for help.

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Editor check started


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Checks for karel (v0.1.1.9000)

git hash: 4b057e67

  • ✔️ Package is already on CRAN.
  • ✔️ has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'contributing' file.
  • ✔️ uses 'roxygen2'.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • ✔️ Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • ✔️ All functions have examples.
  • ✔️ Package has continuous integration checks.
  • ✔️ Package coverage is 87%.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no errors.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no warnings.
  • 👀 Function names are duplicated in other packages

(Checks marked with 👀 may be optionally addressed.)

Package License: GPL-2

1. Package Dependencies

Details of Package Dependency Usage (click to open)

The table below tallies all function calls to all packages ('ncalls'), both internal (r-base + recommended, along with the package itself), and external (imported and suggested packages). 'NA' values indicate packages to which no identified calls to R functions could be found. Note that these results are generated by an automated code-tagging system which may not be entirely accurate.

type package ncalls
internal base 104
internal karel 44
internal utils 9
internal methods 5
internal stats 3
imports cli 21
imports dplyr 10
imports ggplot2 6
imports magrittr 6
imports tidyr 4
imports purrr 2
imports gganimate 1
suggests testthat NA
suggests knitr NA
suggests rmarkdown NA
linking_to NA NA

Click below for tallies of functions used in each package. Locations of each call within this package may be generated locally by running 's <- pkgstats::pkgstats(<path/to/repo>)', and examining the 'external_calls' table.


c (33), message (22), call (17), paste (10), for (4), all (3), list (3), nrow (2), apply (1), array (1), dim (1), emptyenv (1), if (1), integer (1), new.env (1), numeric (1), seq_len (1), which (1)


beepers_present (3), get_beepers_df_row (2), get_pkg_env (2), load_super_karel (2), move (2), right_is_clear (2), turn_around (2), avanzar (1), cargar_super_karel (1), check_user_world (1), check_walls (1), conseguir_amb (1), create_beepers (1), darse_vuelta (1), derecha_abierto (1), draw_karel_df (1), facing_east (1), facing_north (1), facing_south (1), facing_west (1), front_is_blocked (1), front_is_clear (1), generate_world (1), karel_has_beepers (1), karel_has_no_beepers (1), left_is_blocked (1), left_is_clear (1), no_beepers_present (1), pick_beeper (1), plot_static_world (1), put_beeper (1), put_hor_walls (1), right_is_blocked (1), run_actions (1), turn_left (1), turn_right (1)


cli_abort (21)


n (4), tibble (3), filter (2), case_when (1)


de (7), data (2)


geom_point (2), scale_x_continuous (2), scale_y_continuous (2)


%>% (6)


el (5)


expand_grid (4)


time (3)


pmap_dfr (2)


gifski_renderer (1)

2. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has:

  • code in R (100% in 9 files) and
  • 1 authors
  • 12 vignettes
  • no internal data file
  • 7 imported packages
  • 63 exported functions (median 1 lines of code)
  • 111 non-exported functions in R (median 3 lines of code)

Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages
The following terminology is used:

  • loc = "Lines of Code"
  • fn = "function"
  • exp/not_exp = exported / not exported

All parameters are explained as tooltips in the locally-rendered HTML version of this report generated by the checks_to_markdown() function

The final measure (fn_call_network_size) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile.

measure value percentile noteworthy
files_R 9 55.2
files_vignettes 12 99.6
files_tests 5 81.7
loc_R 912 65.7
loc_vignettes 1844 96.8 TRUE
loc_tests 310 64.9
num_vignettes 12 99.9 TRUE
n_fns_r 174 87.6
n_fns_r_exported 63 91.0
n_fns_r_not_exported 111 85.7
n_fns_per_file_r 10 86.7
num_params_per_fn 2 11.9
loc_per_fn_r 1 0.0 TRUE
loc_per_fn_r_exp 1 0.0 TRUE
loc_per_fn_r_not_exp 3 1.5 TRUE
rel_whitespace_R 21 69.7
rel_whitespace_vignettes 38 98.6 TRUE
rel_whitespace_tests 17 57.6
doclines_per_fn_exp 66 77.1
doclines_per_fn_not_exp 0 0.0 TRUE
fn_call_network_size 66 71.8

2a. Network visualisation

Click to see the interactive network visualisation of calls between objects in package

3. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice checks (click to open)

3a. Continuous Integration Badges


GitHub Workflow Results

id name conclusion sha run_number date
7347999524 pages build and deployment success 1367b6 20 2023-12-28
7347980615 pkgcheck success 4b057e 13 2023-12-28
7347980611 pkgdown success 4b057e 23 2023-12-28
7347980603 R-CMD-check success 4b057e 5 2023-12-28

3b. goodpractice results

R CMD check with rcmdcheck

rcmdcheck found no errors, warnings, or notes

Test coverage with covr

Package coverage: 87.04

Cyclocomplexity with cyclocomp

The following functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15:

function cyclocomplexity
check_user_world 28
check_walls 16

Static code analyses with lintr

lintr found the following 53 potential issues:

message number of times
Avoid library() and require() calls in packages 4
Lines should not be more than 80 characters. 45
unexpected symbol 4

4. Other Checks

Details of other checks (click to open)

✖️ The following function name is duplicated in other packages:

    • move from BacArena, chess, cubing, red, rugarch, seqinr,

Package Versions

package version

Editor-in-Chief Instructions:

This package is in top shape and may be passed on to a handling editor

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jhollist commented Jan 2, 2024

@mpru Thank you for the submission. I am working on finding a handling editor.

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@ropensci-review-bot assign @maurolepore as editor

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Assigned! @maurolepore is now the editor

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maurolepore commented Jan 3, 2024

@mpru, es un placer editar tu paquete.

Pronto empezaré a trabajar en la lista de verificación.

Mientras tanto:

  • ¿Confirmas que la revisión debe ser en Castellano?
  • Por favor, sugiere 3 revisores/as. En rOpenSci, generalmente convocamos a no más de 1 de las personas sugeridas, pero utilizamos el resto para comprender mejor el perfil que crees que añadiría valor a tu paquete. Por favor evita conflictos de interés.

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@mpru, perdón por la confusión.

Dado que el paquete es multilingüe, el equipo editorial considera que la mejor opción es nominar un/a revisor/a en español y otro/a en inglés.

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mpru commented Jan 6, 2024

Hola, @maurolepore, gracias por involucrarte en este envío. Ambos idiomas están bien para mí y me parece genial la idea del equipo editorial. No estoy familiarizado con los nombres de la lista de revisores como para nominar candidatos. ¿Tal vez vos puedas ayudarme con eso?

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maurolepore commented Jan 7, 2024


Seguro ayudo con eso. Nuestra guia ofrece varias ideas sobre donde buscar revisore/as:

Yo usare esa misma guia pero en rOpenSci nos interesa tu opinion.

Cuando encuentres algun/a candidato/a por favor consiera evitar conflictos de interes.

@maurolepore maurolepore pinned this issue Jan 7, 2024
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maurolepore commented Jan 7, 2024

Dear @mpru,thanks for your work. Editor checks were super smooth.

You'll see some comments that require your attention. They are labeled ml01, ml02, and so on. The one(s) starting with a checkbox are required. The one(s) starting with a bullet are just for your consideration.

Editor checks:

  • Documentation: The package has sufficient documentation available online (README, pkgdown docs) to allow for an assessment of functionality and scope without installing the package. In particular,
    • Is the case for the package well made?
    • Is the reference index page clear (grouped by topic if necessary)?
    • Are vignettes readable, sufficiently detailed and not just perfunctory?
  • Fit: The package meets criteria for fit and overlap.
  • Installation instructions: Are installation instructions clear enough for human users?
  • Tests: If the package has some interactivity / HTTP / plot production etc. are the tests using state-of-the-art tooling?
  • Contributing information: Is the documentation for contribution clear enough e.g. tokens for tests, playgrounds?
  • License: The package has a CRAN or OSI accepted license.
  • Project management: Are the issue and PR trackers in a good shape, e.g. are there outstanding bugs, is it clear when feature requests are meant to be tackled?

Editor comments


rOpenSci accepts this package as part of the Champions program.


  • ml01. In the article "Getting started" consider removing "new" so that this sentence is still valid many years from now:

karel is a new R package ...


  • ml02. Please explain if and how the package tests interactivity.
  • ml03. I see few general tests. Consider spliting them in to more, smaller, specific tests so that it's easier
    to detect the problem when a test fails.

A search for "test_that(" shows that the test titles seem too general --

And I see many expectations per tests, e.g.:

You want to arrange things such that, when a test fails, you’ll know what’s wrong and where in your code to look for the problem. This motivates all our recommendations regarding file organisation, file naming, and the test description. Finally, try to avoid putting too many expectations in one test - it’s better to have more smaller tests than fewer larger tests.


  • ml04. I see the expected error is not specific.

Usually you care about two things when testing an error:

  • Does the code fail? Specifically, does it fail for the right reason?
  • Does the accompanying message make sense to the human who needs to deal with the error?


For example see

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mpru commented Jan 13, 2024

Thanks Mauro! I already started working in your comments, I'm reviewing and changing my unit tests. I'll suggest reviewers as well.

@maurolepore maurolepore unpinned this issue Jan 17, 2024
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@ropensci-review-bot seeking reviewers

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Please add this badge to the README of your package repository:

[![Status at rOpenSci Software Peer Review](](

Furthermore, if your package does not have a file yet, please create one to capture the changes made during the review process. See

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mpru commented Feb 15, 2024

Hi @maurolepore. I'm sorry I couldn't do it sooner but I wanted to let you know that I worked on your comments and think it might be ready to give it another try.


  • The "Getting started" article was updated with your suggestion.


  • Unit tests were rewritten to make them more specific:

    • I think it's easier now to detect the problem when a test fails, as the titles are more descriptive of what is being evaluated. Large tests with lots of expectations were replaced by smaller ones.

    • Most of the test files were separated, creating a version for each implemented language. It is important to evaluate the external functions available in each language, to ensure that they are calling the correct internal functions.

  • Unit tests based on the vdiffr package were added to test for interactivity with snapshots:

    • Before your comment, the package did not test interactivity or use any state-of-the-art tooling for something like that. Following your observation, I added test units that are based on the vdiffr package, which allows monitoring the appearance of graphics by generating SVG files and saving them as testthat snapshots.

    • When a person using this package writes code to make Karel solve a problem, the result will be, provided everything goes well, a gif that shows Karel executing the programmed actions. The gif is created internally with gganimate from many ggplot2 plots. The package offers a function to access any of these graphs (plot_static_world), which I use to create examples and statements for new exercises, as well for debugging (it's not ment for students). The new units for testing interactivity execute pieces of code (simple or long) for Karel to solve various problems (taken from tutorials on the web) and use plot_static_world() to capture the graph that shows what Karel's world should be like at the end of each process. If the package works correctly and nothing has broken, these tests should indicate agreement between the captured image and the snapshot saved as reference. These tests are located in the file test-snapshots.R

  • Removed the library() calls in the tests files.


  • Upgraded the version number from to (not sure if this is ok).
  • Added the rOpenSci badge required by the bot to the README file.
  • The NEWS file was modified to comply with rOpenSci suggestiones.
  • A wrong error message was discovered while writing new unit tests and was fixed.

Suggested reviewers

  • I saw that Maëlle Salmon was recently working on a package called babelquarto to create multilingual websites or books (like the one in the new version of the rOpenSci developer guide). Johannes Ranke and Joel Nitta appear as contributors in the babelquarto repo. Maybe one of these three people could be?

  • I also thought that we could call on the person who was my mentor during the Champions program, who already knows the project, Lukas Walrich, although I don't know if that could imply a conflict of interest.

  • Following the suggestion of searching among authors of rOpenSci packages is not easy since this submission does not fall into any of the categories (an exception has been made within the framework of the Champions program).

  • I didn't understand how to use Airtable to search for potential reviewers, could it be that the general public doesn't have access to the database and only editors?

That's all for now, thanks.

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@mpru thanks a lot for this! It will make the reviewers's job easier.

Upgraded the version number from to (not sure if this is ok).

I think it's OK. That's the kind of increment I see with fledge::bum_version() in my own packages.

I didn't understand how to use Airtable to search for potential reviewers, could it be that the general public doesn't have access to the database and only editors?

I think you're right, and Airtable is only useful to editors with the right access permission.

I'll resume the search for reviewers.

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@ropensci-review-bot assign @vjimenez9 as reviewer

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@vjimenez9 added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2024-03-14. Thanks @vjimenez9 for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

rOpenSci’s community is our best asset. We aim for reviews to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality. Be respectful and kind! See our reviewers guide and code of conduct for more.

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@vjimenez9: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

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@vjimenez9, dado que el paquete es multilingüe, el equipo editorial considera que la mejor opción es nominar un/a revisor/a en español y otro/a en inglés. Podias revisarlo en español?

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@ropensci-review-bot assign @joelnitta as reviewer

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@joelnitta added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2024-03-24. Thanks @joelnitta for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

rOpenSci’s community is our best asset. We aim for reviews to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality. Be respectful and kind! See our reviewers guide and code of conduct for more.

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@joelnitta: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

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📆 @vjimenez9 you have 2 days left before the due date for your review (2024-03-14).

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vjimenez9 commented Mar 14, 2024


Hoy es el ultimo dia de revisión que tengo. Ya prácticamente revisé todo el paquete y tengo mis comentarios y anotación...Entiendo que los agrego al documento y subo este documento acá. Cierto?
Espero terminar esto en el transcurso de la tarde, pero espero que no haya mucho problema si concluyo mañana por la mañana, porque mi Mac me esta dando problemas con la subida de archivos a github

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vjimenez9 commented Mar 15, 2024

Aqui el resultado de mi revisión:

Revisión de un paquete

Por favor trata de marcar tantas casillas como te sea posible y elabora tus argumentos en comentarios abajo de cada una. Tu revisión no esta limitada a estos temas, tal como se describe en la guia para revisores (Reviewer Guide)

Por favor describe cualquier relación de trabajo que tengas/hayas tenido con los autores del paquete)

  • Como revisor confirmo que no tengo conflictos de interés para poder hacer la revisión de este trabajo (si no estas segura si tienes un conflicto por favor entra en contacto con tu editor antes de arrancar con la revisión.


El paquete incluye todos los siguiente tipos de documentación:

  • Una declaración de necesidades que claramente describe las necesidades que el software esta diseñado a resolver y el public meta que busca atender en el archivo README
  • Instrucciones de instalación de la versión en desarrollo del paquete incluyendo cualquier dependencia no-estándar en el archivo README
    Nota: En README no se especifica que no es posible instalarlo en Ubuntu, tampoco que se requiere tener instalado RUST
  • Viñeta(s) demostrando la funcionalidad principal que ademas corren localmente
  • Documentación de las funciones exportadas
    Nota: Seria muy util que en la documentación se describa cada uno de los parametros de generar_mundo en lugar de solo listarlos. Hay que revisar porque no todas las funciones tienen ayuda (por ejemplo invertir)
  • Ejemplos (que corren localmente) para todas las funciones exportadas
  • Directrices comunitarias incluyendo una guia de contribución en el archivo README o el archivo CONTRIBUTING y un archivo DESCRIPTION que incluye URL, BugReports and Maintainer (todas en inglés por concenvión y para que puedan ser autogeneradas con Authors@R).
    Nota: No encontre BugReport, ni Maintener


  • Instalación: La instalación se completa con éxito tal como fue documentada.
    En realidad, inicie la instalación en ubuntu, pero me marco que el paquete no estaba disponible para esa versión de R, buscando un poco mas, me tope que era el SO
  • Funcionalidad: Toda afirmación de funcionalidad del software se confirma como existente.
  • Desempeño: Toda afirmación de desempeño del software se confirma como alcanzada.
  • Pruebas automáticas: Hay pruebas unitarias que cubren las funciones esenciales dentro del paquete con un rango razonable de entradas y condiciones. Todas las pruebas corren en la maquina local.
  • Directrices de empaque: El paquete cumple con las directrices de empaque de rOpenSci.

Estimación de horas dedicadas a la revisión:
6 horas.

  • Si la o las persona(s) autora(s) lo considera(n) apropiado, yo estoy de acuerdo con que me reconozcan como revisor del paquete (el rol "rev') en la el archivo DESCRIPTION del paquete.

Comentarios de la revisión

  • ¿El código cumple con los principios generales de la guía de revisión de Mozilla?
    No me queda claro si hubo alguna revisión por pares, o como dice la guia es un Flying Solo. Por otro lado me parece que la meta es clara y se cumple.
  • ¿El paquete cumple con la guía de embalaje rOpenSci?
    en general si
  • ¿Se podrían realizar mejoras en el estilo del código?
  • ¿Hay duplicación de código en el paquete que debería reducirse?
    No necesariamente se duplica, pero hay lugares donde se puede obtimizar. Por ejemplo donde se dibuja a Karel, se pueden definir un grupo de vectores que se asignen al tible en función de la dirección, en lugar de crear los 4 tibles por separado.
    Tambien cuando se hacen los chequeos podria genear una función a la que se llama multiples veces con el objeto a checar...
  • ¿Se podrían realizar mejoras en la interfaz de usuario?
  • ¿Se podrían realizar mejoras de rendimiento?
  • ¿La documentación (instrucciones de instalación/viñetas/ejemplos/demostraciones) es clara y suficiente? ¿Utiliza el principio de múltiples puntos de entrada, es decir, tiene en cuenta el hecho de que cualquier documento puede ser el primer encuentro que el usuario tiene con el paquete y/o la herramienta/datos que incluye?
  • ¿Se nombraron funciones y argumentos para trabajar juntos para formar una API de programación lógica común que sea fácil de leer y autocompletar?
  • Si tiene sus propios datos/problemas relevantes, resuélvalos con el paquete. Es posible que encuentre aspectos difíciles y casos de uso en los que el autor no pensó.
    Me parece que no aplica

Mis notas:

Empece haciendo la instalación en una computadora con SO Ubuntu y me marcó

Warning in install.packages :
  packageKarelis not available for this version of R

Averigundo un poco, encontré que No hay una versión para ubuntu. Sería util que lo dijeran desde el README.

Luego hice la instalación en una macOS.
Les dejo aqui los detalles de los inconvenientes que tuve para realizar la istalación (Solo con fines informativos):

> install.packages("karel")
also installing the dependenciesscales’, ‘lpSolve’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘transformr’, ‘tweenr’, ‘gganimate’, ‘gifskiWarning in install.packages :
  lzma decoder corrupt dataY

Solución: descargar los compilables...

ℹ The package "gifski" is required to use the `gifski_renderer`Would you like to install it?

Me indica que no esta instalado un compilador...y me pide instalar rust...¿Porque ? Bueno pues instalo rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Al volver intentar me dice:

Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package calledgifski

Vuelvo a instalar el paquete, y me dice:

There is a binary version available but
  the source version is later:
        binary   source needs_compilation
gifski 1.6.6-1 1.12.0-2              TRUE

Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation? (Yes/no/cancel) 

Durante 3 ocasiones le dije si y me volvía a marcar que la instalación se daba con errores, la ultima vez, le dije que no compilara...Y jalo!!

Del texto :

En general es muy bonito "el karel" .

Tengo algunas sugerencias de modificación en el texto, que son eso "sugerencias" o comentarios de mi punto de vista. Siempre en el afan de mejorar o hacer mas claro el texto.

====Del texto:

Desafortunadamente, las computadoras no entienden español ni otro idioma humano. Hay que pasarles las instrucciones en un lenguaje que sean capaces de entender. Para eso debemos aprender algún lenguaje de programación,
Pero...los lenguajes de programación están escritos en su mayoría en idioma ingles, hay algunos incluso en español...que son idiomas humanos, creo que el problema no es el idioma sino la sintaxis del idioma.

Ahora bien, ¿por qué debemos estudiar programación en si nos dedicamos a la Estadística? La actividad de los profesionales estadísticos está atravesada en su totalidad por la necesidad de manejar con soltura herramientas informáticas que nos asisten en las distintas etapas de nuestra labor, desde la recolección y depuración de conjuntos de datos, pasando por la aplicación de distintas metodologías de análisis, hasta la comunicación efectiva de los resultados.
Me parece que no todo el mundo al que va dirigido este paquete es del area de estadística...O aunque aplique estadística se identifica como analista de datos o científicos de datos...¿No sería mas conveniente remplazar la pregunta por:
¿Porqué debemos aprender a programar cuando queremos analizar datos, generar estadísticas, gráficas y conclusiones? La actividad de los profesionales estadísticos, de ciencia de Datos, o cualquier persona que requiera hacer análisis de datos se potencia con el manejo de herramientas bioinformáticas y capacidades de programación que nos asisten...

en este tutorial estudiaremos los conceptos básicos de esta disciplina

en este tutorial estudiaremos los conceptos básicos de los lenguajes de programación.

El lengua de programación en el que se basa ...
Debe decir:
El lenguaje de programación en el que se basa ...

que viene bien tener presentea.

Debe decir:
que viene bien tener presente.

En programación, el lenguaje artificial e informal


No estoy tan de acuerdo que el pseudocodigo sea un "lenguaje artificial e informal".

El programa se guarda en un archivo con un nombre generalmente dividido en dos partes por un punto, por ejemplo: mi_primer_programa.R. La primera parte es la raíz del nombre con la cual podemos describir el contenido del archivo. La segunda parte es indicativa del uso del archivo, por ejemplo, .R indica que contiene un programa escrito en el lenguaje R. El proceso general de ingresar o modificar el contenido de un archivo se denomina edición.

La codificación del programa se guarda en un archivo de texto plano con un identificador generalmente dividido en dos partes por un punto, por ejemplo: mi_primer_programa.R. La primera parte es el nombre del archivo. La segunda parte es indicativa del lenguaje que puede interpretar las instrucciones, por ejemplo, .R indica que contiene un programa escrito en el lenguaje R. El proceso general de escribir o modificar las instrucciones en un archivo se denomina edición.

En la sección de los errores creo que sería util hablar de que hay dos tipos de errores: los lógicos y los sintácticos. Estos últimos tienen que ver cuándo las instrucciones, o nombres de variables no son correctamente escritos y el programa no puede "interpretarlos". Los errores lógicos, se generan con instrucciones que el programa puede interpretar, pero que realizan cosas que no queremos.

Estoy de acuerdo que el procesador es el lenguaje que "procesa, interpreta y ejecuta" las instrucciones....Pero la frase "Todos los elementos disponibles para ser utilizados por el procesador constituyen su entorno o ambiente." Yo digo que no son elementos disponibles para el procesador, son elementos disponibles para el programador.

En la sección, organización de RStudio:

Me parece que hay que tener cuidado con decir que el editor es "un Word muy simple", puede sugerir erróneamente que se puede usar word para editar un archivo, cosa que es completamente errónea. Necesitamos un poderoso editor de texto plano como lo proporciona RStudio que puede hacer muchísimas cosas que un "simple word" no puede hacer durante la creación de un archivo de programación.

Abajo está la consola. Es la ventana que se comunica con R

La consola es el ambiente interactivo entre R y el usuario.

Environment (ambiente): muestra todos los elementos que componen al ambiente o entorno.

Environment (ambiente): muestra todos objetos generados en la sesión presente

History (historial): lista todas las instrucciones que R ha corrido anteriormente.

History (historial): lista todas las instrucciones que el usuario ha ejecutado.

(Porque en los sistemas mutiusuario no vez todo lo que ha ejecuta R, solo lo que tu usuario ha ejecutado)

Packages: listado de los “paquetes” que tenemos instalados (ver más adelante).
Debe decir:
Packages: Herramienta de instalación, actualización y carga de los paquetes de R.

Tu ejemplo de la consola me confunde un poco:

1 + 2
#> [1] 3
5 * 3
#> [1] 15

¿No debería la instrucción ir después del prompt ">". Y justo la respuesta de R ir sin prompt? O ¿que es #> ? En todo caso, describe al usuario cual es el prompt del sistema que esta en espera de una instrucción y con cual prompt (si existe) , R te muestra los resultados

En la sección conociendo a karel

La función generar_mundo tiene un argumento "mundo001". Podrias aprovechar este hecho para introducir el concepto de "argumento", y porque los paréntesis vacíos a veces es la ausencia de argumentos o la existencia de argumentos definidos por default.

Descomposición algorítmica

Este es un tema muy importante y muy complejo, pero en el flujo de tu documentación siento un salto cuántico importante. Pasan de 0 a 100 en un solo acelerón...Pero no tengo una propuesta concreta de como "deshacelerar"

En esta sección también varias aseveraciones que me parecen desafortunadas. Por poner solo un ejemplo (hay varios) :
Es importante notar que, para que podamos usar la función girar_izquierda(), la misma tiene que ser definida y evaluada por R antes de que hagamos uso de la misma para resolver nuestro problema:


Yo creo en este caso, la función no es definida por R, es definida por el usuario, y esta definición debe estar "antes" de ser invocada en un programa de R.

Documentación de los subalgoritmos

En el propio texto indicas la importancia de documentar, para que se usa tu función y en el ejemplo nunca se especifica para qué sirve.

Nunca se indico qué significan los # al inicio de la linea y sería muy util para los usuarios, así que se puede aprovechar esta sección agregando un comentario que explica que la documentación se introduce como "comentarios" que son antecedidos por #

Podrías poner al menos una liga con lineamientos para la documentación de funciones (por ejemplo: O cualquier otra

Estructuras condicionales simples

se procede a ejecutar las acciones encerradas por esta estructura.

Sugiero que diga:
se procede a ejecutar las acciones delimitadas entre las {} que definen el cuerpo de esta estructura.

Si la condición no se verifica,

Debe decir:
Si la condición es falsa

Comentario: siempre se verifica, y esta verificación a veces arroja verdadero a veces falso. Pero veo que a lo largo del texto se usa muchas veces "verificar" como sinónimo de la evaluación verdadera, entonces, quizá solo al inicio, indicar esta "interpretación" de la palabra verificar. Algo así como: "Decimos que un enunciado se verifica, cuando su evaluación lógica es verdadera"

Mantener la prolijidad en nuestros programas es esencial.
Sugiero que diga:
Mantener la claridad en nuestros programas es esencial.

La letra i recibe el nombre de variable de iteración

No hemos definido que es una variable. Mi sugerencia es incluir desde la primera o segunda seccion

El bloque de instrucciones se repite tantas veces como i tarde en llegar a 5 partiendo desde 1.

El bloque de instrucciones se repite tantas veces como i tarde en llegar a 5 partiendo desde 1, esto se define con un rango de valores en R usando la nomenclatura 1:5.


for (<variable> in <valor1>:<valor2>) {


for (<variable> in <valorInicial>:<valorFinal>) {

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maurolepore commented Mar 15, 2024

@ropensci-review-bot submit review #620 (comment) time 6

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Logged review for vjimenez9 (hours: 6)

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Muchas gracias @vjimenez9

Edite tu comentario para mostrar tu revision directamente aca. Es la forma mas habitual. Perdon que me olvide de aclararlo.

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📆 @joelnitta you have 2 days left before the due date for your review (2024-03-24).

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mpru commented Mar 29, 2024

¡Hola @vjimenez9!

Muchísimas gracias por haber aceptado revisar este paquete y por el esfuerzo y dedicación puestos en esta tarea. Tus observaciones son muy útiles. A continuación voy a ir respondiéndolas:


Instrucciones de instalación
Nota: En README no se especifica que no es posible instalarlo en Ubuntu, tampoco que se requiere tener instalado RUST

Acerca de la instalación en Ubuntu, no he podido reproducir este inconveniente. De hecho, el paquete ha sido desarrollado en Ubuntu, ya que es el sistema operativo con el que trabajo. Utilicé rhub::check_on_ubuntu() para evaluarlo en un medio externo y al parecer la evaluación fue exitosa.

De todas formas, veo en la salida que muestras que dice "Karel" con mayúscula, el paquete se llama "karel" con minúscula. ¿Puede que sea esa la razón por la cual no lo pudiste instalar?

Tampoco hemos detectado problemas de instalación en Windows o en Posit Cloud, que son los entornos más utilizamos en clase. Además de correr pkgcheck, he utilizado devtools para chequear el paquete con check_win, abajo pongo los enlaces, no parece haber habido algún problema relacionado a la instalación:

Con respecto a macOS, he corrido devtools::check_mac_release() y no parece haber detectado problemas con la instalación. Lamentablemente ni yo ni las personas en mi entorno usan macOS como para poder hacer pruebas locales, no sé cómo afrontar esta parte, agradezco sugerencias.


El punto Directrices de empaque no ha sido tildado, ¿podrías orientarme acerca de qué aspecto revisar? Entiendo que relacionado con esto debe estar el comentario de la revisón que dice:

¿El paquete cumple con la guía de embalaje rOpenSci? en general si

Comentarios de la revisión

¿El código cumple con los principios generales de la guía de revisión de Mozilla?
No me queda claro si hubo alguna revisión por pares, o como dice la guia es un Flying Solo. Por otro lado me parece que la meta es clara y se cumple.

El paquete no ha tenido otra revisión por fuera de rOpenSci, pero participar del presente proceso de revisión de rOpenSci a través del programa Champions satisface este requisito.

¿Hay duplicación de código en el paquete que debería reducirse?
No necesariamente se duplica, pero hay lugares donde se puede obtimizar. Por ejemplo donde se dibuja a Karel, se pueden definir un grupo de vectores que se asignen al tible en función de la dirección, en lugar de crear los 4 tibles por separado.
Tambien cuando se hacen los chequeos podria genear una función a la que se llama multiples veces con el objeto a checar...

Cambiar la estructura de objetos diseñada para graficar a Karel en cada paso implicaría reformar todo el código base del paquete. En su uso no se me han presentado situaciones que me hicieran pensar que una reestructuración sea necesaria. ¿Consideras estrictamente necesario este cambio? ¿O es sólo una observación?

Sección Mis notas

Averigundo un poco, encontré que No hay una versión para ubuntu. Sería util que lo dijeran desde el README.
Luego hice la instalación en una macOS.
Les dejo aqui los detalles de los inconvenientes que tuve para realizar la istalación (Solo con fines informativos):

Ver mi comentario anterior al respecto.

Sugerencias de modificación en el texto.

Con respecto a tus sugerencias de mejoras para el texto de los tutoriales, te agradezco por cada una de ellas y por haberlo leído con atención. Incorporé casi todas en el commit mpru/karel@fb65a4c, dejando de lado sólo algunas porque se refieren a cuestiones que en realidad estaban resueltas o presentes en otras partes, o por diferencia de criterio.

Bueno, esto es lo que tengo para responder con respecto a tu revisión. Te agradezco nuevamente por ĺa buena voluntad y disposición de evaluar mi trabajo, espero que podamos seguir trabajando hasta lograr el objetivo.

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Estimado @mpru:

Tienes razón, es muy probable que el error fue por la K mayúscula de Karel en la instalación de ubuntu. Esta fue la razón por la que no puse el tilde en "directrices de empaque". porque no me funcionaba en ubuntu y hubo complicaciones en mac, básicamente fue esa la razón.

Reestructurar el código para reducir duplicidad o simplificarlo, es una sugerencia, y no un requisito obligatorio. No tengo problema con que se quede como esta. Finalmente funciona, y funciona bien.

Tu herramienta es muy bonita, pero finalmente tengo ya varios años generando material para la enseñanza de programación y por eso me atreví a SUGERIR tan detalladamente en el texto, siempre con el objetivo de mejorarlo. Me parece que la mayoría de lo vital quedo plasmado. Supongo que con esto terminan mis sugerencias y no me queda mas que felicitarte.

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@joelnitta just a friendly reminder that we're looking forward to your review :-)

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joelnitta commented Apr 2, 2024

Package Review

  • Briefly describe any working relationship you have (had) with the package authors.
  • As the reviewer I confirm that there are no conflicts of interest for me to review this work (if you are unsure whether you are in conflict, please speak to your editor before starting your review).


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

  • A statement of need: clearly stating problems the software is designed to solve and its target audience in README
  • Installation instructions: for the development version of package and any non-standard dependencies in README
  • Vignette(s): demonstrating major functionality that runs successfully locally
  • Function Documentation: for all exported functions
  • Examples: (that run successfully locally) for all exported functions
  • Community guidelines: including contribution guidelines in the README or CONTRIBUTING, and DESCRIPTION with URL, BugReports and Maintainer (which may be autogenerated via Authors@R).


  • Installation: Installation succeeds as documented.
  • Functionality: Any functional claims of the software have been confirmed.
  • Performance: Any performance claims of the software have been confirmed.
  • Automated tests: Unit tests cover essential functions of the package and a reasonable range of inputs and conditions. All tests pass on the local machine.
  • Packaging guidelines: The package conforms to the rOpenSci packaging guidelines.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 5

  • Should the author(s) deem it appropriate, I agree to be acknowledged as a package reviewer ("rev" role) in the package DESCRIPTION file.

Review Comments

To-do list

  • Add statement of need. The Who is Karel? section of the README hints at the need but does not describe it explicitly.


Many of the error messages are preceded by cli::cli_rule(). While of course informative error messages are important, care should be taken that the package is not overly chatty. I don't see why the cli::cli_rule() is needed.


For expect_error(), it is a good idea to indicate the expected error message using the regexp argument so that you know the error is actually the expected one and not another error. This also makes the intention of the test clearer, for example the first test of test-set_up.R.

There is a lot of repeated code in test-set_up.R where each list of world elements (world_test) is being defined slightly differently. I think this could be simplified by starting with a single world_test_template list, then modifying it for each test to check that the correct error message is generated. For example:

world_test_template <- list(
  nx = 6, ny = 4,
  hor_walls = dplyr::tibble(x = 3, y = 1, lgth = 3),
  ver_walls = dplyr::tibble(x = 3, y = 0, lgth = 1),
  karel_x = 1, karel_y = 1,
  karel_dir = 1,
  beepers_x = 2, beepers_y = 1, beepers_n = 1,
  beepers_bag = Inf)

test_that("The generic world template works correctly before modifying it
           in subsequent tests", {

test_that("Karel's initial direction is required when creating a new world
           provided as a list by the user.", {
  world_test <- world_test_template
  world_test$karel_x <- NULL
  expect_error(generate_world(world_test), "karel_x is missing")

test_that("The correct number of avenues (nx) is required when creating a newa
           world provided as a list by the user.", {
  world_test <- world_test_template
  world_test$nx <- 6.4
    "nx, the number of avenues, must be numeric of length 1")

It would be good to add a test coverage badge so we can verify what percentage of functions are included in tests.


I recommend use of if (interactive()) instead of if(FALSE) for skipping example code like run_actions() that should not be run during checks. if (interactive()) is more explicit in its intent than if(FALSE), and will work when users copy-paste the example code. Sometimes CRAN checks can be picky about how you specify which code to skip in examples.

Multilingual documentation

As far as I know, this package is unique in its approach to multilingual functionality and documentation. I applaud the author for this commitment to breaking down linguistic barriers. However, there are several aspects to consider carefully here.

I am a little concerned about the multilingual aliases for function names. First, I think ultimately it could be counter-productive for the learners. For better or worse, English is the standard language used in programming. If the goal is to teach students programming, at some point they will have to deal with words that are in English. We can even see this in karel lessons: although the karel functions have names in Spanish, the learners still need to use base R code with syntax like if(), else(), function(), etc. It may be better to get them used to writing R syntax in English from the start instead of mixing English and Spanish (or another language). Furthermore, CRAN does not allow non-ASCII characters in R code, so it will be difficult or impossible to display function names in some non-English languages. Finally, using only one name per function makes the package easier to maintain. Currently, entire test files are duplicated and must be maintained due to having function aliases. However, as I mention below, one argument in favor of function aliases is that it allows you to maintain help files in a different languages... this is a complicated topic!

Apart from function names, I think localization of function UI and documentation is absolutely a plus and should be done. I see this as falling into three main categories: localization of UI, documentation of functions in the package (help files), and the package website. This package is pushing the limits of what R can do in terms of multilingual functionality, and as I describe below, mature solutions for each of these are not yet available in some cases.

For localizing the UI (function messages), I recommend the potools package (and PO files). This provides a very clean way to localize a package. Once it is set up, the user should have a seamless linguistic experience: if they are using a computer with a Spanish locale, all of the package messages will be in Spanish; same for English, etc. To get started with potools, I recommend this blog post by Maëlle Salmon. This is the localization aspect that has the most mature solution available.

@eliocamp is working on a package to localize help file contents, rhelpi18n. It should eventually provide a similar seamless experience as UI localization with PO tools, but unfortunately does not seem ready for production use yet. So honestly I am not sure what to do here. I wish there was a way to provide a help file in an alternate language that did not require a different function name. Actually, this may be a point in favor of keeping function aliases: it actually allows you to provide help files in different languages.

For the website, it would be ideal if there was a "language button" that could be clicked to switch between languages on a given page. With the current setup, both languages (Spanish and English) are displayed in a single webpage, but a given user probably only needs to see one or the other. Also, while this approach works OK for two languages, it would likely become unusable if any more were added. It would be great if pkgdown fully supported multilingual websites, but unfortunately this does not seem to be the case. Although pkgdown can provide website elements in different languages by setting a YAML parameter, it is limited to making a single webpage in one language. Since this is currently set to Spanish, various website elements appear in Spanish even though some of the content is in English. So, in absence of a genuine solution from pkgdown, I wonder if a work-around via forking the package and maintaining a website in a different language from there could be an option. This is not ideal, but it would scale better if multiple languages were to be implemented.


This package is also unique in that much of the vignette contents are actually lessons teaching programming in R with karel, rather just than how to use the karel functions. I think it may be preferable to split out the lessons teaching R into their own website. This would make maintaining the package easier. I am not sure of the optimal format, but one that I can recommend is the Carpentries lesson template (known as "the Workbench"). I could easily see the vignette contents being converted into a Carpentries lesson and hosted on the Carpentries Incubator. Please consider this.

I also noticed that much of the lesson content is focused on control flow. While this makes sense as a general feature of programming languages, R these days is often used for data analysis, which may not necessarily put as much emphasis on control flow. I personally almost never use while(), and try to use apply or purrr::map_() family functions instead of for loops. I wonder if there may be someway to use karel to help teach data analysis, as it is in relatively high demand.

Other random comments

  • When the gif plays, it is automatically looped. This makes it a bit hard to tell where the commands start and end, especially if Karel ends up in the same place she started. You may want to add "start" and "end" text to make this clearer. Another idea is to make the looping optional, since it is a bit confusing to the learner that Karel repeats her actions even though we have not explicitly used a for() loop etc.

  • Why do the beepers have the number "1" on them?

  • Under the Available actions for Karel section in English, there are two functions in Spanish, poner_coso() and juntar_coso().

  • The examples for the internal functions should use karel:::, not karel::. Because of this, the examples for get_pkg_env() and plot_static_world() fail.

  • Please note I submitted a PR correcting some typos

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@ropensci-review-bot submit review #620 (comment) time 5

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Logged review for joelnitta (hours: 5)

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Thanks @vjimenez9 and @joelnitta for your reviews!

@mpru I see you already responded to @vjimenez9's reivew (in #620 (comment)). If that's your final response to that review, then please simply acknowledge it; else please add whatever you feel necessary and/or refer to #620 (comment) when appropriate.

Also please respond to @joelnitta's review.

We recommend responding within the next 2 weeks.

In general aim for 3 weeks for review, 2 weeks for subsequent changes, and 1 week for reviewer approval of changes.

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@mpru: please post your response with @ropensci-review-bot submit response <url to issue comment> if you haven't done so already (this is an automatic reminder).

Here's the author guide for response.

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mpru commented Apr 18, 2024

@maurolepore hoy se cumplen las dos semanas de plazo para completar mis respuestas, pero aún no he tenido oportunidad de hacerlo. Pido disculpas por la demora, espero hacerlo a la brevedad.

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OK, gracias por avisar :-)

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mpru commented May 9, 2024

@maurolepore, apologies for the delay, here I acknowledge my previous response to Veronica and proceed to respond to Joel.

Response to @vjimenez9

My response to @vjimenez9 was stated in this comment. I really thank you again for your comments and suggestions.

Response to @joelnitta

Thank you very much for all the work and commitment put into reviewing my package. I really appreciate all the comments and corrections made, many of which I would have liked to have read during the initial stages of the package's development, since they refer to structural issues of the package. Below I am going to respond to your comments one by one, indicating the changes applied to the package or the reason why I have not implemented, at least for now, some of the suggestions.

Review Comments

To-do list

  • Add statement of need. The Who is Karel? section of the README hints at the need but does not describe it explicitly.

Response. Updated README in mpru/karel@d07dfcb to try to address it more explicitly.


Many of the error messages are preceded by cli::cli_rule(). While of course informative error messages are important, care should be taken that the package is not overly chatty. I don't see why the cli::cli_rule() is needed.

Response. Removed all calls to cli_rule() in mpru/karel@a644c01


For expect_error(), it is a good idea to indicate the expected error message using the regexp argument so that you know the error is actually the expected one and not another error. This also makes the intention of the test clearer, for example the first test of test-set_up.R.

There is a lot of repeated code in test-set_up.R where each list of world elements (world_test) is being defined slightly differently. I think this could be simplified by starting with a single world_test_template list, then modifying it for each test to check that the correct error message is generated. For example:

world_test_template <- list(
  nx = 6, ny = 4,
  hor_walls = dplyr::tibble(x = 3, y = 1, lgth = 3),
  ver_walls = dplyr::tibble(x = 3, y = 0, lgth = 1),
  karel_x = 1, karel_y = 1,
  karel_dir = 1,
  beepers_x = 2, beepers_y = 1, beepers_n = 1,
  beepers_bag = Inf)

test_that("The generic world template works correctly before modifying it
           in subsequent tests", {

test_that("Karel's initial direction is required when creating a new world
           provided as a list by the user.", {
  world_test <- world_test_template
  world_test$karel_x <- NULL
  expect_error(generate_world(world_test), "karel_x is missing")

test_that("The correct number of avenues (nx) is required when creating a newa
           world provided as a list by the user.", {
  world_test <- world_test_template
  world_test$nx <- 6.4
    "nx, the number of avenues, must be numeric of length 1")

Response: Changed tests to implement this in mpru/karel@ae770bf and mpru/karel@a995fa8

It would be good to add a test coverage badge so we can verify what percentage of functions are included in tests.

Response: Implemented in mpru/karel@9c1b69c


I recommend use of if (interactive()) instead of if(FALSE) for skipping example code like run_actions() that should not be run during checks. if (interactive()) is more explicit in its intent than if(FALSE), and will work when users copy-paste the example code. Sometimes CRAN checks can be picky about how you specify which code to skip in examples.

Response. Fixed in mpru/karel@cb143b5

Multilingual documentation

As far as I know, this package is unique in its approach to multilingual functionality and documentation. I applaud the author for this commitment to breaking down linguistic barriers. However, there are several aspects to consider carefully here.

I am a little concerned about the multilingual aliases for function names. First, I think ultimately it could be counter-productive for the learners. For better or worse, English is the standard language used in programming. If the goal is to teach students programming, at some point they will have to deal with words that are in English. We can even see this in karel lessons: although the karel functions have names in Spanish, the learners still need to use base R code with syntax like if(), else(), function(), etc. It may be better to get them used to writing R syntax in English from the start instead of mixing English and Spanish (or another language). Furthermore, CRAN does not allow non-ASCII characters in R code, so it will be difficult or impossible to display function names in some non-English languages. Finally, using only one name per function makes the package easier to maintain. Currently, entire test files are duplicated and must be maintained due to having function aliases. However, as I mention below, one argument in favor of function aliases is that it allows you to maintain help files in a different languages... this is a complicated topic!

Response. I share your point of view. For better or worse, and sooner or later, our students must learn to use English, not only for programming, but because much of the new literature in the discipline is written in English. However, for the context in which we use this package (or in which I think others may use it, I write more about this later), I think there is an important difference between using and learning just a few English terms (if, else, function, etc.) and having everything else in Spanish, and having absolutely everything in English. With aliases, students can think about and discuss what actions Karel should take to solve a problem and write them down in their own language (e.g., girar a la derecha, juntar, poner), while also being able to consult help and see examples in their own language. I understand that this does not solve the need for English in the medium term, but I like having the possibility of using the environment mostly in Spanish as a first approach.

Apart from function names, I think localization of function UI and documentation is absolutely a plus and should be done. I see this as falling into three main categories: localization of UI, documentation of functions in the package (help files), and the package website. This package is pushing the limits of what R can do in terms of multilingual functionality, and as I describe below, mature solutions for each of these are not yet available in some cases.

For localizing the UI (function messages), I recommend the potools package (and PO files). This provides a very clean way to localize a package. Once it is set up, the user should have a seamless linguistic experience: if they are using a computer with a Spanish locale, all of the package messages will be in Spanish; same for English, etc. To get started with potools, I recommend this blog post by Maëlle Salmon. This is the localization aspect that has the most mature solution available.

Response: Thanks for commenting on the potools package, I didn't know about it. I think it's something I could explore, and I'd like to, although this would involve changing the current structure of the package extensively and in the short term I don't think I can do it. However, this approach goes hand in hand with having all function names written in one language (which should be English, following the previous reasoning that the rest of the statements like if, function, for, etc., are in English), but I really want and like the names of the functions to be in Spanish, and to use them in Spanish with my students, even though this incurs the alias system with the limitations that we discussed before.

@eliocamp is working on a package to localize help file contents, rhelpi18n. It should eventually provide a similar seamless experience as UI localization with PO tools, but unfortunately does not seem ready for production use yet. So honestly I am not sure what to do here. I wish there was a way to provide a help file in an alternate language that did not require a different function name. Actually, this may be a point in favor of keeping function aliases: it actually allows you to provide help files in different languages.

Response: What a nice project you mentioned. I seem to understand that the system proposed by the rhelpi18n package requires writing the documentation in different languages, which is also what I do now in my package, but saving these translations in different packages. That has the disadvantage of having to install one more package depending on the language you want to use it in, but it is an advantage because it is easier to maintain, and because eventually including more and more languages under the current karel concept would make the package become heavier than allowed. If this approach matures we could use it to have translations of the help pages, but again we would still have a single English name for each function, which I consider to be a limitation. I think I prefer karel's current approach for the moment.

For the website, it would be ideal if there was a "language button" that could be clicked to switch between languages on a given page. With the current setup, both languages (Spanish and English) are displayed in a single webpage, but a given user probably only needs to see one or the other. Also, while this approach works OK for two languages, it would likely become unusable if any more were added. It would be great if pkgdown fully supported multilingual websites, but unfortunately this does not seem to be the case. Although pkgdown can provide website elements in different languages by setting a YAML parameter, it is limited to making a single webpage in one language. Since this is currently set to Spanish, various website elements appear in Spanish even though some of the content is in English. So, in absence of a genuine solution from pkgdown, I wonder if a work-around via forking the package and maintaining a website in a different language from there could be an option. This is not ideal, but it would scale better if multiple languages were to be implemented.

Response. Yes, every time I see the website I think exactly that, with two languages it is fairly ok, but if someone really wanted to keep adding languages, it would quickly become impractical. Hopefully at some point pkgdown will support support for multilingual pages, that would be great. It seems to me that the forking idea could work if more languages are added, including links between the different webpages, although I'm not sure about the source code living in several kind of "official" repos. I think for now I'm going to keep the site as planned now.


This package is also unique in that much of the vignette contents are actually lessons teaching programming in R with karel, rather just than how to use the karel functions. I think it may be preferable to split out the lessons teaching R into their own website. This would make maintaining the package easier. I am not sure of the optimal format, but one that I can recommend is the Carpentries lesson template (known as "the Workbench"). I could easily see the vignette contents being converted into a Carpentries lesson and hosted on the Carpentries Incubator. Please consider this.

Response: I agree with this observation, I made use of the vignettes in a way that is outside the norm for R packages, turning them into lessons. In fact, I use these vignettes as study material for the students I use this material with. This also turns out to be an extra burden to achieve the objective of having all the documentation multilingual, adding a new language would mean translating all the vignettes. However, for the moment I prioritize making this project self-contained, and having my students rely on a single web page for the package and their lessons. I'd be interested in exploring your suggestions about including this in the Carpentries Incubator in the medium term, but it's not something I can pursue right away.

I also noticed that much of the lesson content is focused on control flow. While this makes sense as a general feature of programming languages, R these days is often used for data analysis, which may not necessarily put as much emphasis on control flow. I personally almost never use while(), and try to use apply or purrr::map_() family functions instead of for loops. I wonder if there may be someway to use karel to help teach data analysis, as it is in relatively high demand.

Response: What you notice has been chosen on purpose. To better answer, I must give some context about my use of this package. At my University, this package has been used in an informal pre-university course for some years now for students who will enter the Bachelor's degree in Statistics and who do not have any prior knowledge of programming. The objective is to teach them general programming concepts (applicable to any language) but in the main language that they will begin to use in the immediate future in their studies, R. That's why tools for data analysis or to improve some aspects of coding (like the apply or map examples you mention) are not included in the vignettes. They study all this and much more in the degree. In this course we only see these general programming ideas, not oriented to data analysis, in the environment that they will later use for data analysis. Perhaps the question that I should asked to myself is whether, thinking that the vignettes/lessons can be used in other contexts, it should not include other notions, but I think not, since in this way it remains limited and faithful to its original purpose.

Other random comments

  • When the gif plays, it is automatically looped. This makes it a bit hard to tell where the commands start and end, especially if Karel ends up in the same place she started. You may want to add "start" and "end" text to make this clearer. Another idea is to make the looping optional, since it is a bit confusing to the learner that Karel repeats her actions even though we have not explicitly used a for() loop etc.

    Response: the looping was already optional, as I faced this problem before. I couldn't make my mind about this, and ended up setting to TRUE the default value for the repeat argument in the .run_actions internal function and its wrapers. Now that you mention this, I changed it to FALSE in mpru/karel@15272ee

  • Why do the beepers have the number "1" on them?

    Response: Because in each position there can be more than one beeper and this number indicates the quantity present there (if there's no beeper, then it's not ploted, otherwise the number tells how many there are in that spot). In some examples of the tutorials there are very interesting problems and exercises to solve taking this characteristic into account, such as detecting how many beepers there are in a position and duplicating them.

  • Under the Available actions for Karel section in English, there are two functions in Spanish, poner_coso() and juntar_coso().

    Response: solved in mpru/karel@7bfce1e

  • The examples for the internal functions should use karel:::, not karel::. Because of this, the examples for get_pkg_env() and plot_static_world() fail.

    Response: solved in mpru/karel@9024f2c

  • Please note I submitted a PR correcting some typos

    Response: I accepted it, thank you for having done such a detailed reading and having detected these typos.

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¡Gracias @mpru!

@vjimenez9 y @joelnitta, ¿podrían por favor informarnos si recomiendan más cambios o indicar su aprobación utilizando esta plantilla?


Thanks @mpru!

@vjimenez9 and @joelnitta can you please let us know if you recommend further changes or indicate your approval using this template?

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Reviewer Response

Final approval (post-review)

  • The author has responded to my review and made changes to my satisfaction. I recommend approving this package.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 5

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