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Design of the DASTARD Data Acquisition Program

Memo author: Joe Fowler, NIST Boulder Labs

Date: March 2022


The Data Acquisition System for Triggering And Recording Data (DASTARD) is a program written in Go to support the use of microcalorimeter spectrometers. It handles data from a variety of hardware sources, imposes trigger conditions, and distributes triggered records to data files (with a few choices of data format) and to a TCP port for plotting by an external program, Microscope. DASTARD is a complex, highly parallel program. This document is meant to summarize how it operates, with the goal of making future design changes easier to make.

Responsibilities of DASTARD

DASTARD handles many responsibilities in the acquisition and analysis of microcalorimeter timestream data.

  1. DASTARD reads data from a data source such as an Abaco card for μMUX systems (see other examples in Data sources). In some advanced cases that we haven’t really tested, it might even read more than one source of the same type, such as multiple Abaco cards.

  2. DASTARD appropriately handles unwanted gaps in the data.

  3. DASTARD de-multiplexes that raw data source into a set of data streams, one stream per detector.

  4. DASTARD applies triggering conditions to each data stream to determine when photon pulses appear in the stream. When a pulse is found, it creates a triggered record of prescribed length (before and after the trigger sample) from a continuous segment of the stream.

  5. DASTARD records triggered records to files, in the LJH or OFF formats. The LJH format records complete raw pulse records. The OFF format stores only linear summaries of each record, including an optimally filtered pulse amplitude.

  6. DASTARD also puts copies of each triggered record onto a TCP port using the ZMQ Publisher paradigm, so that real-time plotting/analysis programs such as microscope can use all triggered records, or those from a selection of channel numbers.

This memo is meant to summarize some internal implementation details of how DASTARD operates. It is not meant to be a user’s guide, but an insider’s view. The goal is that Joe, Galen, or future DASTARD programmers have a reference describing how. How the program is structured, how it performs certain key tasks. It is likely to fall behind and omit some of the very latest details of DASTARD. I will hope that the program structure is basically complete (as of early 2022) and changes are infrequent enough that we can still benefit even from a document that’s slightly out of date.

DASTARD as an RPC server

DASTARD replaces an earlier pair of programs (ndfb_server and matter) that were written in C++. Each contains both the code to perform any underlying DAQ activities and a GUI to permit users to control the programs. One key design decision for DASTARD was to split the DAQ work and the GUI front-end into two separate programs. By splitting the DAQ work from the control GUI, we were able to write each in a language best suited to the job. GUIs are really complicated, and writing a Qt5 GUI in Python is considerably easier than writing it in C++ (though it is still far from easy).

The way the GUI (or GUIs) communicate with DASTARD is by having DASTARD operate a server for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). The specific protocol used is JSON-RPC, in which the function calls, argument lists, and results are represented as JSON objects. We are using JSON-RPC version 1.0. It is implemented by a Go package, net/rpc/jsonrpc.

The main DASTARD program (dastard/dastard.go) is simple. It performs one startup task then launches three parallel tasks. The startup task uses the viper configuration manager to read a configuration file $HOME/.dastard/config.yaml that restores much of the configuration from the last run of DASTARD. If a global configuration /etc/dastard/config.yaml exists, it will be read before the user’s main configuration. The parallel tasks are:

  1. Start and keep open a log.Logger in dastard.problemLogger that writes to a rotating set of files in $HOME/.dastard/logs/

  2. Launch RunClientUpdater() in a goroutine. It is used to publish status updates on a ZMQ Publisher socket. The GUI client Dastard-commander and any other control/monitoring clients learn the state of DASTARD by ZMQ-subscribing to this socket.

  3. Call RunRPCServer(). When it returns notify the RunClientUpdater goroutine to terminate, then end the program.

The JSON-RPC server

Within RunRPCServer a new SourceControl object is created. It's in charge of configuring and running the various supported data sources (e.g., an Abaco). It contains one each of a LanceroSource, AbacoSource, RoachSource, SimPulseSource, and TriangleSource. These 5 specific types match the DataSource interface and therefore offer a ton of identically named methods like Sample(), PrepareRun(), StartRun(), and Stop(). Each of these 5 sources also has configuration/control options specific to that type of data source. Each has a stored state that is read (by viper) initially. A "new Dastard is running" message is sent to all active clients (by pushing the message to sourceControl.clientUpdates channel, which the RunClientUpdater goroutine is receiving from). The previous info about the data-writing state and the TES map (location) file are loaded by viper. Also a new MapServer object is created to load and send TES position data.

After these setup tasks are completed, 2 goroutines are launched:

  1. A heartbeat service. Using a read-channel, this accumulates info about the time active and the number of bytes sent and the number read from hardware (the latter might be less, in the case of dropped data being replaced by dummy filler data). Using a time.Tick timer, the service wakes up every 2 seconds and sends the accumulated information as part of an "ALIVE" message to any active clients.

  2. An RPC connection handler. Creates a listener on tcp port 5500 (see global_config.go for where this is set) with net.Listen("tcp", 5500) and then waits for connections with listener.Accept(). When a connection is received, the handler launches a new goroutine, a codec is created by jsonrpc.NewServerCodec(...), and we attempt to handle all RPC requests by calling server.ServeRequest(codec) repeatedly until it errors. These requests are configured (before the listen step) to be forwarded to the sourceControl or mapServer objects, as appropriate.

The RPC server supports the notion of an active source. At any one time, one or none of these sources may be active. Some RPC requests are handled immediately. Others are queued up to be acted upon at the appropriate phase in the data handling cycle, to prevent race conditions. The following can be handled immediately:

  • Start(): an argument says which of the 5 source types to activate. (Fails if any source is active.)
  • Stop(): signals the active source to stop. (Fails if none is active.)
  • ConfigureMixFraction(): configure the TDM mix if the Lancero source is active (errors otherwise).
  • ReadComment(): reads the comment.txt file. Errors if no source is active, writing is not on, or the comment file cannot be read.
  • SendAllStatus(): broadcast complete Dastard state information to any active clients (such as Dastard-commander).

The following can be handled immediately, but only if the corresponding source is not running:

  • ConfigureLanceroSource()
  • ConfigureAbacoSource()
  • ConfigureRoachSource()
  • ConfigureTriangleSource()
  • ConfigureSimPulseSource()

Most RPC commands only make sense when a source is active (often because they require the exact number of channels to be known). An active source is delicate, so requests to change its state have to be saved for just the right moment if we are to avert any race conditions. Requests are queued by calling runLaterIfActive(f) where the argument f is a zero-argument, void-returning closure. The run-later function returns an error if no source is running. If some source is running, the closure goes into channel SourceControl.queuedRequests. When a reply comes back on channel SourceControl.queuedResults, the run-later function returns that reply. Requests that run delayed include:

  • ConfigureTriggers
  • ConfigureProjectorsBasis
  • ConfigurePulseLengths
  • WriteControl(): starts/stops/pauses/unpauses data writing.
  • SetExperimentStateLabel()
  • WriteComment()
  • CoupleErrToFB()
  • CoupleFBToErr()

Data sources for DASTARD

All concrete data sources in DASTARD (such as AbacoSource) implement the DataSource interface, partly by composing their source-specific data and methods with an AnySource object. That object implements the parts of the interface that are not source-specific. The life-cycle of a data acquisition period looks like this.

When the RPC server gets a START request, it calls Start(ds,...) where the first argument is the specific source of interest, for which all critical configuration has already been set. The function is found in data_source.go. It calls, in order:

  1. ds.SetStateStarting(): sets AnySource.sourceState=Starting but with a Mutex to serialize access to the state (also GetState() and SetStateInactive() use the same Mutex).
  2. ds.Sample(): runs a source-specific step that reads a certain small amount of data from the source to determine key facts such as the number of channels available and the data sampling rate.
  3. ds.PrepareChannels(): now that the number of channels and channel names and numbers are known/knowable, store the info in the AnySource. There is an AnySource.PrepareChannels, but it's overridden by source-specific AbacoSource.PrepareChannels or LanceroSource.PrepareChannels, because these two sources have more complicated channel numbering possibilities.
  4. ds.PrepareRun(): initialize run-related features, including channel ds.abortSelf for knowing when to stop; channel ds.nextBlock for passing data chunks from the source to the downstream processors; a TriggerBroker; tickers to regularly track the amount of data written, write out external triggers, and monitor data drops (1, 1, and 10 seconds period). Also start one DataStreamProcessor per channel (process_data.go), assigning the viper-stored trigger state as a starting value.
  5. ds.RunDoneActivate(): sets AnySource.sourceState=Active and increments a WaitGroup, again using the Mutex to serialize access.
  6. ds.StartRun(): calls a source-specific StartRun() method. It will initiate data acquisition (some sources require a kind of "now go" command, which should be issued here).
  7. go coreLoop(ds,...)

The coreLoop (in data_source.go) starts with a defer ds.RunDoneDeactivate which will set AnySource.sourceState=Inactive and decrements the WaitGroup, again using the Mutex to serialize access. It then calls ds.getNextBlock() find the channel on which it needs to wait for new data blocks to appear. Then it launches an infinite loop with select to wait on two distinct channels. One channel is the queued RPC requests (the closure that need to wait for an appropriate place in the data handling); if one exists, we call the closure. The other channel we wait on is the one returned by getNextBlock. If that channel was closed or includes a non-nil block.err, then source has to be stopped. But if a data block arrives with a nil err component (the normal result), then we call ds.ProcessSegments(block). More info at Data flow in DASTARD) When that's done, we call ds.getNextBlock() again and repeat the loop at the select statement. (In some sources this last call is extraneous, but for Lancero sources it is necessary to prime the source again for reading again.)

When the RPC server gets a STOP request, it calls AnySource.Stop(). With proper Mutex locking, it checks for status Active. (Status Inactive and Stopping are ignored and STOP has no effect. Status Starting causes a panic.) If Active, set to Stopping. Close the ds.abortSelf channel to signal the coreLoop that it's time to stop then wait on the WaitGroup to tell us that the data acquisition has actually stopped. The closed abortSelf channel should be handled by the source and eventually result in a ds.getNextBlock() returning a closed channel.

Once the stopping is complete, then the SourceControl object is back in the inactive state and ready to be started again.

The source-specific getNextBlock() method is the one responsible for getting data. It starts any necessary DAQ steps on the hardware and returns a channel where the data will be sent when ready. One key job is to convert data from a source-specific to a source-independent form. The normal data flow is that the returned channel is one that carries objects of the type dataBlock, a type that should make sense for data from any possible source.

TDM/Lancero data source

A LanceroSource reads out one or more LanceroDevice objects. Each LanceroDevice corresponds to a set of device-special files like /dev/lancero_user0. (The use of 2+ devices has not yet been tested, and it in fact causes DASTARD to panic in the main data loop. It's at least intended to be possible, however.)

The Sample() method checks each device. It grabs some data and finds the frame bits in the unaligned stream. By analyzing these from the start of at least 2 successive frames, it figures out the number of columns and channels in that device's TDM data block (which had previously been an undifferentiated data stream).

The StartRun() method has each Lancero device switch into data streaming mode (the Sample step switch streaming on but then back off). It again looks for frame bits: this time not to count columns andchannels, but just to discard bytes that are in the middle of a frame and to put the read pointer at the first byte of a frame. Then launchLanceroReader() happens. That function launches a goroutine that starts a 50 ms ticker. Then it loops forever, selecting on the abortSelf channel (which closes to indicate time to stop) and on the ticker.

When the 50 ms ticker fires, we ask for an available buffer from the underlying card. If less than 3 frames are available, they are left in the card's buffer and saved for the next tick. We test the data to verify that the former numbers of channels and columns still hold (if not, releasing the buffer and apparently hoping for better results next time; it seems like this ought to cause the data source to stop itself?). The data are checked for drops (recognized by the buffer not being aligned with a frame, which admittedly will miss cases where the dropped length is a multiple of the frame length). If any are dropped, we log that, and skip ahead to the next full frame after the drop. Figure out how many frames are available, and demultiplex them into datacopies, of type [][]RawType (1st index is channel, in lancero order; 2nd index is sample number). Finally, we tell the driver to release the number of bytes we have demuxed and we put datacopies into the LanceroSource.buffersChan (along with info about the time elapsed, time of last valid read from the device, and whether a drop was detected). This appears on the channel returned by getNextBlock().

LanceroSource.getNextBlock is a bit confusing. It launches a goroutine with an apparently infinite loop. But in fact, the loop returns after the first message arrives on the buffersChan channel. Until then, it loops to handle any requests to change the error-feedback mix, and to panic if 10 seconds elapse without the expected message. When the expected message arrives, it's checked for being empty or for the message actually being a closed channel (in those cases, it stops the Lancero device and reports out an error). If the message has nonzero valid data, it's converted to a dataBlock by LanceroSource.distributeData and put onto the channel LanceroSource.nextBlock. That channel has already been returned by the getNextBlock method.

The LanceroSource.distributeData(msg) function packages each deMUXed data slice into a DataSegment object, which also adds the frame period, the first sample's frame serial number and sample time and a few other housekeeping items. The collection of all such segments from all channels is called a dataBlock. The block includes external trigger information, which is extracted here.

Abaco data source

An AbacoSource (abaco.go) reads out one or more Abaco devices. The devices can be programmed to put data into a large user-space ring buffer or to produce UDP packets for DASTARD to read. The ring buffer type is older, and the UDP type is the newer version intended for long-term use. Either device produces data in a packet format (defined and processed in packets/packets.go).

The AbacoSource owns slices of two types: []AbacoRing and []AbacoUDPReceiver. Both types implement the PacketProducer interface. The slice of rings is filled at creation time in NewAbacoSource() by checking for the existence of shared memory regions named xdma*_c2h_0_description. The UDP receivers, by contrast, are not created until the source is configured in AbacoSource.Configure(), because the user has to choose them from among the near-infinite space of host:port choices. After the configure call, the source maintains a slice producers that can potentially have one or more sources of one or both types.

The Sample() method loops through each producer and launches PacketProducer.samplePackets() in a goroutine on each, returning the results together on a single channel. For each packet received, the channels it contains is checked. For each unique range of channels found in the sample stage, an AbacoGroup is created. This is an object representing a consecutively numbered channels--packets always cover a single range of consecutive channel numbers. Groups can be sorted according to the first number in each group (we'll verify soon that no channel number appears in more than one group). In NewAbacoGroup, DASTARD creates a queue (a slice to hold unprocessed packets) and a slice of PhaseUnwrapper objects (one per channel in the group). After one result (one slice of packets) is received from each producer, the as.groups values are sorted and checked to make sure no channel number is in multiple groups (returning an error from Sample if there are overlaps). Finally, each group's data are checked in AbacoGroup.samplePackets() and the sample rate computed. There we compare the rates to ensure all sources agree (returning error if not). The data queues are emptied.

The PrepareChannels method computes channel names from the numbers in the one or more groups and makes a slice of all numbers.

The StartRun() method tells each producer to dump its existing stored data and launches AbacoSource.readerMainLoop in a goroutine. This, in turn, starts a 50 ms ticker and a 5 s timer (the latter so we can recognize packet timeouts). In an infinite loop it selects on the abort channel (exiting normally when that closes); the timeout timer (exiting with an error if that fires); and the ticker. If the ticker ticks, all available packets are read from all producers and handed to AbacoSource.distributePackets(). That simply checks each packet and enqueues it on the appropriate group's data queue. Then each queue is checked to be sure there are no missing packets (filling in null data if there are) and then that no queue's first packet has a global sequence number earlier than any other (if it does, its "excess data" are dropped). If any group is found to have produced no data here, DASTARD returns to the select to await more data. We find the number of data samples available on the shortest group's queue and deMUX that data for each group with AbacoGroup.demuxData() into a new slice of data slices, datacopies. Finally, an AbacoBuffersType is made containing all the deMUXed data and housekeeping info about the timestamp and amount of data. That buffer is sent on the as.buffersChan channel, the 5 second timeout is reset, and loop ends (returning to the select).

The getNextBlock() is similar to that of Lancero sources, but simpler because there are (as yet) no configurations that can change while the Abaco source is running (akin to the mix settings of Lancero). The method simply launches a goroutine that selects between a timeout that panics (after 100 of the 50 ms data-read ticks have happened) and the expected arrival of a message on the as.buffersChan channel. That method checks for the channel being closed, errors, or empty data payloads and in any of these cases closes the as.NextBlock channel and returns. Otherwise, it creates a data block from the message in as.distributeData() and puts that block on as.NextBlock (again closing as.NextBlock on error). That channel is, of course, what getNextBlock() returns after launching the goroutine.

ROACH2 data source

A RoachSource (roach.go) reads out one or more ROACH-2 software-defined radio systems. Each device is monitored by a RoachDevice and sends its data as UDP packets. The packets are in a completely different form from the Abaco packets, defined here in type packetHeader and parsed by parsePacket(packet []byte). The source has its devices bundle 100 ms of data and processes that amount in a bunch.

The Sample() method creates a device for each host:port pair that the user specifies. Unlike Abaco data, the ROACH data does not include the information needed to determine the data sample rate, so the user also has to specify that. Only the number of channels is learned by sampling the data packets. A slice of PhaseUnwrapper objects is created (one per channel in the device).

The StartRun() method launches a long-lived goroutine which in turn launches one RoachDevice.readPackets for each active device. Then it loops forever with a select that watches for the abortSelf channel to close (closing the rs.nextBlock channel then ending the goroutine). Otherwise, data are received from a local nextBlock channel from one of the active devices, whereupon the total bytes handled are updated and sent as an occasional heartbeat and then the block is forwarded to rs.nextBlock for handling just as in any other source.

We won't describe the processing in any more detail because it's rather similar in concept to the AbacoSource, and because the Lancero and Abaco sources are much more widely used in current (2022) environment.

Test data sources

TODO: Explain the TriangleSource and the SimPulseSource. They both allow DASTARD to generate fake data for testing and exploration purposes, even when no Lancero, Abaco, or ROACH2 hardware is available.

Data flow in DASTARD

The previous section discusses how any specific data source's data is checked for sanity, demultiplexed, time tagged, used to update housekeeping information, and packaged into a series of dataBlock objects that flow in time-order through the AnySource.nextBlock channel. These blocks are meant to contain some ~50 ms of data at a time (at least on average) for all channels currently running. As described far above, the next step (a source-independent step) is to call AnySource.ProcessSegments() on the data block. First, the relevant data types:

Key data types

  • The dataBlock contains only a slice of DataSegment objects (one per data stream) that are of equal length and completely synchronized, plus a slice saying when external triggers were found, an error container, and the length of the segments.
  • The DataSegment is a continuous, single-channel raw data *buffer containing a limited piece of the data stream, plus info about raw-physical unit relationships, the first sample’s frame number and sample time and period.
  • The DataStream (data_source.go) models a continuous stream of data. It's basically identical to DataSegment in implementation, but the concept is different: the segment is a finite piece, while the stream is conceptually infinite (though only a limited portion is available at any one time). The object is a composition of a DataSegment plus the number of samples ever fed into it.
  • The DataStreamProcessor (process_data.go) contains all the state needed to decimate, trigger, write, and publish data from a single channel based on its DataStream.

When a data block is handed to ProcessSegments(block) (data_source.go), the following steps happen:

  1. Each of the source's ds.processors objects is given the appropriate data segment from the block, and DataStreamProcessor.processSegment (details below) is called on the segment in a goroutine. A WaitGroup.Add() is called before each, with a deferred WaitGroup.Done()
  2. All processors are waited on before proceeding (using WaitGroup.Wait()). Thus, the processing is done in parallel but all completed before the next step.
  3. A map is made containing the triggerList of new primary triggers for each processor. The is called with this map as an argument. It returns a similar map, containing a slice of new secondary trigger points for each processor to handle.
  4. Each processor that has any secondary triggers, if any, will have dsp.processSecondaries() on the secondary trigger points. Again, this is done in one goroutine per processor, with a WaitGroup used to synchronize before moving to the next step.
  5. A loop over processors is made. It cleans up by marking each segment as processed; trimming each processor's data stream (saving only 1 record worth of old data) with dsp.TrimStream(). Also, every 20th time through, it calls dsp.Flush() to flush any open output files (but this is done out of phase, so only ~1/20th of all processors are flushed in each iteration).
  6. We HandleExternalTriggers and HandleDataDrop. If writing is active (not paused), we send a NUMBERWRITTEN message to all listening clients.

Each DataStreamProcessor contains tons of information: a channel's name and number; the number of samples and pre-trigger samples to be used in making triggered records; a DataStream; a basis and noise-optimal projectors for making linear approximations to a record (for OFF files); info about the last stream index where triggers were made; a DecimateState; a TriggerState; and a DataPublisher.

In DataStreamProcessor.processSegment(seg), the steps are:

  1. dsp.DecimateData(seg) to downsample the segment by an integer factor (either by averaging or dropping samples).
  2. to append the new data to the processor's stream.
  3. dsp.TriggerData() to compute primary triggers only.
  4. dsp.AnalyzeData() to analyze any primary triggered records. Computes pretrigger mean and pretrigger delta (?), pulse average and pulse RMS for each record, and (if projectors exist) the record's model coefficients (projections) and residual RMS. Store these results in the DataRecord object (data_source.go).
  5. dsp.DataPublisher.PublishData(rec) for the primary triggers.

In DataStreamProcessor.processSecondaries(secondaryTrigList), the same last two steps are performed but this time on secondary triggers. We define Primary triggers = due to the data in this stream. Secondary = due to trigger coupling of some kind and a primary trigger happening in this processor's "source" channel.)

Triggering in DASTARD

The above functions are all in process_data.go except for the trigger step. Triggering is so complicated, it lives separately in triggering.go with the complex TriggerState object and some relevant methods. The dsp.TriggerData() step does the following in sequence:

  1. If dsp.EdgeMulti, then any other triggers will be ignored (they don't work well together). The rest of this list will be skipped.
  2. Compute edge triggers and append them to the (empty) list of triggered records.
  3. Compute level triggers and append them to the list of triggered records.
  4. Compute auto triggers and append them to the list of triggered records.
  5. (Noise triggers would go here, but they are not currently implemented.)
  6. Create a TriggerList object containing all information about the full collection of triggered records. Store as dsp.lastTrigList.
  7. Return a slice of *DataRecord objects. Each DataRecord corresponds to one primary trigger and contains a slice with the raw data, trigger time and frame index info, and placeholders for the analyzed quantities.

For edge-multi-triggers, dsp.edgeMultiTriggerComputeAppend(records) is called and the rest of the list is skipped. The records are used to make a TriggerList, store it, and return a []*DataRecord (same as last two steps in the above list).

TODO: Fuller description of EMTs. Hold off writing for now, because this will change soon.

Writing files in DASTARD

Each DataStreamProcessor contains (is composed with) a DataPublisher (publish_data.go). Its job is to publish data records on certain ZMQ PUBlisher channels and to write them to disk. When PublishData(rec *[]DataRecord) is called:

  1. The records are sent on the full record channel PubRecordsChan (if it's non-nil).
  2. The records are sent on the record summary channel PubSummariesChan (if it's non-nil).
  3. If writing is paused, or if no output writing types are active, return.
  4. If LJH 2.2 writing is active, then LJH22.WriteRecord(rec) is called on each (first writing the header if this is the first record written to that output file).
  5. If LJH 3 writing is active, then LJH3.WriteRecord(rec) is called on each (first writing the header if this is the first record written to that output file).
  6. If OFF writing is active, then OFF.WriteRecord(rec) is called on each (first writing the header if this is the first record written to that output file).
  7. Update the count of records written.

A single full record channel PubRecordsChan is shared by all processors, so records from all data streams go on this same channel. It is set up for use by startSocket() (publish_data.go), which opens a ZMQ PUB socket on port Ports.Trigs (set to be the base port+2=5502 in global_config.go), sets the send high-water mark to 10 and launches a goroutine. That routine loops until PubRecordsChan is closed (at which point it closes the ZMQ socket and returns). If data records arrive, it converts each to a message with the messageRecords function (returns [][]byte, a 2-slice with the message header and the raw pulse record as the two elements). This two-part ZMQ message is then sent over the ZMQ socket, repeating until all records found on the channel have been processed and sent.

The PubSummariesChan is similarly unique and shared by all processors. It is set up and operates just like the records channel except that:

  • It sends out data on a different ZMQ PUB socket on port Ports.Summaries (base+3=5503).
  • It converts a record to a message with the messageSummaries function, which returns a 2-part message with a different header, and with the second part being the linear projection coefficients (the values that would be stored in OFF files).

The published data messages are described in detail in in this directory.

The actual writing to file(s) is straightforward and serialized, so we won't describe it further. Code appears in ljh/ljh.go (LJH 2.2 and 3.0 files) and off/off.go (OFF files).