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Build Status Gem Version MIT licensed

Automatically retry failed ActiveJobs with an exponential back-off.

This gem aims to mimic most of the functionality of Sidekiq's RetryJobs middleware but operates on the ActiveJob layer.


To install the gem, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem "activejob-retriable"

If you're using Rails 5, use the branch master off Github for support. Once the first stable release of Rails 5 is out we will push a 5.0 version of gem.

gem "activejob-retriable", github: "SimplyBuilt/activejob-retriable"


The simplest way to use this gem is to include the following your ApplicationJob class

class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
  include ActiveJob::Retriable

A max_retry class method as well as before, after and around exception callbacks will now be available to all your Jobs. For example:

class MyJob < ApplicationJob
  max_retry 12

  after_exception do
    # Record exeception to our fictitious error service
    ErrorNotify.dispatch current_exception


Backends that support the retrying of jobs are supported. A Runtime exception is raised if this concern is included in a job class with an unsupported backend.

The gem has only been tested with the Sidekiq backend. Please submit pull-requests and issues for backends that do not function properly.

rescue_from Blocks With retry_job

The motivation of this gem is to play nicely with existing rescue_from blocks within your job classes. If a rescue_from block makes calls to retry_job is it probably best to call this method if and only if retries_exhausted? is not true. Otherwise, your jobs may be retried indefinitely! See this test job class for an example.

Exception Callbacks

Much like ActiveJob itself, retriable introduces some callbacks for exception handling. Your job class can define before_exception, after_exception and around_exception callbacks.

Retriable will also set the value of current_exception to the actual exception. This way, direct access to the exception is possible from within a callback. This may be useful for error reporting and other needs.

Retriable with ActionMailer

If you want ActionMailer delivery jobs to use Retriable, you have to reopen the ActionMailer::DeliveryJob class and manually include the concern. For example:

module ActionMailer
  class DeliveryJob
    include ActiveJob::Retriable

It is recommended to do this via an initializer. We're open to suggestions on how to improve this aspect of Retriable though!

Advanced Usage

It is possible to overload or redefine both retry_delay and retries_exhausted? to include custom logic. This means it is easy to implement different back-off strategies as well as more advanced exhausted logic.

Feel free to open PR's with more advanced examples!


The default ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::TestAdapter does not call serialize and deserialize as one may expect. Thus, retry_attempts are not properly tracked and "infinite performs" occur when an exception is raised. Therefore, we provided a new subclass to TestAdapter named ActiveJob::Retriable::TestAdapter. To use this adapter please do the following:

  1. Include the ActiveJob::Retriable::TestHelper in your test_helper.rb
require 'active_job/retriable/test_helper'
  1. Reopen ActiveJob::TestCase and include the helper
class ActiveJob::TestCase
  include ActiveJob::Retriable::TestHelper

Alternatively, you can just include the helper on a test-by-test basis.

  1. If you're using ActiveJob assertions in controllers or elsewhere, be sure to include the test helper concern there as well!

  2. Optionally add a setup and teardown block to toggle on reraise_when_retry_exhausted, print_exceptions_to_stderr and print_exception_backtraces_to_stderr. These features are useful when testing and debugging Active Jobs that raise exceptions or have syntax errors.

setup do
  ActiveJob::Retriable.reraise_when_retry_exhausted = true
  ActiveJob::Retriable.print_exceptions_to_stderr   = true

  # Or with a full backtrace...
  # ActiveJob::Retriable.print_exceptions_to_stderr   = :backtrace

teardown do
  ActiveJob::Retriable.reraise_when_retry_exhausted = false
  ActiveJob::Retriable.print_exceptions_to_stderr   = false

Additionally, if you have jobs being enqueued in your setup blocks, it is highly recommended that you move that functionality to an after_setup method. This is due to how the default TestHelper works and may change in the future.

Adapter Notes & Tips

  • With Sidekiq, we highly encourage that you remove the RetryJobs middleware. This can be done in an initializer with the following:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.server_middleware.remove Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.