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  is a MQTT broker with additional security provided via channel keys.

Get started

First run Emitter in docker to generate a EMITTER_LICENSE. (Note that this is not a software license key.)

kubectl run --rm -i -t emitter --image=emitter/server:latest --restart=Never

Check the logs for a randomly generated EMITTER_LICENSE.

2019/12/16 17:56:04 [service] unable to find a license, make sure 'license' value is set in the config file or EMITTER_LICENSE environment variable
2019/12/16 17:56:04 [license] generated new license: RfBEIGQlQNSLQfIlm-b4s-TNJirEjMhJu7rGA5FJW8BTMFTTGADk2MX9Tq0AaT_20-of7cDM-clmRbb7Z-n5itgHubSCgwcB:2
2019/12/16 17:56:04 [license] generated new secret key: 2EXofPVkJJq7GEoQkFHN3B_P63Y4DoX_
  • Create a Kubernetes secret to store the key
kubectl create secret generic emitter-secret -n openfaas --from-literal "secret=2EXofPVkJJq7GEoQkFHN3B_P63Y4DoX_" -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -

Edit broker.yaml and deploy

  • Copy the new license into broker.yaml

  • Update replicas: 1 with the number of nodes, use "1" for the default

    For simplicity, the broker is deployed to the openfaas namespace.

    Run these commands:

    kubectl apply -f broker.yaml
    kubectl apply -f service.yaml

Check the deployment

List the services to obtain the IP address of the Emitter load balancer.

 % kubectl --namespace openfaas get service emitter
 NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S) AGE
 emitter   ClusterIP    <pending>  8080:30790/TCP,8443:30705/TCP   8m40s

Check the logs of the service:

kubectl logs statefulset.apps/broker -n openfaas

Port-forward the Emitter's UI so that you can generate a channel key.

kubectl port-forward -n openfaas svc/emitter 8081:8080 &

You can now use the IP address to access the Emitter UI. In the above example you would go to From there you can create channel keys, which allow you to secure individual channels and start using Emitter.

You will need to enter the secret from above i.e. aV3hzU01-SCF0wbnDdpXKCyxT4OB5Gad or similar. If you can't remember the password, then look it up from the Kubernetes secret, and decode it with kubectl get secret/emitter-secret -o yaml -n openfaas followed by base64 -D against the secret field.

  • Navigate to http://IP:port/keygen where IP is the address of your deployment

  • Generate a channel key for the drone-position/ topic

  • Now generate a second channel key for the drone-event/ topic

You'll need this key to configure the OpenFaaS Connector.