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Gyeongnyeong Ham jakeham22
Junior BackEnd Developer
박정웅 ParkJeongwoong
Banksalad Backend Dev.

BankSalad Seoul

fac ci facis

Seoul, Korea

Jung Haesung cometj03

Soongsil University, @yourssu Seoul, Korea

박민서 Kiaorra
Android Software Engineer

@banksalad Seoul, Republic of Korea

DongGyuJang EastStar1129

Banksalad Guro, Seoul, South Korea

Chi Hyun Noh JuniorTunarr
Frontend Developer / ACS 무엇이든 꺼리지 않고, 그 순간을 즐기고자 합니다.

오픈에스지 Seoul

하정은 allene-ha
Data Engineer


G1 goodday-g1
Hi, I'm a supportive communicator who loves to come up with creative strategies and collaborate with people 🤞 Good-Day [for/ of/ by] G1💖

Seoul, Republic of Korea

스기 bigstones
풀스택 빅데이터 전문가를 지향합니다


HeuiEun Choi nana1243
Backend Developer

LG electronics Seoul

조성동 doong-jo
I want to be more producer and less consumer. 🥋

in the wild Seoul, South Korea

정종국 seti222

Rainist Seoul of Korea

Back-End Developer


Jung Seonghun seonghun-dev
No Silver Bullet

konkuk university Seoul

HaYeong Jang hammii
Done is better than perfect.

Seoul, South Korea

구상모 [DevOps] billy-banksalad
DevOps member in Banksalad
Woo KyungJun Jay-WKJun
🧑‍💻 FE Engineer, Feels Lucky 🍀

Seoul, korea



hanbin hanbin8269

@elice-dev Korea

wooseong wooseongDev
Frontend Engineer

Seoul, Republic of Korea