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ArtechFuz3D ArtechFuz3D-Studio
3D Technical Artist & Developer
DamonChen damonchen
software is everywhere

Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Charles Cianos ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

San Francisco Bay Area

Samuel Seo ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

tomixy tetracalibers

PixelGrid, Inc Japan

leaning.. (none are mine.. it’s research)

None Brisbane



Devang Pradhan devangpradhan
Interactive Media Artist

Aum India

Vinicius CZB vczb
Full Stack Web Developer


Nathan Brown KingOfTac
Frontend engineer. Passionate about accessibility and web standards. Life-long learner.
Dmitriy T. dmitrivanich
23 y.o. Web Developer


Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Zach Nguyen cszach
CS student, engineer, practicing researcher. Loves real-time ray tracing, browsertech, positive vibes, and public speaking.

@abyss-inc, @42tm Rochester, NY

Cătălin George Feștilă catafest
I was born in 1976. I like programming. You can find me on the internet with nicknames: catafest and mythcat.

freelancer Fălticeni , Romania

Catalin George Festila catafest-work
1976, work place account ...

Econfaire Falticeni

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Just a person who likes games and computers.


Lakatos Martin-Peter dhumdil-apps
“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” —John Johnson


Jonathan laujonat

Fremont, California

David Lonyai pixeleet
Yet another tech guy.

TypeDriven Netherlands

Ankush Sharma ankushSha

Spin Play Games India

Tim Plotnikov 0xtmphey
Passionate software engineer into a little bit of everything. Mostly comfortable stepping into the unknown and solving hard problems.
Undergrad at USC studying CS Games. Full-stack web developer. Exploring the wonderful world of creativity, innovation, and business.
Roybein B roybein
come on, follow the beat
Elvis Zhong Elvisz
No pain no gain.

ActiveNetwork SiChuan ChengDu, China

Franz Fletcher franz-fletcher
Real GUI layers add flavour... like Lasagna 🥪

@Sailboat-Healthcare Auckland, New Zealand

  ✨ 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌝🌖🌗🌘🌑  ✨ Check my curated list of repos:

@TheGeneralist_AI Berlin


杭州无脚鸟信息技术有限公司 浙江杭州

Spotandjake spotandjake
I write mostly in Typescript and grain, I am good at front end and with nodejs, good at CSS and html as well and I know python, c#, and numerous other languages


Niloy nilooy
Full Stack ⚒️ {Javascript} 💛 ○ Love Opensource 👨‍💻

@Motionit-ai Torino, Italy

Joe Pea trusktr
Crafting interfaces between humans and machines. Worked: SpaceX, @nasa, Velodyne Lidar, IMVU

Oakland, CA, USA, Earth

Ben NuroDev
"Build failed" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

@ronin-co United Kingdom