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129 lines (92 loc) · 4.72 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (92 loc) · 4.72 KB


Patch version updates, unless noted otherwise, are automated benchmark updates ran weekly by our CI.


  • Split apple mobile benchmark data into two files (apple and apple-ipad) BREAKING CHANGE
  • Throw when benchmark data is incompatible with library BREAKING CHANGE
  • Improved iOS device deobfuscation / detection (see #77)
  • With multiple results of the same resolution, the one with the lowest fps is picked
  • Fixed detection of M1 desktop gpus on non Safari browsers (see #84)


  • Build files included the wrong benchmark version number
  • Removed unused Travis build file

3.1.2 (IGNORE)

  • iPhone 12 Pro Max was being reported as iPhone 11 Pro Max due to wrong resolution in scripts/internalBenchmarkResults.ts


  • Return raw renderer string if WebGL renderer has been found but is not included in the benchmarks


  • Update
  • Update benchmarks (added support for RTX 3060 / RTX 3070)
  • Fixed test suite


  • Fixed SSR functionality
  • Changed 'IS_SRR' tier type to 'SSR' BREAKING CHANGE
  • Fixed issue where errors were being thrown when running in non-browser environments
  • Removed undefined from return type of loadBenchmarks override


  • Update package.json to provide more information when published on NPM


  • Update


  • Fixed package publishing issue


  • Fixed issue with wrong path to types in package.json



import { getGPUTier } from 'detect-gpu';

const GPUTier = getGPUTier({
  glContext: gl, // Optionally pass in a WebGL context to avoid creating a temporary one internally
  mobileBenchmarkPercentages: [0, 50, 30, 20], // (Default) [TIER_0, TIER_1, TIER_2, TIER_3]
  desktopBenchmarkPercentages: [0, 50, 30, 20], // (Default) [TIER_0, TIER_1, TIER_2, TIER_3]
  failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: true, // (Default) Fail to detect if the WebGL implementation determines the performance would be dramatically lower than the equivalent OpenGL implementation
  forceRendererString: 'Apple A11 GPU', // (Development) Force a certain renderer string
  forceMobile: true, // (Development) Force the use of mobile benchmarking scores

// Example output:
// {
//   "tier": GPU_DESKTOP_TIER_1,
//   "type": "BENCHMARK - intel iris graphics 6100",
// }

turns into

import { getGPUTier } from 'detect-gpu';

(async () => {
  const gpuTier = await getGPUTier({
    benchmarksURL?: string; // (Default, "${PKG_VERSION}/dist/benchmarks") Provide location of where to access benchmark data
    failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean; // (Default, false) Fail to detect if the WebGL implementation determines the performance would be dramatically lower than the equivalent OpenGL
    glContext?: WebGLRenderingContext | WebGL2RenderingContext; // (Default, undefined) Optionally pass in a WebGL context to avoid creating a temporary one internally
    desktopTiers?: number[]; // (Default, [0, 15, 30, 60]) Framerate per tier
    mobileTiers?: number[]; // (Default, [0, 15, 30, 60]) Framerate per tier
    override?: { // (Default, false) Override specific functionality, useful for development
      renderer?: string; // Manually override reported GPU renderer string
      isIpad?: boolean; // Manually report device as being an iPad
      isMobile?: boolean; // Manually report device as being a mobile device
      screenSize?: { width: number; height: number }; // Manually adjust reported screenSize
      loadBenchmarks?: (file: string) => Promise<TModelEntry[] | undefined>; // Optionally modify method for loading benchmark data

  // Example output:
  // {
  //   "tier": 1,
  //   "isMobile": false,
  //   "type": "BENCHMARK",
  //   "fps": 21,
  //   "gpu": "intel iris graphics 6100"
  // }

Please note that getGPUTier now returns a Promise, this wasn't the case before.

Please note that the benchmark tier is now picked based on a resolution normalized fps instead of dividing the benchmark list into % chuncks and determining it that way.

Benchmark data

Previously the benchmark data was included inside of the detect-gpu bundle. By default we now use the benchmark data served on${pkg.version}/dist/benchmarks but you can also serve the benchmark data yourself.

This is possible by downloading benchmarks.tar.gz and serving it from a public directory on your webserver (optimal, prevents loading of redundant benchmarks) like this:

// Application
import { getGPUTier } from '../src';

(async () => {
  const data = await getGPUTier({
    benchmarksURL: '/benchmarks',