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File metadata and controls

359 lines (278 loc) · 11.9 KB

Layer of a Layout

Each layer can be specified in layout's YAML file as a YAML list value for the layers mapping.

.. social-card::
    :layout-caption: A simple layout of 2 layers

    size: { width: 250, height: 250 }
    layers:  # each layer in this list is denoted with a dash ('-')
      - # layer 0
          color: orange
      - # layer 1
          image: sphinx_logo

.. autoclass:: sphinx_social_cards.validators.layout.Layer

Using Jinja Syntax within the Layout

.. seealso::
    It is advised to read up on how to use |Jinja syntax|.

Conventionally, |Jinja syntax| uses characters that have actual meaning in YAML. To help streamline the combination of YAML and Jinja syntaxes, this extension uses a modified jinja syntax:

differences between Jinja syntax
  Conventional sphinx-social-cards
:external+jinja_doc:ref:`line-statements` :jinja:`{% ... %}` :yaml:`#% ... %#`
:external+jinja_doc:ref:`expressions` {{ ... }} :yaml:`'{{ ... }}'` [1]
:external+jinja_doc:ref:`comments` :jinja:`{# ... #}` :yaml:`## ... ##`
[1]In the case of jinja expressions, the surrounding single quotes are removed by Jinja and are not passed on to the YAML parser. Meaning, :yaml:`'{{ ... }}'` appears to the YAML parser like so: ...

Escaping Jinja Syntax

Use :jinja:`'{{ "'{{" }}'` to escape a Jinja reference.

  - typography:
      content: "'{{ "'{{" }}' page.title }}"
      # renders as: "{{ page.title }}"

Layouts are Jinja Templates

A layout file is basically a Jinja template. So, layers can be generated dynamically using |Jinja syntax|.

.. social-card::
    :layout-caption: Drawing 3 circles programmatically with Jinja

    #% set diameter, width, height = (100, 600, 250) %#
      width: '{{ width }}'
      height: '{{ height }}'
      - background: { color: '#0000007F' }
      #% for i in range(3) %#
      - ellipse:
          color: "#'{{ ('0' * i) + 'F' + ('0' * (2 - i)) }}'"
          width: '{{ diameter }}'
          height: '{{ diameter }}'
          x: '{{ width / 6 * (i * 2 + 1) - (diameter / 2) }}'
          y: '{{ (height - diameter) / 2  }}'
      #% endfor %#

Inheriting Layouts

Layouts can even inherit from other layouts! The Jinja documentation has an excellent explanation on :external+jinja_doc:ref:`template-inheritance`. The rest of this section builds upon that useful information, so please read that first.

As a quick example, the default layout is inherited by default/accent and default/inverted layouts. In those layouts, a Jinja block (:jinja:`#% block color_vals %#`) is used to override the inherited color aliases.

.. jinja::

    .. md-tab-set::

        {% for layout in ['default', 'default/accent', 'default/inverted'] %}
        .. md-tab-item:: {{ layout }}

            .. literalinclude:: ../../src/sphinx_social_cards/layouts/{{ layout }}.yml
                :language: yaml
                {% if layout == 'default' -%}
                :end-at: #% endblock %#
                {%- endif %}
        {% endfor %}


The Jinja :jinja:`#% extends layout-file %#` statement requires the layout file name to be in quotes. Additionally, if inheriting from a layout in a sub-directory of layouts, then use the relative path to the layout.

#% extends "default/variant.yml" %#

Inheritance Tutorial

Let's say you want to change the pre-designed opengraph layout into a dark themed version. This can easily be done by inheriting the opengraph layout in your new custom layout. Upon inspection, we will find 3 jinja blocks in the opengraph layout's source:

  1. The font_colors block defines the colors used for fonts:

    .. literalinclude:: ../../src/sphinx_social_cards/layouts/opengraph.yml
        :language: yaml
        :caption: opengraph.yml
        :start-at: #% block font_colors %#
        :end-at: #% endblock %#


    We only need to change the actual color values.


    Changing the repeated tag names will break the layout.

  2. The background block defines the layer that specifies the background:

    .. literalinclude:: ../../src/sphinx_social_cards/layouts/opengraph.yml
        :language: yaml
        :caption: opengraph.yml
        :start-at: #% block background -%#
        :end-at: #%- endblock %#
  3. The watermark_icon block defines the layer that specifies the sphinx logo in the bottom corner:

    .. literalinclude:: ../../src/sphinx_social_cards/layouts/opengraph.yml
        :language: yaml
        :caption: opengraph.yml
        :start-at: #% block watermark_icon -%#
        :end-at: #%- endblock %#


    We could of course change this image via the :meta-field:`cards-icon`. But, notice the color for the icon is hard-coded because the background color is also hard-coded.

.. question:: What about the other colors and stuff?

    The color and image of the logo is already optionally controlled via the
    `cards_layout_options`\ [`logo`]. Additionally, the color of the bottom stripe can already be
    controlled via the `cards_layout_options`\ [`accent`]. Any further changes would necessitate a
    completely new layout.

Now, we will create our custom layout file in the sphinx project's source folder (adjacent to the file) - typically in a docs directory. Remember to add the directory path of this new layout to social_cards <Social_Cards>[cards_layout_dir] and social_cards <Social_Cards>[cards_layout] in the file. For this example, the new layout will be located in docs/social_cards/opengraph-dark.yml, so we add:

social_cards = {
    "site_url": html_base_url,
    "description": "a project-wide description",
    "cards_layout_dir": "social_cards",
    "cards_layout": "opengraph-dark",

In the newly created opengraph-dark.yml file, we inherit the opengraph layout and make our customizations:

.. social-card::
    :layout-caption: opengraph-dark.yml

    #% extends "opengraph.yml" %#
    #% block font_colors %#
    project_desc_color: &project_desc_color 'rgb(239, 240, 241)'
    title_url_color: &title_url_color 'rgb(222, 230, 237)'
    #% endblock %#

    # We need to keep the same indent as the inherited source,
    # otherwise the YAML parser may get confused.

      #% block background -%#
      - background:
            start: {}
            end: { x: 400, y: 210}
            spread: reflect
              0.0: rgb(23, 23, 23)
              0.35: rgb(18, 18, 18)
              1.0: rgb(13, 13, 13)
      #%- endblock %#

        #% block watermark_icon -%#
          image: sphinx_logo
          color: rgb(116, 116, 83)
        #%- endblock %#

Referencing Jinja Contexts

Items of Jinja contexts <jinja-ctx> can be referenced in the layout as :external+jinja_doc:ref:`Jinja variables <variables>`:

  - typography:
      content: '{{ page.title }}' # (1)!
      color: '{{ undefined }}' # (2)!
.. code-annotations::
    1. A YAML string that begins with a letter does not require extra surrounding quotes. Here,
       the single quotes are required for Jinja expressions, but they are removed by Jinja before
       the YAML is parsed.
    2. Any reference to an undefined `Jinja context variable <jinja-ctx>` is automatically
       converted to the YAML :yaml:`null` value. This can be useful for font colors because a
       :yaml:`null` value will fallback to using the value of `layout.color

  - icon:
      image: >- # (1)!
        #% if page.meta.icon %#
        '{{ page.meta.icon }}'
        #% else %#
        '{{ layout.logo.image }}'
        #% endif %#
.. code-annotations::
    1. Here ``>`` signifies that the following indented block is a single string, but line breaks
       are replaced with spaces. With ``-``, ``>-`` instructs the YAML parser to strip a trailing
       line break from the multi-line string.

The yaml Jinja filter (for referencing color values)

.. seealso::
    Jinja comes with a bunch of documented :external:ref:`builtin filters <builtin-filters>`.
    General usage is briefly described in the :external:ref:`Jinja Filters section <filters>`.

Not all Jinja contexts <jinja-ctx> hold a str or int value. For example, a color that was specified as a gradient will be in the form of a Python dict. If you want to support color gradients in the layout, then a custom filter (yaml) is added to the Jinja environment that parses the layout before the YAML parser reads the layout.

  - background:
      color: '{{ layout.background_color | yaml }}' # (1)!
.. code-annotations::
    1. A `background_color <Cards_Layout_Options.background_color>` specified as a
       gradient like so:

       .. code-block:: python

           social_cards = {
               "cards_layout_options": {
                   "background_color": { # a linear gradient
                       "start": {"x": 0, "y": 0 },
                       "end": {"x": 1200, "y": 630},
                       "preset": 84,  # aka "PhoenixStart"

       will be converted to a proper YAML mapping with the ``yaml`` filter:

       .. code-block:: yaml

           color: { start: { x: 0, y: 0 }, end: { x: 1200, y: 630 }, preset: 84 }


All Jinja Contexts <jinja-ctx> that define a :ref:`solid color <solid_color>` are automatically translated to use the string form, rgb(<red>, <green>, <blue>) (or rgba(<red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha>) if an alpha value/transparency was included).

Meaning, layout designers do not have to worry about colors specified with a beginning # which would be interpreted as a YAML comment (eg: :python:`"#0FF1CE"` is translated to :yaml:`rgb(15, 241, 206)`).


Do not use a multi-line YAML string to reference colors from Jinja contexts <jinja-ctx>. Doing so will result in a quoted YAML value:

  - background:
      color: >-
        #% if layout.logo.color %#
        '{{ layout.logo.color | yaml }}'
        #% else %#
        '{{ layout.background_color | yaml }}'
  - background:
      color: #% if layout.logo.color %#'{{ layout.logo.color | yaml }}'#% else %#'{{ layout.background_color | yaml }}'

Jinja Contexts

Every generated social card uses a set of Jinja contexts:

.. autoclass:: sphinx_social_cards.validators.contexts.Config
.. autoattribute:: sphinx_social_cards.validators.contexts.JinjaContexts.layout
.. autoclass:: sphinx_social_cards.validators.contexts.Page
.. autoattribute:: sphinx_social_cards.validators.contexts.JinjaContexts.plugin