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678 lines (481 loc) · 28.5 KB

File metadata and controls

678 lines (481 loc) · 28.5 KB

First Steps

To get started contributing to Covalent, you should fork this repository for your own development. (Learn more about how to fork a repo.)

Clone your fork locally:

git clone

where my-github is your personal GitHub account.

We recommend using Conda to create an environment to install and develop Covalent. After you have installed conda, create an environment:

conda create -n covalent-dev python=3.8
conda activate covalent-dev

We recommend using Node Version Manager to install and manage Node.js. Please install and activate Node.js version 16 to work with Covalent locally:

nvm install 16
nvm use 16

Install Covalent's core requirements as well as the developer requirements:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install setuptools pip yarn requests
python webapp
pip install -e .
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
pre-commit install

Start the Covalent servers in developer mode:

covalent start -d

💡Note We have seen OSError: protocol not found when running Covalent in development mode for the first time on some Debian based systems. Running this command may fix the problem.

apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall netbase

See more information on Stackoverflow.

Check the writing tests section for more details on installing test specific packages. Finally, run the tests to verify your installation:

pytest -v

Contribution for Covalent UI


  • Install node (v16) and npm:
# Linux
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

# macOS
brew install node
  • Install yarn:
npm install --global yarn

Build web app

cd covalent_ui/webapp
yarn install
yarn build
  • The optimized production build of the UI web app lives under covalent_ui/webapp/build. It is statically served by the server by default.

Run web app

cd covalent_ui/webapp
yarn install
yarn start
  • Open http://localhost:<port> in your browser.
  • Dispatch workflows to explore them in the UI.

Getting started with feature development

Note that for complex issues, planning out the implementation details (on the issues page) is a very important step before writing any code in the feature branch. The feature development steps are listed below.

Create and checkout the feature branch

Once an issue has been assigned to you, create a feature branch to implement the proposed changes. When beginning implementation on an issue, first create a branch off of develop:

git branch branch_name develop

To checkout the branch:

git checkout branch_name

The two commands can be combined into:

git checkout -b branch_name develop

How and when to open a Pull Request

Pull requests should be done as soon as the implementation on an issue has started on the feature branch. (Learn more about how to open a pull request.)

Linking Pull Request to issue number

In order to link a Pull Request to a given issue number, the first commit should be accompanied with a comment containing the issue number, for example:

git commit -m 'fixes #57'

This could also be done manually on the Pull Request page using the Linked issues button (Learn more about linking a pull request to an issue).

Tag reviewers

Once the changes in the feature branch are ready to be reviewed, tag the relevant reviewer(s) on the Pull Request page.

Merging the feature branch to develop

If all the reviewers have approved the Pull Request and all the actions have passed, the last person to review the branch is responsible for merging the feature branch to develop.

Style Guide

Contributing to the Covalent codebase should be an easy process, but there are a few things to consider to ensure your contributions meet the minimum software quality standards. The main points are explained below, and they are roughly grouped into the following categories: stylization, documentation, and testing.

General Guidelines

  • Use American English spellings and grammar.  Documentation with typos will be rejected.
  • Use complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation, except in short descriptions of arguments, return values, attributes, and exceptions in source code.
  • Multi-sentence argument descriptions, or longer sentence fragments with mid-sentence punctuation marks, should use capitalization and punctuation.
  • Comments may be written more informally than docstrings, as long as consistency and clarity are maintained. Capitalization and punctuation should be used with multi-sentence comments to aid with readability.
  • Avoid complex stylization in docstrings; these must be readable for users in a terminal/Jupyter environment.
  • Assume the user does not have access to any source files.
  • Variables must be restricted to the scope in which they are used; avoid use of global variables except when absolutely necessary.
  • Limit all lines to 99 characters.  Use a four-character indent for Python files; bash files use a two-character indent, and C uses a tab indent. These will be adjusted as needed by the pre-commit hooks.
  • A pre-commit hook, detect-secrets would run for detecting secrets based on .secrets.baseline file. To create a new .secrets.baseline file run detect-secrets scan command. Refer to file .pre-commit-config.yaml file for the additional filters used and detect-secrets repo for detailed documentation.
  • Input parameters to scripts should be passed using flags, rather than positional arguments. This may be implemented using the getopt libraries.  Bash scripts may accept parameters passed with or without flags.
  • Functions should perform a single task.  Generally functions should not contain more than 30 lines of code, not including line breaks, comments, and whitespace.
  • Use the pylint tool to improve the quality of your code. Contributions which decrease the codebase's code quality will be rejected.
  • All changes must be documented in the changelog.
  • New features or changes to UX must include a usage description in the form of a how-to guide.
  • All software source files should contain the copyright boilerplate displayed below, which includes a docstring describing the purpose of the file.

Source Code Boilerplate

All files submitted must contain the following before all other lines:

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). A copy of the
# License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Single-sentence description of the file."""

Bash files may contain the shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash on a line before the boilerplate.  Afterwards, the following should be written before the body of code:

set -eu -o pipefail

and files should end with an explicit exit code, e.g., exit 0 indicates a successful exit.

Naming Conventions

  • Class names use CamelCase
  • Functions, variables, filenames, and directories use snake_case
  • Constants use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • Acronyms are a sequence of all-capitalized letters
  • Names should be descriptive and concise
  • Mathematical variables (“x”) may be used only when they are documented. This may be appropriate for standard variables used in literature.
  • Avoid using “I”, “l”, and “O” as variable names
  • Private objects and methods/functions of a class should start with an underscore, e.g., self._variable or self._internal_function(). A "private" class object is one that should not be used outside of the class definition. Unlike C++, Python has no way of stopping a user/developer from accessing or modifying any object in the class (hence the quotations around private). The underscore lets them know the object is for internal use only and that its internal usage could change without warning.


  • Add references to other code units where applicable. Use the roles :class:, :func:, :attr:, :meth:, and :mod: so that Sphinx generates a cross-reference in generated documentation.
  • Add URL references to code taken from or inspired by code found online.
  • All digital references must specify a DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID, or URL, in that order of preference.
  • Add references to literature where applicable.  Academic journal articles should be in the following format:
A.B. Lastname1, C. Lastname2 and D. Lastname3. Title of Article. Jour. Abbrev. 1, 123456 (2021).
doi: 10.1001/abcdef
arXiv: quant-ph/000000

Standard journal abbreviations can be found here.  In the above example, ‘1’ refers to the volume number, and ‘123456’ refers to the first page number of the article.  For six or more authors use the first author’s name followed by et al.  References to other material should follow the apsrev4-1 bibliography style and generally follow the same stylization as that for articles.  The DOI, if one exists, should be on the first line following a reference; if an arXiv ID also exists it may be added on a line following the DOI.

Python Docstrings

Docstrings should follow Google style.

Functions and Methods

def func(arg1: <arg1_type>, arg2: <arg2_type>, arg3: <arg3_type> = "default_value", **kwargs) -> <return_type>:
    """Single sentence that summarizes the function.

    Multi-line description of the function (optional, only if necessary).

        arg1: Description.
            Continuation line is indented if needed.
        arg2: Description.
        arg3: Description. Do not provide the default.
            value, as this is already present in the signature.

        Description of the return type and semantics.
        Continuation line is on the same indent level.

        <exception_type>: description

    .. seealso:: :func:`~.relevant_func`, :class:`~.RelevantClass` (optional)

        Minimal example with 1 or 2 code blocks (required).
        .. code-block:: python

           myvalue = func(arg1, arg2, arg3)

    Usage Details:
        More complicated use cases, options, and larger code blocks (optional).

    Related tutorials:
        Links to any relevant notebook examples (optional).

        References to academic articles, books, or websites (optional).

        A.B. Lastname1, C. Lastname2 and D. Lastname3. Title of Article. Jour. Abbrev. 1, 123456 (2021).
        doi: 10.1001/abcdef
        arXiv: quant-ph/000000
  • Relevant mathematical expressions should be formatted using inline latex and placed in the multi-line description.  Important or long equations may go on their own line.
  • Algorithmic functions should contain details about scaling with time and/or problem size, e.g., O(N); this information also goes in the multi-line description.
  • <arg1_type>, <arg2_type>, <arg3_type> and <return_type> are placeholders for the type hints of arg1, arg2, arg3 and the return value.


class MyClass:
    """Single sentence that summarizes the class.

    Multi-line description of the class (optional, if required).

        attr1: description
  • Include public attributes here in the Attributes section, using the same formatting as a function's Args section.
  • Do not list methods in the class docstring.
  • Private attributes of a class do not need to be described in the class docstring. These are class objects that should not be used outside of the class definition.


Variables may optionally be documented using a docstring below their definition:

num_gates = {"CNOT": 17, "RY": 31}
"""dict[str, int]: Number of gates in wire 2"""

Bash Docstrings

All bash scripts must begin by validating input parameters and offering a help string:

# This example uses two parameters: an integer and a string
if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ $1 =~ '^[+-]?[0-9]+$' ] ; then
  echo "$(basename $0) [var1] [var2] -- short description of this script."
  echo "Longer help string and explanation of parameters."
  exit 1

# Continue with the rest of the script

Code Examples

  • You may assume that ‘covalent’ is imported as ‘ct’. All other imports must be specified explicitly.
  • For single line statements and associated output, use Python console syntax (pycon):
>>> ct.dispatch(pipeline)(**params) # Dispatching a workflow returns a unique dispatch id.
  • Multi-line statements should use “...” to indicate continuation lines:
>>> dispatch_ids = []
>>> params = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> for a in params:
...     dispatch_ids.append(ct.dispatch(pipeline)(a=a))
  • For larger, more complicated code blocks, use standard Python code-block with Python console syntax for displaying output:
>>> @ct.electron
... def identity(x):
...     return x
>>> @ct.lattice
... def pipeline(a):
...     res = identity(a)
...     return res
>>> dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(pipeline)(a=1)
>>> result = pipeline.get_result(dispatch_id=dispatch_id)
>>> print(result)

Lattice Result
result: 1
inputs: {'a': 1}
error: None

start_time: 2022-01-24 04:13:00.667919+00:00
end_time: 2022-01-24 04:13:00.684457+00:00

results_dir: /home/user/covalent
dispatch_id: e4efd26c-240d-4ab1-9826-26ada91e429f

Code Comments

  • Comments are used to explain the implementation or algorithm.  Assume the reader is a proficient programmer and understands basic principles and syntax.
  • Self-document code when possible.  Code should be clear and concise, flow logically, and be organized into stanzas according to what’s happening.  This helps avoid unnecessary comments.
  • Comments should occur directly above the code that is being described.  Use a single space between the "#" character and the start of text.

Python Type Hints

Type hints should be used for input parameters in functions and classes, as well as for return values as well. The typing module should be used for several circumstances:

  • When a parameter or return type is a container for multiple parameters. Examples include a dict mapping strings to floats uses, Dict[str,float], or a list of integers uses, List[int]

  • Nested Types: A dict mapping an integer to a list of floats is written Dict[int,List[float]]

  • If a parameter can be multiple types, use Union. E.g., if it can be a string or a list of strings or an integer, use Union[str,List[str],int].

  • If a parameter can be anything, use Any. This is more permissive than using object. Type checkers will ignore it completely.

  • Optional parameters use Optional. E.g., an optional integer is written Optional[int].

Any user-defined class type can be used in a type hint, but the class must have been imported beforehand.

Some examples of type hints in use:

from typing import Union, List, Dict, Any, Optional

import MyClass

def some_function(some_variable: float,
                  some_index: int,
                  float_or_string: Union[float,str],
                  some_integer_list: List[int],
                  some_string_list: List[str],
                  my_class_object: MyClass, # This will fail if MyClass has not been imported
                  some_dict: Dict[int,str],
                  literally_anything: Any,
                  optional_string: Optional[str] = 'default string',
                  optional_int: Optional[int] = -1,
                  optional_int_or_string: Optional[Union[int,str]] = 9999
                  optional_int_list: Optional[List[int]] = [0,1,2,3]) -> Union[str,float,None]:

    """Function description

        some_variable: some_variable description
        some_index: some_index description
        float_or_string: float_or_string description
        some_integer_list: some_integer_list description
        some_string_list: some_string_list description
        my_class_object: my_class_object description
        some_dict: some_dict description
        literally_anything: literally_anything description
        optional_string: optional_string description
        optional_int: optional_int description
        optional_int_or_string: optional_int_or_string description
        optional_int_list: optional_int_list description

        return_variable: return description

    n = 5 * some_index

    if n == 20:
        return 'ok'
    elif n == 455:
        return n * 3.14159

Python Logging

Covalent uses the Python logging module for errors, warnings, debug and info statements. There is a small module (covalent/_shared_files/ which encapsulates the default logger. Modules can access the logger using the following:

from covalent._shared_files import logger
app_log = logger.app_log
log_stack_info = logger.log_stack_info
log_debug_info = logger.log_debug_info

Warning, info and debug statements are done with the following commands:

>>> app_log.warning('here is the warning message')
<file_name>: Line 8 in <function_name>:
WARNING - here is the warning message
>>>'message for informational purposes')
<file_name>: Line 12 in <function_name>:
INFO - message for informational purposes
>>> app_log.debug('debug statement')
<file_name>: Line 15 in <function_name>:
DEBUG - debug statement

where <file_name> and <function_name> are stand-ins for the file and function that the log statement occurred in.

For more urgent messages, denoting errors which will stop the program from executing correctly, use error statements. Usage is similar, except that we want the program to exit and optionally show a stack-trace pointing to the error.

The level of warning seen when executing code depends on the user's environment variable LOGLEVEL. Choices are:

Level Numeric value

The lower the level, the more log messages are shown to the user. Executing, for example,


guarantees all info, warning, error and critical messages will be shown. If this environment variable is not set, the default value of WARNING is used.

Writing Tests

All feature changes and bug fixes should be accompanied by tests. The bulk of the tests in the repo should be unit tests as opposed to functional or integration tests. A short definition of each type of test:

  1. Unit tests - the scope of unit tests are usually at a functional level, i.e. given an input, check if the output is as expected. Furthermore, care needs to be taken to mock other functions, context managers, I/O tasks within the function that is being tested.
  2. Integration tests - the scope of integration tests varies from a functional to module level. Here, we also test that functions or methods behave in certain ways given an input without mocking some of the other functions. The objective is to test how different functions / modules behave when "integrated".
  3. Functional tests - the scope of these tests are on a user experience level. The purpose here is to ensure that commonly defined software use cases leads to expected behaviour / output (without encountering runtime errors etc.) for a given input.

Below, we list some important guidelines when writing tests.

  • Write unit tests as opposed to integration or functional tests (unless there's a really good reason for it).

  • In the case of bug fixes, write tests for which the code breaks before implementing the bug fix.

When writing tests, consider the following questions as guiding principles:

  1. Are these tests easily maintainable as the code is updated over time? - Try to minimize the number of tests that would need to be modified when an implementation is changed.
  2. Are these tests lightweight, i.e. not resource or time intensive? - Try to minimize test runtime and the number of operations that are carried out.
  3. Are these tests going to be helpful for debugging when a feature is added or modified?

Installing test packages

When it comes to testing, pytest is the recommended framework for this repository. Install all testing related packages with the following step:

  1. Navigate to the tests folder in the Covalent root directory.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt.

Running tests locally

The Covalent test suite can be run locally from the root directory with pytest (add the tags -vv -s for a more verbose setting).

Running the entire test suite everytime the code has been updated will take a while. The following commands are useful to hone in on a smaller subset of tests for development purposes.

  1. To run a specific test module:
pytest tests/covalent_dispatcher_tests/_executor/ -vv -s
  1. To run a specific test:
pytest tests/ -vv -s

Note: In order to run some of the functional tests (which will eventually be deprecated), the covalent dispatcher needs to be started in developer mode (discussed in First Steps section).


Mocking is a very important part of writing proper unit tests. Scenarios where mocking is essential are listed below:

  1. Making server calls.
  2. Reading and writing to files.
  3. Getting environment variable values.
  4. Getting file or directory paths.
  5. If a function A is composed of functions B and C, the calls to functions B and C should be mocked. This ensures maintainability, since changes to functions B would then only require us to update the test for function B (instead of both A and B).

Check out the official pytest documentation.

Mocking via mocker

Some important commands to know about:

  1. mocker.patch - allows mocking function calls, return values etc.
  2. The previous command combined with the parameter side_effects allows mocking return values for multiple calls of the mocked function. Furthermore, it allows mocking the outcome of try / except clauses.
  3. Some other commands used to check if a mocked function (mocked_func) has been called or called with particular arguments once are mocked_func.assert_called_once(), mocked_func.assert_called_once_with(..).
  4. If a mocked function has been called multiple times within a function, it can be checked via mocked_func.mock_calls. Check out this discussion on stackoverflow.
  5. Check out this discussion on mocking context managers (such as with open(..): etc.).

Mocking via monkeypatch

This module can be used to mock module variables, environment variables etc. Check out the official monkeypatch documentation.

Covalent with Docker

This repository contains a Dockerfile that can be used in a variety of ways for development and deployment. Note that we use the Dockerfile 1.4 syntax which requires BuildKit. For most users, it is sufficient to set the environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 before attempting to build images. All of the examples below use build arguments and target stages referenced in the Dockerfile. For a full list of build arguments, run grep ARG Dockerfile.

Covalent Server

The Covalent server can run inside a container. Build this container using the default options:

docker build --tag covalent-server:latest .

It is recommended a date and version are included using build arguments whenever an image is build. This can be done by including these options:

--build-arg COVALENT_BUILD_DATE=`date -u +%Y-%m-%d` --build-arg COVALENT_BUILD_VERSION=`cat ./VERSION` --tag covalent-server:`cat ./VERSION`

To run the server, use the command

docker run -d -p 48008:48008 covalent-server:latest

Covalent SDK

The Covalent SDK can also run inside a container. This is useful in scenarios where containerized tasks use Covalent, e.g., in executor plugins. Build the container using these options:

docker build --build-arg COVALENT_INSTALL_TYPE=sdk --tag covalent-sdk:latest .

To run the SDK interactively against a server running somewhere else accessible by the host network, start the container using

docker run -it --rm --network=host covalent-sdk:latest

Development Images

By referencing an intermediate build target, we can also generate a build environment that can be used for developing Covalent:

# Does not include Covalent source
docker build --tag covalent-build:latest --target build_server .

# Includes Covalent source
docker build --tag covalent-dev:latest --target covalent_install .

Selecting a Covalent Source

Different circumstances will require Covalent coming from different sources. The build arguments can be leveraged to specify either a local source, a PyPI release, or a commit SHA checked into GitHub. The default source is local, i.e., it uses the Covalent source code next to the Dockerfile.

# PyPI Release
--build-arg COVALENT_SOURCE=pypi --build-arg COVALENT_RELEASE=0.202.0.post1

# GitHub Commit
--build-arg COVALENT_SOURCE=sha --build-arg COVALENT_COMMIT_SHA=abcdef

Custom Base Image

Finally, users can specify a custom base image, which can be useful when users are trying to incorporate Covalent SDK or Server into their existing tech stack:

--build-arg COVALENT_BASE_IMAGE=<>/<my_image>:<my_tag>

Note that the base image must include a compatible version of Python and must be based on either Ubuntu or Debian.

Building Read the Docs (RTD) locally

Contributing to the Covalent documentation is highly encouraged. This could mean adding How-To guides, tutorials etc. The steps required to build the RTD locally are listed below:


Navigate to the /covalent/doc folder and install the packages to build the documentation:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that some additional packages might need to be installed as well, depending on the operating system.

Building the docs

Navigate to the root folder (/covalent/) of the repo and run:

python docs

When running this command for the first time some users might get a pandoc missing error. This can be resolved via:

pip install pandoc

In case pandoc is not installed via above, follow the installation instructions provided here.

Viewing the locally built RTD

In order to view the local RTD build, navigate to the /covalent/doc/build/html folder. Left click on index.html file and copy the path. Paste the path into the browser to access the RTD that was built locally.

Cleaning the doc build

The local RTD build can be cleaned using:

python docs --clean

Contributor License Agreement

All contributors to Covalent must agree to the terms in the Contributor License Agreement. Individual contributors should sign on their own behalf, while corporate contributors should sign on behalf of their employer. If you have any questions, direct them to the support team.