AliCoin is a Blockchain digital currency of AliXconnect using the highly-secure and power-efficient NIST5 algorithm. Combining limited Proof-of-Work, AliCoin is unique in its distribution.
Ticker | ALICN |
Algorithm | NIST5/SHA-256 |
Consensus | Proof-of-Work |
Maximum Supply | 120,000,000 |
Block Time | 600 Seconds |
Block Size | 10 MB |
Transactions Per Second | ~800 |
Retarget | Every Block |
Lightning Network | Yes |
Premine | 20 Millions |
Foundation | Yes |
SegWit |
Leverage Blockchain technology and provide users with fast and secure transactions. We believe Blockchain is the future for many purposes such as data storage, payments and operations. Integration of Blockchain for our daily use leads to higher efficiency in applications.
Time is one of the key elements in our lives. Especially when it comes to financial transactions, lack of existing money transaction speed, companies or individual users are facing delays. This leads to a slowdown in activities. alicoin offers a solution to cover such bad processes. Time is money, money is alicoin.
Security is another very important point on which today's world stands. By using alicoin you can make secure payments be done, which gives confidence to the community.
Applications are the future need for higher efficiency and cost reduction. alicoin is your solution for decentralized Payments.
alicoin uses the NIST5 hash, which is chosen as the winning algorithm by the US Nation of Science competition. Combination of security and mining efficiency were the key points taken into account.
alicoin chose to use NIST5 as its hashing algorithm because it has been proven to be more secure and power-efficient than other leading algorithms. NIST5 is a combination of the finalists and winner of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology Hash Function Competition (specifically BLAKE, Grøstl, JH, Keccak/SHA-3, and Skein). NIST5 was created fairly recently, and immediately saw use by other coins, but failed to see mainstream adoption.