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The helloworldEnhanced Package suite is intended as an example of how to add more advanced features to a simple SyncroSim package. Instructions on how to develop the base Hello World package from scratch are posted in the SyncroSim documentation on creating a package. Instructions on how to enhance this base Hello World package are posted in the SyncroSim documentation on enhancing a package.

This directory contains the code to replicate each step in the enhancing a package tutorial, as well as the bundled .ssimpkg files for each step. The Packages in the helloworldEnhanced Package suite correspond to the steps in the enhancing a package tutorial:

  1. Adding Timesteps: helloworldTime

  2. Representing Uncertainty: helloworldUncertainty

  3. Linking Models: helloworldPipeline

  4. Integrating Spatial Data: helloworldSpatial

To install each step of the helloworldEnhanced Package suite, you can do either of the following:

  1. Use the SyncroSim package manager directly to install the .ssimpkg for a specific step.
  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • Navigate to the folder of the step you want to install (e.g. helloworldTime)
cd helloworldEnhanced/helloworldTime
  • Install using the package manager --finstall command (Note: include the entire path to the package manager executable)
SyncroSim.PackageManger.exe --finstall=helloworldEnhanced.ssimpkg
  • Check if installation succeeded
SyncroSim.PackageManager.exe --installed
  1. Use the auto-install.ps1 script in powershell.
  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • Open the auto-install.ps1 script in a text editor

  • Replace with the location of your working folder (e.g. c:\temp)

  • Replace with the step you want to install (e.g., helloworldSpatial)

  • Run the script from powershell
