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🚀 Basic integration of the SDK

Initialize the SDK to enable AppsFlyer to detect installations, sessions (app opens) and updates. AppsflyerSdk receives either a Map with the defined parameters or an AppsFlyerOptions object.

import 'package:appsflyer_sdk/appsflyer_sdk.dart';

AppsFlyerOptions appsFlyerOptions = AppsFlyerOptions(
        afDevKey: afDevKey,
        appId: appId,
        showDebug: true,
        timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 50, // for iOS 14.5
        appInviteOneLink: oneLinkID, // Optional field
        disableAdvertisingIdentifier: false, // Optional field
        disableCollectASA: false, //Optional field
        manualStart: true, ); // Optional field

AppsflyerSdk appsflyerSdk = AppsflyerSdk(appsFlyerOptions);
Setting Type Description
devKey String Your application's devKey provided by AppsFlyer (required)
appId String Your application's App ID (required for iOS only) that you configured in your AppsFlyer dashboard should be without the 'id' prefix
showDebug bool Debug mode - set to true for testing only, do not release to production with this parameter set to true!
timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization double Delays the SDK start for x seconds until the user either accepts the consent dialog, declines it, or the timer runs out.
appInviteOneLink String The OneLink template ID that is used to generate a User Invite, this is not a required field in the AppsFlyerOptions, you may choose to set it later via the appropriate API.
disableAdvertisingIdentifier bool Opt-out of the collection of Advertising Identifiers, which include OAID, AAID, GAID and IDFA.
disableCollectASA bool Opt-out of the Apple Search Ads attributions.
manualStart bool Prevents from the SDK from sending the launch request after using appsFlyer.initSdk(...). When using this property, the apps needs to manually trigger the appsFlyer.startSdk() API to report the app launch.

The next step is to call initSdk which have the optional boolean parameters registerConversionDataCallback and the deeplink callbacks: registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback registerOnDeepLinkingCallback Please keep in mind that registering the registerOnDeepLinkingCallback will override the registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback, as the latter is a Legacy callback used for direct deep-linking, please read more about this in our DeepLinking guide.

After we call initSdk we can use all of AppsFlyer SDK features.

await appsflyerSdk.initSdk(
    registerConversionDataCallback: true,
    registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback: true,
    registerOnDeepLinkingCallback: true
Setting Description
registerConversionDataCallback Set a listener for the GCD response, it is also the callback used for the Legacy deferred deeplinking
registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback Set a listener for the Legacy direct deeplinking response
registerOnDeepLinkingCallback Set a listener for the UDL response


startSDK({RequestSuccessListener? onSuccess, RequestErrorListener? onError}) Version 6.13.0+ of the AppsFlyer Flutter plugin introduces the option to manually start the SDK.
To utilise this feature, set the property manualStart: true within the initialization configuration.
Once the manualStart option is activated, you can call appsFlyer.startSdk() at your discretion. If the manualStart property is omitted or set to false, the SDK will start immediately after calling appsFlyer.initSdk(...).

onSuccess: An optional callback that is triggered after a successful initialization of the SDK. onError: An optional callback that is fired in case of an error during SDK initialization, providing an error code and an error message.

    // SDK Options
    final AppsFlyerOptions options = AppsFlyerOptions(
        afDevKey: "<DEV_KEY>",
        appId: "<APP_ID>",
        showDebug: true,
        timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 15,
        manualStart: true);
    _appsflyerSdk = AppsflyerSdk(options);
    // Initialization of the AppsFlyer SDK
        registerConversionDataCallback: true,
        registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback: true,
        registerOnDeepLinkingCallback: true);
    // Starting the SDK with optional success and error callbacks
        onSuccess: () {
            showMessage("AppsFlyer SDK initialized successfully.");
        onError: (int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
            showMessage("Error initializing AppsFlyer SDK: Code $errorCode - $errorMessage");

Use the onSuccess callback to perform actions after successful SDK initialization, and the onError callback to handle initialization errors.
Here's an example from the demo app.

  onSuccess: () {
    showMessage("AppsFlyer SDK initialized successfully.");
  onError: (int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
    showMessage("Error initializing AppsFlyer SDK: Code $errorCode - $errorMessage");