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#Business Framework

Join the chat at The UnitOfWork.NET NuGet Package NuGet version

If you need support or you want to contact me I'm CaelanIt on Twitter

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##What is it? This package provides some utilities for the business layer like repositories and units of work.

##IRepository The IRepository interface is the base interface of Repositories used in this framework. It has a method for getting the linked IUnitOfWork instance.

###IRepository<TEntity> The IRepository<TEntity> interface inherits from IRepository and has more methods than its base and they're business related like basic CRUD operations.

###IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> The IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> interface inherits from IRepository<TEntity> and has more methods than its base and they're business related like basic CRUD operations. IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> has also a method for return paginated result.

####Repository<TEntity, TDTO> The Repository<TEntity, TDTO> inherits from Repository and implements IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> interface with some EntityFramework code for doing CRUD operations. If you need some custom methods you can inherit from Repository<TEntity, TDTO> and use all the business ready methods. Supposing you need a method to get if a user is admin:

//Custom `Repository` implemetation class
public bool IsAdmin(int id)
  var user = Entity(id);
  return user != null ? user.Admin : false;

Or if you need a method that return all admin users:

//Custom `Repository` implemetation class
public IEnumerable<UserDTO> AllAdmins()
  return List(t => t.Admin); //DTOs

public IEnumerable<User> AllAdminsEntities()
  return All(t => t.Admin);

//using builders from my Common Framework
public IEnumerable<UserDTO> AllAdminsEntitiesDTO()
  return DTOBuilder().BuildList(AllAdminsEntities());

Last solution is preferred because you can methods that returns subset of records and when you need DTOs you can simply build them with provided Builders methods: DTOBuilder() for Entity to DTO mappings and EntityBuilder() for DTO to Entity mappings. They use Builder class from my Common framework.

The paginated result uses method All with pagination parameters. It returns a DataSourceResult, that can also be used in WCF, with the page record and the total. Sort and Filter classes are in my DynamicLinq framework and contains data for sorting and filtering data for the page you need.

####Accessing to other Repository from current If you need to use another Repository while doing operation in a Repository you can use the UnitOfWork method for going to container and access to other repositories like explained later. Here an example:

public bool CheckLogin(string username, string password)
  var user = Entity(t => t.Username == username && t.Password == passowrd); //not secure!! try using Caelan.Frameworks.PasswordHashing nuget package for hashing passwords!!
  var res = user != null;

  if (res)
    var access = new UserAccessDTO { IDUser = user.ID, Date = DateTime.Now };
    UnitOfWork().Repository<UserAccess, UserAccessDTO>().Insert(access);

  return res;

With this code you can log a user access without leaving UserRepository class and delegate this to the caller method. Remember to keep Repository methods simple and without doing action out of their scope.

####IListRepository<TEntity, TDTO, TListDTO> The IListRepository<TEntity, TDTO, TListDTO> is an interface that inherits from IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> and has only one get-set property for another IRepository but for TEntity and TListDTO so you can have two DTO for the same type, one lighter for reading lists of DTOs and one complete for CRUD operations. I use it when I have to return data using WCF and data must navigate deep inside objects.

##IUnitOfWork The IUnitOfWork interface contains base methods for the UnitOfWork like transactions, save changes and getting repositories.

###UnitOfWork There are two UnitOfWork classes, one wants DbContext in constructor, the other inherits from this and wants only the DbContext type and instantiate it with default constructor. UnitOfWork implements the IDisposable interface so you can use it in the using closure and it disposes the context only if it's instatiated by the UnitOfWork otherwise you will be responsible for it. UnitOfWork class, like Builder, uses reflection for getting IRepository objects that are unknown. You can get the repository in two ways:

using (var uow = new UnitOfWork<TestDbContext>()) //the uow object is responsible for disposing the context
  const int id = 1;
  var user = uow.Repository<User, UserDTO>().DTO(id);
  if (user != null && uow.CustomRepository<UserRepository>().IsAdmin(user.Id))
    //user is admin
  else if (user != null)
    //user exists but is not admin
    //user not found

The user object is retrieved by IRepository<TEntity, TDTO> exposed methods because the repository type is not known at compile time. We can check the admin status by retrieving the repository by type so we know it at compile time and we can use its business related methods like IsAdmin.