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File metadata and controls

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In order to use the charts in this repository, you must have the following components installed:

  1. A compatible Kubernetes cluster (version 1.9 or later)
  2. Helm
  3. Kubernetes Service Catalog
  4. Open Service Broker for Azure

This document describes how to install all these pre-requisities.

Step 1: Create a Compatible Kubernetes Cluster

Please choose your preferred Kubernetes installation method below.


Some older versions of Minikube, as well as some newer ones, suffer from bugs that can be worked around, but only with moderate effort. We therefore recommend that if you are using Minikube that you use v0.25.2.

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC

After your Minikube cluster starts, execute the following:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin:kube-system \
       --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

ACS Engine

If you are using acs-engine to install a cluster, run the below command from the root of this repository.

Note: make sure you update keyData and servicePrincipalProfile in the given acs-engine-kubernetes-config.json file

acs-engine deploy \
    --subscription-id $SUB_ID \
    --dns-prefix $DNS_PREFIX \
    --location westus2 \
    --auto-suffix \
    --api-model docs/service-catalog/acs-engine-kubernetes-config.json

In the above command, SUB_ID is the ID for your Azure subscription and DNS_PREFIX is a unique string that will prefix all cluster related DNS entries (to avoid collisions with other clusters).

This command will generate a series of Kubernetes configuration files, named according to the Azure region. Choose the one named for the region into which you installed your cluster (by default, the new cluster will be installed into the subscription's default region) and merge it into your standard kubeconfig file.

Here's an easy way to do that merge:

KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG_PATH:_output/$CLUSTER_NAME/kubeconfig/kubeconfig.$REGION.json \
    kubectl config view --flatten > $KUBECONFIG_PATH

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

If you would like to use Service Catalog and Open Service Broker for Azure with AKS, create a cluster as outlined in the AKS quickstart.

Step 2: Initialize Helm on the Cluster

Installing Service Catalog and Open Service Broker for Azure is accomplished using Helm. If you created your Kubernetes cluster using acs-engine in the previous step, Helm is already installed. However, you may need to upgrade the Tiller component. To check the version, use the helm version command. You need helm version 2.7.0 or later in order to install Service Catalog and Open Service Broker for Azure. If you need to upgrade Helm, you can upgrade Tiller by executing the following command:

helm init --upgrade

Otherwise, you'll need to install the Helm componentry onto your cluster yourself.

If you are using AKS or Minikube, run the following commands to complete the installation:

kubectl create -f
helm init --service-account tiller

Step 3: Install Service Catalog

After you've successfully installed your Kubernetes cluster and installed Helm, you'll need to install Service Catalog.

To install Service Catalog, execute the following commands:

helm repo add svc-cat
helm install svc-cat/catalog --name catalog --namespace catalog

If you'd like a more advanced installation, see the Service Catalog installation documentation.

Step 4: Install Open Service Broker For Azure

After you've successfully installed service catalog, you'll need to install Open Service Broker for Azure.

To do so, please follow the installation instructions for Open Service Broker for Azure.