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Releases: BtheDestroyer/SpriteTools

Small camera fix

28 Jul 07:48
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Fixed st_camera_rotate() and st_camera_rotate_set() as they were looping too early before (1.0 instead of 2π).

Also made them loop to 2π when they are below 0.

Cameras, rotations, and stretching!

26 Jul 06:43
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So I've been hard at work all day trying to get this working and I think that this update will bring SpriteTools to a state I'm happy with.

Here's a small sample of the cool stuff you can do with the new update:


Download the and extract it to find spritetools.h which you can include in your program's source.


Anyone can use SpriteTools in their project so long as the following line (or one with the same information) of credit and a link to the main page ( are provided:

SpriteTools by Bryce "BtheDestroyer" Dixon

New includes

spritetools.h now automatically includes math.h and stdio.h due to the fact that it uses their functions.

New structure: Camera

Cameras can keep track of vital information for advanced rendering in use with a few new functions!

st_cam {
    int xPos;      //x position of the center of the screen
    int yPos;      //y position of the center of the screen
    float zoom;    //how stretched/offset sprites on screen should be 1.0 for default
    float rot;     //how rotated the camera should be in radians
    st_ent *follow;//which entitiy is to be followed with st_camera_move_follow() and related functions

Global variable st_cam *st_MainCamera

This is a variable that points to a camera in functions such as st_entity_render_camera_main() and is manipulated by functions such as st_camera_setmain().

That being said, it is a global variable and can be called/manipulated by your own program. To be safe, it's best not to modify st_MainCamera directly.

New Functions

 //returns an st_anim with less inputs than st_animation_create
 st_anim st_animation_create_simple(sf2d_texture *texture, int frames, int width, int height)

//displays current frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates and stretches it a certain amount, then adds 1 to currentframe
 void st_animation_play_stretch(st_anim *panim, int xrend, int yrend, float stretch)

//Adds an st_ent to the first open slot available. returns false if no slot is open
bool st_entity_add_simple(st_ent ent[], int total, st_anim anim0, int x, int y, int xhot, int yhot, int speed, int control)

//Prints the given slots' structure of an st_ent array
void st_entity_print_array(st_ent ent[], int total)

//returns an st_anim
st_anim st_animation_create(sf2d_texture *texture, int frames, int framepause, int ytop, int xleft, int width, int height)

//returns an st_cam
st_cam st_camera_create(int xPos, int yPos, float zoom, float rot, st_ent *follow)

//returns an st_cam with less inputs than st_camera_create
st_cam st_camera_create_simple(int xPos, int yPos)

//sets the main camera to the supplied cam.
void st_camera_setmain(st_cam* cam)

//moves an st_cam to given position
void st_camera_move(st_cam *pcam, int xPos, int yPos)

//moves an st_cam to given x position
void st_camera_move_x(st_cam *pcam, int xPos)

//moves an st_cam to given y position
void st_camera_move_y(st_cam *pcam, int yPos)

//moves an st_cam to given st_ent's position
void st_camera_move_ent(st_cam *pcam, st_ent ent)

//moves an st_cam to given st_ent's position
void st_camera_move_ent_offset(st_cam *pcam, st_ent ent, int xOff, int yOff)

//moves an st_cam the st_ent it's following
void st_camera_move_follow(st_cam *pcam)

//moves an st_cam to the st_ent it's following with an x and y offset
void st_camera_move_follow_offset(st_cam *pcam, int xOff, int yOff)

//changes what st_ent an st_cam is following
void st_camera_follow(st_cam *pcam, st_ent *pent)

//changes what st_ent an st_cam is following and moves it there
void st_camera_follow_move(st_cam *pcam, st_ent *pent)

//adds a float to an st_cam's rotation
void st_camera_rotate(st_cam *pcam, float rot)

//sets an st_cam's rotation to a float
void st_camera_rotate_set(st_cam *pcam, float rot)

//adds a float to an st_cam's zoom
void st_camera_zoom(st_cam *pcam, float zoom)

//sets an st_cam's zoom to a float
void st_camera_zoom_set(st_cam *pcam, float zoom)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to an st_cam
void st_entity_render_camera(st_ent ent[], int total, st_cam cam)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to an st_cam WITHOUT stretching
void st_entity_render_camera_nostretch(st_ent ent[], int total, st_cam cam)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to an st_cam WITHOUT rotation
void st_entity_render_camera_norotation(st_ent ent[], int total, st_cam cam)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to an st_cam WITHOUT stretching OR rotation
void st_entity_render_camera_nostretch_norotation(st_ent ent[], int total, st_cam cam)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to the main st_cam
void st_entity_render_camera_main(st_ent ent[], int total)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to the main st_cam WITHOUT stretching
void st_entity_render_camera_main_nostretch(st_ent ent[], int total)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to the main st_cam WITHOUT rotation
void st_entity_render_camera_main_norotation(st_ent ent[], int total)

//Renders all st_ents in relation to the main WITHOUT stretching OR rotation
void st_entity_render_camera_main_nostretch_norotation(st_ent ent[], int total)

View the changes

First release

25 Jul 01:59
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SpriteTools is a C header file to be used in conjunction with SF2Dlib in creating 2D 3DS Homebrew. SpriteTools adds the following on top of SF2D:


Automatically includes <sf2d.h> and <stdlib.h>


st_anim{ //animations utilizing spritesheets
    unsigned int frames;      //number of frames in the animation
    unsigned int currentframe;//current frame of the animation for use in st_animation_frame_current()
    unsigned int framepause;  //number of frames to wait before displaying the next frame of the anim
    unsigned int pausedframes;//number of frames paused with st_animation_play()
    unsigned int ytop;        //top pixel of the first frame in the spritesheet
    unsigned int xleft;       //left pixel of the first frame in the spritesheet
    unsigned int width;       //width of each frame in the animation
    unsigned int height;      //height of each frame in the animation
    sf2d_texture *texture;    //spritesheet of the animation


st_ent{ //entities and entity arrays utilizing animations and distinct universal values
    st_anim animStandingDown; //plays when not moving and facing down
    st_anim animStandingUp;   //plays when not moving and facing up
    st_anim animStandingLeft; //plays when not moving and facing left
    st_anim animStandingRight;//plays when not moving and facing right
    st_anim animWalkingDown;  //plays when moving and facing down
    st_anim animWalkingUp;    //plays when moving and facing up
    st_anim animWalkingLeft;  //plays when moving and facing left
    st_anim animWalkingRight; //plays when moving and facing right
    unsigned int xPos;        //horizontal position on screen
    unsigned int yPos;        //vertical position on screen
    int xHotspot;             //horizontal offset when rendering
    int yHotspot;             //vertical offset when rendering
    int speed;                //speed offset when moving
    int dir;                  //direction facing. 0=down, 1=right, 2=up, 3=left.
    bool moving;              //determines if the entity is moving
    unsigned int control;     //determines built-in control method. 0=static, 1-7=player controlled
    bool openSlot;            //tells st_entity_add() if this entity can be written to and st_entity_render() if it should be rendered


//displays selected frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates
st_animation_frame(st_anim anim, int frame, int xrend, int yrend)
//displays current frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates, then adds 1 to currentframe
st_animation_frame_current(st_anim *panim, int xrend, int yrend)
//displays current frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates
st_animation_frame_current_nochange(st_anim anim, int xrend, int yrend)
//displays previous frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates, then subtracts 1 from currentframe
st_animation_frame_previous(st_anim *panim, int xrend, int yrend)
//displays previous frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates, then subtracts 1 from currentframe
st_animation_frame_previous_nochange(st_anim anim, int xrend, int yrend)
//changes current frame to given int
st_animation_frame_set(st_anim anim, int frame)
//displays current frame of animation at selected X and Y coordinates, then adds 1 to currentframe
st_animation_play(st_anim *panim, int xrend, int yrend)
//Prints the st_anim's structure
st_animation_print(st_anim anim)
//Initializes default value(s) for st_ent arrays
st_entity_init(st_ent ent[], int total)
//Prints the st_ent's structure
st_entity_print(st_ent ent)
//returns the appropriate st_anim of given st_ent
st_entity_getanim(st_ent ent)
//Adds an st_ent to the first open slot available. returns false if no slot is open
st_entity_add(st_ent ent[], int total, st_anim anim0, st_anim anim1, st_anim anim2, st_anim anim3, st_anim anim4, st_anim anim5, st_anim anim6, st_anim anim7, int x, int y, int xhot, int yhot, int speed, int dir, bool moving, int control)
//Sets an st_ent to the selected slot
st_entity_set(st_ent ent[], int slot, st_anim anim0, st_anim anim1, st_anim anim2, st_anim anim3, st_anim anim4, st_anim anim5, st_anim anim6, st_anim anim7, int x, int y, int xhot, int yhot, int speed, int dir, bool moving, int control)
//Opens the selected slot in an st_ent array
st_entity_remove(st_ent ent[], int slot)
//Renders all st_ents
st_entity_render(st_ent ent[], int total)
//Gets player input and moves st_ents accordingly
st_entity_move_player(st_ent ent[], int total)