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I want to create something cool with Quil!

This is a story of Clara who attended a ClojureBridge workshop recently.
At the workshop, she learned what Clojure is and how to write Clojure code.
That really impressed her, "How functional!"
Also, Clara met an interesting drawing tool, Quil, which is written in Clojure.
When Clara learned how to use Quil, she thought, "I want to create something cool with Quil!"
Here's how Clara developed her own Quil application.

Step 1. Snowflake on a blue background

Clara considered where to start while looking at her first drawing application. Then, a small light turned on in her mind, "a white snowflake on a blue background looks nice." What she wanted to know was how to make a background blue and put a snowflake on it. Clara already learned how to find the way. It was:

  1. Go to the API documentation website
  2. Google it

Following that, Clara went to the Quil API web site,, and found the Loading and Displaying section. Then, she found the background-image function.

Then, she googled and found a StackOverflow question, Load/display image in clojure with quil, which looked like helpful. She also went to ClojureBridge drawing resources section, Quil and Processing Resources. Browsing at web sites listed there for a while, she found an interesting Xmas tree example, xmas-tree.clj, which displayed a xmas tree read from a file in a window. "This should be what I want," she delighted in getting those useful search results.

OK, for now, she got enough information to accomplish step 1.

At the ClojureBridge workshop, Clara went though the Quil app tutorial, Making Your First Program with Quil, so she already had the drawing Clojure project. She decided to use the same project for her own app.

step 1-1: Create a new source file

Clara added a new file under src/drawing directory with the name practice.clj. At this point, her directory structure looks like the below:

├── project.clj
└── src
    └── drawing
        ├── core.clj
        ├── lines.clj
        └── practice.clj      <-- this file is added in step 1-1

step 1-2: Add namespace - make the source code clojure-ish

First, Clojure source code has a namespace declaration, so Clara copy-pasted ns from the top of her lines.clj file. But, she changed the name from drawing.lines to drawing.practice, because her new file has the name practice.

At this moment, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]))

step 1-3: Add basic Quil code

Basic Quil code has setup and draw functions, along with a defsketch macro, which defines the app. Following these Quil rules, Clara added those things into her practice.clj.

Now, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]))

;; setup and draw functions and q/defsketch are added in step 1-3
(defn setup [])

(defn draw [])

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top])

step 1-4: Download and put snowflake and background images

Looking at the Quil API and the StackOverflow question, Clara learned that where to put her image files was important. She created a new directory, images, under the top drawing directory, and put two images there.

Now, her directory structure looks like the one below:

├── images
│   ├── blue_background.png      <-- added in step 1-4
│   └── white_flake.png          <-- added in step 1-4
├── project.clj
└── src
    └── drawing
        ├── core.clj
        ├── lines.clj
        └── practice.clj

step 1-5: Add framework

So far, the images were ready, the next step was to code using the Quil API.

Clara was back to the xmas tree example and learned her application needed one more library to add, [quil.middleware :as m] within :require. This was a quite new experience to her. To figure out what's that and how to use, Clara walked through the document Functional mode (fun mode).

When she finished the document, she murmured, "Ha, fun mode, nice name, isn't it? What I should do here is... to add":

  1. [quil.middleware :as m] in the ns form
  2. :middleware [m/fun-mode] in the q/defsketch form
  3. function argument state to draw function

"to my practice.clj. OK, let's do it!"

At this moment, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))  ;; this line is added in step 1-5

(defn setup [])

(defn draw [state])                    ;; argument state is added in step 1-5

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])             ;; this line is added in step 1-5

step 1-6: Load snowflake and background images

Clara already knew the final pieces to load images were:

  1. in setup function, load images and return those as a state
  2. in draw function, look the contents in state argument and draw images

So, she added a few lines of code to the setup and draw functions in her practice.clj. She was careful when writing the image filenames because it should reflect the actual directory structure.

practice.clj in step 1

At this moment, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(defn setup []
  ;; these two lines, a map (data structure) is added in step 1-6
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")}

(defn draw [state]
  ;; q/background-image and q/image functions are added in step 1-6
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (q/image (:flake state) 200 10)

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

When Clara ran this code, she saw this image:

step 1 screenshot

Woohoo! She made it!

[bonus] destructuring

Clojure has a nice feature called, destructuring. Using the destructuring in a function argument, we can write draw function like this:

(defn draw [{flake :flake background :background}]
  (q/background-image background)
  (q/image flake 200 10))

Clojurians often use this handy feature.

Step 2. Snowflake falling down

Clara was satisfied with the image of the white snowflake on the blue background. However, that was boring. For the next step, she wanted to move the snowflake like it was falling down. This needed further Quil API study and googling.

As far as she searched, moving some pieces in the image is called animation. The basic idea is:

  • draw the image at some position
  • update the position
  • draw the image at updated position

So-called animations repeat these steps again and again.

step 2-1: Add y parameter update

"Well," Clara thought, "What does 'moving the snowflake like it was falling down' mean in terms of programming?"

To draw the snowflake, she used Quil's image function, described in the API: image.

The x and y parameters were 200 and 10 from the upper-left corner, which was the position she set to draw the snowflake. To make it fall down, the y parameter should be increased as time goes by.

x and y

In terms of programming, 'moving the snowflake like it was falling down' means:

  1. Set the initial state--for example, (x, y) = (200, 10)
  2. Draw the background first, then the snowflake
  3. Update the state - increase the y parameter--for example, (x, y) = (200, 11)
  4. Draw the background again first, then the snowflake
  5. Repeat 2 and 3, increasing the y parameter.

In her application, "changing state" includes only the y parameter. How could she increment the y value by one?

Yes, Clojure has the inc function. This is the function she used.

To update y parameter:

  • Add an initial y parameter in the map of setup function, which represents state

    {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
     :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
     :y-param 10}
  • Add a new function update which will increment the y parameter by one

    (defn update [state]
      ;; updating y paraemter by one
      (update-in state [:y-param] inc))
  • Add the update function in the q/defsketch form

    (q/defsketch practice
      :title "Clara's Quil practice"
      :size [500 500]
      :setup setup
      :update update
      :draw draw
      :features [:keep-on-top]
      :middleware [m/fun-mode])

step 2-2: Draw the image on updated position

So far, the app got the feature to update y parameter; however, this is not enough to make the snowflake falling down. The snowflakes should be put on the updated position.

Clara changed the draw function so that q/image could have updated y parameter.

(defn draw [state]
  ;; drawing blue background and a snowflake on it
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (q/image (:flake state) 200 (:y-param state)))

She added one more function, (q/smooth), to setup since this would make animation move smoothly.

practice.clj in step 2

At this point, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(defn setup []
  (q/smooth)                                      ;; added in step 2-2
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :y-param 10}                                   ;; added in step 2-1

;; update function is added in step 2-1
(defn update [state]
  (update-in state [:y-param] inc))

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (q/image (:flake state) 200 (:y-param state))    ;; changed in step 2-2

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update                                   ;; added in step 2-1
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

When Clara ran this code--hey! She saw the snowflake was falling down.

Step 3. Make the snowflake keep falling down from top to bottom

Clara got a nice Quil app. But, once the snowflake went down beyond the bottom line, that was it. Only a blue background remained on the window. So, she wanted it to repeat again and again.

In other words: if the snowflake reaches the bottom, it should come back to the top. Then, it should fall down again.

In terms of programming, what does that mean?

If the y parameter is greater than the height of the image, y parameter should go back to 0. Otherwise, the y parameter should be incremented by one. That said, there exist two cases to update y parameter.

Clara recalled if was used for Flow Control at the ClojureBridge workshop. It looked if would handle the two cases well like this:

(defn update [state]
  (if (>= (:y-param state) (q/height)) ;; y-param is greater than or equal to image height?
    (assoc state :y-param 0)           ;; true - get it back to the 0 (top)
    (update-in state [:y-param] inc)   ;; false - update y paraemter by one

So, she used if to make the snowflake go back to the top in the update function.

practice.clj in step 3

At this point, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :y-param 10})

(defn update [state]
  ;; these three lines were added in step 3
  (if (>= (:y-param state) (q/height))
    (assoc state :y-param 0)
    (update-in state [:y-param] inc)))

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (q/image (:flake state) 200 (:y-param state)))

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

Clara saw the snowflake appeared from the top after it went down below the bottom line.

Step 4. Make more snowflakes falling down from top to bottom

Clara thought, "It's nice to look at the snowflake falls down many times. But I have only one snowflake. Can I add more?" She wanted to see more snowflakes falling down: one or more on the left half, as well as one or more on the right half.

Again, she needed to express her thoughts by the words of programming world. Looking at her code already written, she figures out, "This would be 'draw multiple images with the different x parameters.'" The easiest way would be to copy-paste (q/image (:flake state) 200 (:y-param state) multiple times with the different x parameters. For example,

(q/image (:flake state) 10 (:y-param state))
(q/image (:flake state) 200 (:y-param state))
(q/image (:flake state) 390 (:y-param state))

But, for Clara, this did not look nice; she learned a lot about Clojure and wanted to use what she knew.

First, she thought about how to keep multiple x parameters. She remembered there was a Vectors in the Data Structures section, which looked a good fit in this case.

Here's what she did to add more snowflakes:

  1. Add a vector which has multiple x parameters assigned to a name with def.

    (def x-params [10 200 390]) ;; x parameters for three snowflakes
  2. Draw snowflakes as many times as the number of x-params using doseq.

    (doseq [x x-params]
      (q/image (:flake state) x (:y-param state)))

practice.clj in step 4

At this point, practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(def x-params [10 200 390])                      ;; added in step 4

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :y-param 10})

(defn update [state]
  (if (>= (:y-param state) (q/height))
    (assoc state :y-param 0)
    (update-in state [:y-param] inc)))

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (doseq [x x-params]                              ;; two lines were changed
    (q/image (:flake state) x (:y-param state))))  ;; in step 4

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

"Yes!" Clara shouted when she saw three snowflakes kept falling down.

Step 5. Make snowflakes keep falling down at different speed

Although her app looked lovely, Clara felt something was not quite right. In her window, all three snowflakes fell down at the same speed like a robots' march. It did not look natural. So, she wanted to make them fall down at different speed.

Using programming terms, the problem here is that all three snowflakes share the same y parameter. Given that using multiple y parameters would solve the problem--but how?

step 5-1 Change y parameters to maps with speeds

As she used vector for the x parameters, the vector would be a good data structure to have different y parameters as well. However, this should not be a simple vector since each snowflake will have two parameters, height and speed. Having these two, Clara could change the falling speed of each snowflake.

Well, she was back to ClojureBridge curriculum and went to Data Structures. There was a data structure called Maps which allowed her to save multiple parameters. Looking at maps examples, she changed the y-param from a single value to a vector of 3 maps. Also, the keyword was changed from y-param to y-params. Now her initial state became this:

{:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
 :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
 :y-params [{:y 10 :speed 1} {:y 150 :speed 4} {:y 50 :speed 2}]}

It was a nice data structure, actually maps in a vector in a map including outer map. Downside was, her update function would not be simple anymore. What she had to do was updating all y values in the three maps within a vector.

step 5-2 Update values in maps in the vector

Thinking both map and vector at the same time was confusing to her, so she decided to think about map only. Each map has y parameter and speed:

{:y 150 :speed 4}

as an initial state. The very next moment, speed should be added to y value. As a result, the map should be updated to:

{:y 154 :speed 4}

To accomplish this map update, Clara added update-y function:

(defn update-y
  (let [y (:y m)
        speed (:speed m)]
    (if (>= y (q/height))           ;; y is greater than or equal to image height?
      (assoc m :y 0)                ;; true - get it back to the 0 (top)
      (update-in m [:y] + speed)))) ;; false - add y value and speed

[bonus] destructuring

Using Clojure's destructuring, we can write update-y function like this:

(defn update-y
  [{y :y speed :speed :as m}]
  (if (>= y (q/height))
    (assoc m :y 0)
    (update-in m [:y] + speed)))

As in the code, we can skip let binding.

step 5-3 Update maps in the vector

Next step is to update maps in the vector using update-y function. Before writing this part, Clara cut down the problem to focus on updating a vector: how to update contents in a vector. She remembered there was a map function which allowed her to apply a function to each element in the vector. map function

For example:

(map inc [1 2 3]) ;=> (2 3 4)

Clojure has a map function and map data structure. Be careful, this is confusing. In Python, function is a map, data structure is dictionary. In Ruby, function is a map or collect, data structure is hash.

She tested the function on the insta-REPL:

(defn update-test
  (let [y (:y m)
        speed (:speed m)]
    (if (>= y 500)
      (assoc m :y 0)
      (update-in m [:y] + speed))))

(def y-params [{:y 10 :speed 1} {:y 150 :speed 4} {:y 50 :speed 2}])

(map update-test y-params)
;=> ({:y 11, :speed 1} {:y 154, :speed 4} {:y 52, :speed 2})

It looked good, so she got back to her practice.clj file to change update function. This function should return the state as the map which includes :y-params key with the update vector as a value. Her update function became like this:

(defn update [state]
  (let [y-params (:y-params state)]
    (assoc state :y-params (map update-y y-params))))

step 5-4 Update draw function to see maps in the vector

Another challenge was the draw function change to see values in the maps which were in the vector. Clara found a couple of ways to repeat something in Clojure. Among them, she chose dotimes and nth to repeatedly draw images; the nth function is the one in the curriculum: Data Structures

In this case, she knew there were exactly 3 snowflakes, so she changed the code to draw 3 snowflakes as shown below:

(let [y-params (:y-params state)]
    (dotimes [n 3]
      (q/image (:flake state) (nth x-params n) (:y (nth y-params n)))))

practice.clj in step 5

At this point, her entire practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(def x-params [10 200 390])

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :y-params [{:y 10 :speed 1} {:y 150 :speed 4} {:y 50 :speed 2}]})  ;; changed in step 5-1

;; update-y function was added in step 5-2
(defn update-y
  (let [y (:y m)
        speed (:speed m)]
    (if (>= y (q/height))
      (assoc m :y 0)
      (update-in m [:y] + speed))))

(defn update [state]
  (let [y-params (:y-params state)]                   ;; update function
    (assoc state :y-params (map update-y y-params)))) ;; was changed in step 5-3

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (let [y-params (:y-params state)]   ;; three lines below were changed in step 5-4
    (dotimes [n 3]
      (q/image (:flake state) (nth x-params n) (:y (nth y-params n))))))

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

When she ran the code, three snowflakes kept falling down at different speeds. It looked more natural.

Step 6. Do some "refactoring"

Clara looked at her practice.clj thinking her code got longer for a while.

Scanning her code from top to bottom again, she thought "x-params may be part of the state," for example:

[{:x 10 :y 10 :speed 1} {:x 200 :y 150 :speed 4} {:x 390 :y 50 :speed 2}]

She found that this new data structure was easy to maintain the state of each snowflake.

To use this new data structure, she changed her setup function to return the initial state which included x parameters also. The key name was changed from :y-params to :params:

{:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :params [{:x 10  :y 10  :speed 1}
            {:x 200 :y 150 :speed 4}
            {:x 390 :y 50  :speed 2}]}

Clara stared at update-y function and concluded to leave as it was. Since existence of :x and its value didn't affect updating y value. The function returned the map with three key-value pairs with updated y value.

What about update function? This needed a little change since key name was changed from :y-params to :params.

(defn update [state]
  (let [params (:params state)]
    (assoc state :params (map update-y params))))

The draw function would have a bigger change since the way to extract x values was changed. At first, Clara changed dotimes function like this:

(let [params (:params state)]
  (dotimes [n 3]
    (q/image (:flake state) (:x (nth params n)) (:y (nth params n)))))

But, the exact the same thing, (nth params n), appeared twice. "Is there anything better to avoid repetition?" she thought. The answer was easy - use let binding within dotimes function. Using let, her dotimes form turned to:

(let [params (:params state)]
  (dotimes [n 3]
    (let [param (nth params n)]
      (q/image (:flake state) (:x param) (:y param)))))

The last line got much cleaner!

practice.clj in step 6

At this moment, her entire practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :params [{:x 10  :y 10  :speed 1}                       ;; changed in step 6
            {:x 200 :y 150 :speed 4}                       ;;
            {:x 390 :y 50  :speed 2}]})                    ;;

(defn update-y
  (let [y (:y m)
        speed (:speed m)]
    (if (>= y (q/height))
      (assoc m :y 0)
      (update-in m [:y] + speed))))

(defn update [state]
  (let [params (:params state)]                    ;; changed to params in step 6
    (assoc state :params (map update-y params))))  ;;

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (let [params (:params state)]                            ;; changed in step 6
    (dotimes [n 3]                                         ;;
      (let [param (nth params n)]                          ;;
        (q/image (:flake state) (:x param) (:y param)))))) ;;

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

She saw the exact same result as the step 5, but her code looked nicer. This sort of work is often called "refactoring".

Step 7. Make snowflakes swing as falling down

Clara was getting much familiar with Clojure coding. Her Quil app was getting much more fantastic, as well!

It was amusing to look at snowflakes falling down in different speeds. But, something she didn't like was... all of the snowflakes were falling straight down. This was much better than marching robots: however, it would be awesome if snowflakes were swinging left and right as falling down.

In the words of programming, the x parameter should either increase or decrease when the value is updated. This means that the update function should update the x parameters as well as the y parameters so that snowflakes took a trace like this:

curve to fall down

This would be a big challenge to her.

step 7-1 Add swing parameter to initial state

Clara already knew from her experience on y value: different swing parameters to three x values would give her nice swing motion. She changed the initial state to have swing parameter like this:

[{:x 10  :swing 1 :y 10  :speed 1}
 {:x 200 :swing 3 :y 100 :speed 4}
 {:x 390 :swing 2 :y 50  :speed 2}]

The swing parameters should work to give different ranges between leftmost and rightmost of the curve.

swing of curve

Her setup function became like this:

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :params [{:x 10  :swing 1 :y 10  :speed 1}
            {:x 200 :swing 3 :y 100 :speed 4}
            {:x 390 :swing 2 :y 50  :speed 2}]})

step 7-2 Calculate x values to swing snowflakes

Updating x values were quite similar to the one for y values. Like Clara added the update-y function, she was about to write update-x function. But she stopped and thought, "How can I calculate updated x values?" sketching a curve in her mind.

She went to Quil api document and scanned the functions thinking some might have helped her. She found sin function which was to calculate the sine of an angle. Also she recalled what was the shape of sine curve.

The curve she want had roughly the shape of:

x = sin(y)

If she considered the size of window, a couple more parameters were needed to make swing look nice, for example:

x = x + a * sin(y / b)

The parameter a exactly works as the swing she added to the state. When the swing is 1, the curve traces like in the left image. While the swing is 3, the curve becomes the right image.

swing is 1 swing is 3

The parameter b adjusts distances between peeks. If the value is small, the snowflake goes left and right busily. On the other hand, if the value is big, the snowflakes moves loosely. Thinking of the size of window, 50 would be a good number for b. Given that, the update function would be:

x = x + swing * sin(y / 50)

Not just update x values, the function should handle the cases x is smaller than 0 (too left), and x is greater than image width (too right). When the x value goes to less than 0, it should take the value of the image width, so that the snowflake will appear from the right. Likewise, when the x value goes to more than the image width, it should have value 0 so that the snowflake will appear from the left. Reflecting this conditions, her update-x function became like this:

(defn update-x
  (let [x (:x m)
        swing (:swing m)
        y (:y m)]
     (< x 0) (assoc m :x (q/width))                                  ;; too left
     (< x (q/width)) (update-in m [:x] + (* swing (q/sin (/ y 50)))) ;; within frame
     :else (assoc m :x 0))))                                         ;; too right

In this function, she couldn't use if anymore since if takes only one predicate (comparison). Instead of if, she used cond which allowed her to handle multiple comparisons.

step 7-3 Update x and y values in maps in the vector

Clara got update-y and update-x functions. The next step would be to use these functions to update x and y values in maps in the vector. This would not be a big deal for her anymore. Tricky thing was it needed after updating y values in maps, it should update x values in the same maps. Luckily, Clojure's let binding treats this sort of value changes well. Within let, each binding is evaluated from the first to last one by one. The update function turned to this:

(defn update [state]
  (let [params  (:params state)
        params (map update-y params)
        params (map update-x params)]
    (assoc state :params params)))

The first binding assigns params vector to a name, params. The second binding updates y values in the params (maps in vector) and assigns to the name, params. The third binding updates x values in the params (maps in vector) and assigns to the name, params. When params comes to the body of let function, in other words, the line of assoc, both x and y values are already updated.

These were all to swing the snowflakes. She could use draw function as it was.

practice.clj in step 7

At this point, her entire practice.clj looks like this:

(ns drawing.practice
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(defn setup []
  {:flake (q/load-image "images/white_flake.png")
   :background (q/load-image "images/blue_background.png")
   :params [{:x 10  :swing 1 :y 10  :speed 1}       ;; swing was added in step 7-1
            {:x 200 :swing 3 :y 100 :speed 4}       ;;
            {:x 390 :swing 2 :y 50  :speed 2}]})    ;;

;; this update-x function was added in step 7-2
(defn update-x
  (let [x (:x m)
        swing (:swing m)
        y (:y m)]
     (< x 0) (assoc m :x (q/width))
     (< x (q/width)) (update-in m [:x] + (* swing (q/sin (/ y 50))))
     :else (assoc m :x 0))))

(defn update-y
  (let [y (:y m)
        speed (:speed m)]
    (if (>= y (q/height))
      (assoc m :y 0)
      (update-in m [:y] + speed))))

(defn update [state]
  (let [params  (:params state)
        params (map update-y params)
        params (map update-x params)]               ;; added in step 7-3
    (assoc state :params params)))

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background-image (:background state))
  (let [params (:params state)]
    (dotimes [n 3]
      (let [param (nth params n)]
        (q/image (:flake state) (:x param) (:y param))))))

(q/defsketch practice
  :title "Clara's Quil practice"
  :size [500 500]
  :setup setup
  :update update
  :draw draw
  :features [:keep-on-top]
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

When Clara ran this code, she saw snowflakes were falling down, swinging left and right tracing sine curve. "Cool!" she shouted with joy.

Still, she could a couple more improvements including refactoring, Clara was satisfied with her app. Moreover, she started thinking about her next, more advanced app in Clojure!

The End.

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