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Install: Ansible Vault

desimaniac edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 25 revisions

Ansible Vault is a feature of Ansible that allows users to encrypt data with AES 256 cipher. This allows us to secure sensitive data, such as passwords and keys, and have Ansible decrypt them automatically when they are needed.

We will use this to encrypt accounts.yml, where all the account info is stored.

Note: For more information on Ansible Vault, checkout the Ansible Vault Primer.

1. Set Nano As Your Current Editor

export EDITOR=nano

Note: This is only needed for new installs as Cloudbox installer will set nano to be the default editor.

2. Create a Password File

  1. First we need to create a password filr.

    nano ~/.ansible_vault
  2. Type in your password:

  3. When done editing, save the file: Ctrl + X Y Enter.

3. Edit Ansible Config

We will now need to add the location of the password file into ansible.cfg, in the format of:

  1. Edit ansible.cfg:

    nano ~/cloudbox/ansible.cfg
  2. Add the following line:

    vault_password_file = ~/.ansible_vault
  3. It should now look like this:

    inventory = inventories/local
    callback_whitelist = profile_tasks
    command_warnings = False
    retry_files_enabled = False
    hash_behaviour = merge
    vault_password_file = ~/.ansible_vault
  4. When done editing, save the file: Ctrl + X Y Enter.

4. Encrypt accounts.yml

  1. Run the following command:

    ansible-vault encrypt ~/cloudbox/accounts.yml
  2. You will get the following output:

    Encryption successful


  1. Introduction
  2. Cloudbox Install Types
  3. Cloudbox Paths
  4. Accessing Cloudbox Apps


  1. Overview
  2. Presumptions
  3. Server
  4. Domain Name
  5. Cloudflare
  6. Cloud Storage
  7. Plex / Emby - Account
  8. Usenet vs. BitTorrent

Install Cloudbox

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies (Choose only one of these)
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall (Choose only one of these)
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Cloudbox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. NZBGet
    2. ruTorrent
    3. NZBHydra2
    4. Jackett
    5. Plex Media Server
    6. Plex Autoscan
    7. Sonarr
    8. Radarr
    9. Lidarr
    10. PlexPy (Tautulli)
    11. Ombi
    12. Portainer
    13. Organizr
  10. Next Steps

Install Feederbox / Mediabox

Feederbox (do this first)
  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Feederbox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. NZBGet
    2. ruTorrent
    3. NZBHydra2
    4. Jackett
    5. Sonarr
    6. Radarr
    7. Lidarr
    8. Portainer
    9. Organizr
  10. Next Steps

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Mediabox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. Feeder Mount
    2. Plex Media Server
    3. Plex Autoscan
    4. PlexPy (Tautulli)
    5. Ombi
  10. Next Steps

Recommended Reading

Backup and Restore

More Information

Advanced Configuration





See Community Wiki.




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