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desimaniac edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 66 revisions

This guide will outline some basic steps to copy/move your Cloudbox setup to another server and/or another domain name.

Listed below are some common scenarios and their migration instructions.

Move Cloudbox to Another Server and Keep the Same Domain Name

Previous Server

  1. Backup your current Cloudbox server.

New Server

  1. Restore Cloudbox to the new server (skip steps #6 and #7 for now).

  2. If you are not using Cloudflare:

    • Point your domain's DNS to the new server.
  3. Install the relevant Cloudbox type: Cloudbox, Mediabox, or Feederbox (Step #6 of the Restore instructions).

  4. Install any extra, not-default containers you had installed previously (Step #7 of the Restore instructions).

  5. Check to see if your Plex Autoscan URL has changed and update Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr, accordingly.

Move Cloudbox to Another Server and Change the Domain Name

Previous Server

  1. Backup your current Cloudbox server.

  2. Revoke your domain's SSL certificates.[1]

New Server

  1. Restore Cloudbox to the new server (skip steps #6 and #7 for now).

  2. Add in your new domain name into settings.

  3. If you are using Cloudflare:

    1. Register your domain with Cloudflare.

    2. Add the Cloudflare API into settings.

  4. If you are not using Cloudflare:

    • Point your new domain's DNS to the new server.
  5. Replace the domain name in app specific config files:

    • /opt/cloudplow/config.json

    • /opt/emby/config/system.xml (only if installed)

    • /opt/motd/config.json

    • /opt/traktarr/config.json (only if installed)

    • /opt/plex_dupefinder/config.json (only if installed)

    • /opt/plex_patrol/settings.ini (only if installed)

    • /opt/sabnzbd/app/sabnzbd.ini (only if installed)

  6. Install the relevant Cloudbox type: Cloudbox, Mediabox, or Feederbox (Step #6 of the Restore instructions).

  7. Install any extra, not-default containers you had installed previously (Step #7 of the Restore instructions).

  8. Check to see if your Plex Autoscan URL has changed and update Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr, accordingly.

Keep Cloudbox on the Same Server but Change the Domain Name

  1. Backup your current Cloudbox server (Optional, but recommended).

  2. Revoke your domain's SSL certificates.[1]

  3. Add in your new domain name into settings.

  4. If you are using Cloudflare:

    1. Register your domain with Cloudflare.

    2. Add the Cloudflare API into settings.

  5. If you are not using Cloudflare:

    • Point your new domain's DNS to the server.
  6. Replace the domain name in app specific config files:

    • /opt/cloudplow/config.json

    • /opt/emby/config/system.xml (only if installed)

    • /opt/motd/config.json

    • /opt/traktarr/config.json (only if installed)

    • /opt/plex_dupefinder/config.json (only if installed)

    • /opt/plex_patrol/settings.ini (only if installed)

    • /opt/sabnzbd/app/sabnzbd.ini (only if installed)

  7. Install the relevant Cloudbox type: Cloudbox, Mediabox, or Feederbox (Step #6 of the Restore instructions).

  8. Install any extra, not-default containers you had installed previously (Step #7 of the Restore instructions).

  9. Check to see if your Plex Autoscan URL has changed and update Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr, accordingly.

1 This will free up the domain name from Let’s Encrypt and you will be able to use it in the future without having to wait for the previous certificates to expire (~90 days).


  1. Introduction
  2. Cloudbox Install Types
  3. Cloudbox Paths
  4. Accessing Cloudbox Apps


  1. Overview
  2. Presumptions
  3. Server
  4. Domain Name
  5. Cloudflare
  6. Cloud Storage
  7. Plex / Emby - Account
  8. Usenet vs. BitTorrent

Install Cloudbox

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies (Choose only one of these)
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall (Choose only one of these)
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Cloudbox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. NZBGet
    2. ruTorrent
    3. NZBHydra2
    4. Jackett
    5. Plex Media Server
    6. Plex Autoscan
    7. Sonarr
    8. Radarr
    9. Lidarr
    10. PlexPy (Tautulli)
    11. Ombi
    12. Portainer
    13. Organizr
  10. Next Steps

Install Feederbox / Mediabox

Feederbox (do this first)
  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Feederbox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. NZBGet
    2. ruTorrent
    3. NZBHydra2
    4. Jackett
    5. Sonarr
    6. Radarr
    7. Lidarr
    8. Portainer
    9. Organizr
  10. Next Steps

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Settings
  4. Preinstall
  5. SSH
  6. Ansible Vault
  7. Rclone
  8. Mediabox (Choose only one of these)
  9. Application Setup
    1. Feeder Mount
    2. Plex Media Server
    3. Plex Autoscan
    4. PlexPy (Tautulli)
    5. Ombi
  10. Next Steps

Recommended Reading

Backup and Restore

More Information

Advanced Configuration





See Community Wiki.




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