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Inside wahid

This document describes why we create this library and how this library emulates CreateJS.


CreateJS is a JavaScript library consisting of four modules:

Adobe Flash Pro can publish its animation assets as JavaScript code that uses CreateJS so HTML5-compliant browsers can run them without plug-ins. Adobe Flash Pro were so popular among game developers that they used CreateJS animations generated by Adobe Flash Pro in their HTML5 games.

Unfortunately, their HTML5 games did not run as smoothly on smartphones as they expected. To investigate the games, smartphones consumed lots of CPU resources (e.g. processing power, memory, etc.) to play CreateJS animations and they could not allocate their CPU resources sufficiently to the games themselves.

After this investigation, we decided to develop a new JavaScript library compatible with CreateJS from scratch. Technically, there were several other options to run their HTML5 games more smoothly:

  • Simplifying CreateJS animations;
  • Changing CreateJS code, and;
  • Using alternatives (e.g. Unity, Cocos 2D, etc.).

For each option, we talked about its pros and cons with game developers to find the best option for them. While this talk, they encouraged for us (i.e. HTML5-game developers) to develop a new platform optimized for HTML5 games and we started developing this library as part of our new HTML5-game platform.

Design principals

This library is developed on the following principals to play CreateJS animations as smoothly as native ones on smartphone browsers:

  • Optimize for smartphone browsers;
  • Use caches;
  • Offload tasks;
  • Combine all the CreateJS modules into one library, and;
  • Optimize for module loaders.

Optimizing for smartphone browsers

Good native games are well-optimized for their platforms, especially when they run on platforms that do not have much processing power. We also optimize this library for our primary target, i.e. smartphone browsers.

Smartphones (especially Android 4.x ones) do not have as much CPU power as PCs. To run CreateJS-based games on smartphone browsers as fast as native games, we optimized this library for modern (smartphone) browsers, which provide lots of HTML5 APIs (e.g. WebGL, Indexed Database, XMLHttpRequest v2, Object URL, etc.), and implemented only CreateJS features that can run on them as fast as native games. (This causes compatibility problems with CreateJS as written in Compatibility with CreateJS.)

Smartphone operating systems (i.e. iOS and Android) have out-of-memory killers to kill memory-consuming applications when they run out of memory. Games often use lots of resources (e.g. images and sounds) and they are very likely to be killed by out-of-memory killers when their host systems run out of memory. To make this issue worse, HTML5 games often cache their views, i.e. they switch their views without discarding their current views. Caching views of HTML5 games remarkably increases its memory consumption, i.e. HTML5 games are more likely to be killed by out-of-memory killers. To prevent HTML5 games from being killed by out-of-memory killers, this library discards its resources quite aggressively, e.g.:

  • A createjs.DisplayObject object deletes all its properties when it is removed from its parent, and;
  • A createjs.Stage object immediately destroys all its resources (e.g. WebGL textures, <canvas> elements, sounds, etc.) when it receives a hashchange event.

Using caches

Good native games effectively use caches to avoid unnecessary network access. We also implement a cache to avoid loading CreateJS resources multiple times.

Games usually use PreloadJS to load lots of CreateJS resources (e.g. images, sounds, JavaScript files, etc.) from servers. It usually takes long time for smartphone browsers to load the resources via wireless networks and it is frustrating for users to wait for smartphone browsers to load them. Loading resources also interferes communications between a client and a server, i.e. it causes glitches in retrieving server responses. To accelerate loading resources, we cache resources (including binary ones) to a local database and re-loads resources only when games invalidate the cache.

Smartphone browsers have HTML5 APIs that accept binary data (e.g. Indexed Database, XMLHttpRequest v2, Object URL, etc.) and the section Emulating PreloadJS describe how we implement the cache with these APIs.

Offloading tasks

Good native games effectively use GPUs and threads for offloading. We also use GPUs and <iframe> pages to offload CreateJS tasks.

We do not only use WebGL to offload some rendering tasks from a CPU to a GPU, but also use an <iframe> worker to offload SoundJS tasks from a game page to an <iframe> page.

A smartphone game consists of lots of tasks (retrieving resources, communicating with a server, rendering images, playing sounds, etc.) Executing all these tasks in the game page often causes glitches and game developers usually have to executing CPU-consuming tasks in the background by themselves to avoid these glitches. Unfortunately, it is not so easy for game developers to controlling background tasks. To help game developers, we automatically offload rendering tasks to GPUs and offload SoundJS tasks to workers, respectively.

Combining CreateJS modules

Good native games do not have redundant code. We also remove redundancies of CreateJS.

CreateJS uses plug-ins to extend their capabilities and games use some plug-ins (especially filters). On the other hand, these plug-ins need redundancies and increase the module size. We combine all CreateJS modules and plug-ins frequently used by games into one JavaScript module so we can apply inter-module optimizations and remove redundancies.

Optimizing for module loaders

Good native games do not load unnecessary modules (a.k.a. shared libraries). We also allow games to load this library when they use it.

A game usually consists of lots of JavaScript files (including ones generated by Adobe Flash Pro) and loads them asynchronously with module loaders (e.g. RequireJS). We export only the CreateJS symbols used by games to avoid name conflicts. It also provides a compile flag createjs.SUPPORT_AMD to build this library as an AMD module, i.e. we do not export any symbols to the global namespace when this flag is true.

Compatibility with CreateJS

This library does NOT SO MUCH focus on compatibility with CreateJS, i.e. it sacrifices compatibility not only for improving game speed but also for reducing memory consumption. Although this library has classes and methods compatible with CreateJS, they are implemented with fast HTML5 APIs. Unfortunately, these fast HTML5 APIs are incompatible with the slow HTML5 APIs used by CreateJS and it is not so easy to make this library 100% compatible with CreateJS with these fast and incompatible HTML5 APIs.

In practice, this library has many compatibility issues with CreateJS, e.g.:

  • A tween can change its position only once per frame;
  • A CreateJS object destroys itself when its parent removes it;
  • A large createjs.Shape object looks blurry;
  • A CreateJS object can attach only one mask, etc.

Unfortunately, we decided to leave these compatibility issues open because we cannot fix these compatibility issues without losing game speed or increasing memory consumption. We wish game developers are able to work around them to develop good games. (These issues are due to the lack of our programming ability and we are working hard to find solutions without losing game speed or increasing memory consumption.)

This library is not fail-safe. This library calculates internal variables in rendering CreateJS objects and uses them in rendering the objects next time, i.e. when there is an exception in rendering a CreateJS object, this library cannot any longer render the CreateJS object as expected. (This issue happens when there is a JavaScript error in a tween action.)


This library roughly consists of four modules and each module emulates one CreateJS one:

Each module depends on other ones, i.e. it is not so easy to extract one module from this library.

Emulating EaselJS

Games often use thousands of CreateJS objects simultaneously and render them with EaselJS. They also use huge bitmaps (i.e. larger than 1 mega pixels) to draw crisp images on smartphone screens.

Our object renderer is designed for WebGL to run such games as fast as native games on smartphone browsers that provide WebGL (e.g. Chrome for Android, Mobile Safari, Internet Explorer Mobile, etc.), i.e. it renders all CreateJS objects (e.g. createjs.Bitmap, createjs.Text, createjs.Shape, createjs.Sprite, etc.) with WebGL on smartphone browsers.

Implementing a shader program

Our object renderer use a custom shader program optimized for CreateJS to render an image (i.e. an <img> element, a <canvas> element, or a <video> element) with WebGL.

  // The vertex shader.
  attribute vec2 position;  // The destination position.
  attribute vec2 texture;   // The source position.
  uniform vec2 screen;      // The screen scale.
  uniform mat3 transform;   // The global affine transformation.
  varying vec2 uv_point;
  void main() {
    // Apply the affine transformation to the destination position.
    vec3 v = transform * vec3(position[0], position[1], 1);

    // Convert the position from the HTML coordinate "(0,0)-(width,height)" to
    // the WebGL one "(-1,-1)-(1,1)".
    gl_Position = vec4(v[0] * screen[0] - 1.0, v[1] * screen[1] + 1.0, 0, 1);

    // Pass the source position to the fragment shader.
    uv_point = texture;
  // The fragment shader.
  precision mediump float;
  varying vec2 uv_point;
  uniform sampler2D image;
  uniform vec4 alpha;       // The alpha transparency
  uniform mat4 matrix;      // The color matrix
  uniform vec4 offset;      // The color offset
  void main() {
    // Retrieve the pixel at the source position.
    vec4 v = texture2D(image, uv_point);

    // Apply the color-matrix filter to the source pixel and multiply the global
    // alpha with its result. (The color offset must be multiplied with the
    // alpha value of the source pixel because WebGL uses premultiplied-alpha
    // pixels.)
    gl_FragColor = alpha * (matrix * v + offset * v[3]);

Our object renderer can render one of an <img> element, a <canvas> element, or a <video> element with this shader program as listed below:

  1. Create a WebGL texture from an <img> element, a <canvas> element, or a <video> element;
  2. Set the global affine transformation of the element (a 3x3 augmented matrix representing its position in the output <canvas> element) to the transform variable;
  3. Set a blend function;
  4. Set createjs.ColorMatrix values to the matrix variable and to the offset variable;
  5. Set an alpha transparency to the alpha variable;
  6. Set a source rectangle to the texture attribute, and;
  7. Draw a triangle strip.

On the other hand, our object renderer still cannot render CreateJS objects with WebGL. It needs to implement the following features to render a CreateJS object.

Creating WebGL textures

For createjs.Bitmap objects and createjs.Sprite objects, our object renderer uses their <img> elements to create their WebGL textures. For createjs.Text objects and createjs.Shape objects, it draws them to memory <canvas> elements and uses the <canvas> elements to create their WebGL textures. Our object renderer adds a new class createjs.Video to integrate code necessary for rendering <video> elements inline.

Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Bitmap objects

A createjs.Bitmap object uses its <img> element as its bitmap and uses its sourceRect property as its source rectangle, respectively. Once when a createjs.Bitmap object creates a WebGL texture from an <img> element, it attaches the WebGL texture to the texture_ property of the element to prevent creating multiple WebGL textures from an <img> element. Multiple createjs.Bitmap objects often share one <img> element and it does not make sense to create multiple WebGL textures from an <img> element. (An <img> element cannot change its image and createjs.Bitmap object does not have to update the WebGL texture attached to it.)

Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Sprite objects

A createjs.Sprite object uses its <img> element as its bitmap as a createjs.Bitmap does. On the other hand, it calculates its source rectangle from its createjs.SpriteSheet object at run time, i.e. a createjs.Sprite object changes its source rectangle every other frame.

Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Text objects

A createjs.Text object has a memory <canvas> element and uses the <canvas> element as its WebGL texture. A createjs.Text creates its WebGL texture as listed below:

  1. Calculate the width of its memory <canvas> element and its height;

    Text 1

  2. Render its text to the element, and;

    Text 2

  3. Create a WebGL texture from the element.

    Text 3

Currently, a createjs.Text object does not use the zoom property in calculating the width of its memory <canvas> element or its height, i.e. createjs.Text objects become blurry when a web page has a 'zoom' property.

Once when a createjs.Text object creates a WebGL texture from its memory <canvas> element, it attaches the WebGL texture to the element to update the WebGL texture when the object has its text changed. The text of a createjs.Text object is often changed either by a game or by a tween as listed in the following code snippet.

  // Create an empty createjs.Text instance. (This does not create either a
  // memory <canvas> element or a WebGL texture.)
  var text = new createjs.Text('', '20px Arial', '#fff');

  // Changing the text property automatically updates its <canvas> element and
  // its WebGL texture.
  text.text = 'DEF';

When a createjs.Text object has its text changed, it has to redraw the changed text to its memory <canvas> element to update its WebGL texture. It is not so fast to update the WebGL texture of a createjs.Text object and we attach a setter method to the 'text' property to update the WebGL texture only when it is changed either by a game or by a tween.

  Object.defineProperties(createjs.Text.prototype, {
    'text': {
      get: createjs.Text.prototype.getText,
      set: createjs.Text.prototype.setText
    'font': {
      get: createjs.Text.prototype.getFont,
      set: createjs.Text.prototype.setFont

It is not so often for multiple createjs.Text objects to share one text and createjs.Text objects do not share memory <canvas> elements. To reduce memory consumption, a createjs.Text object explicitly deletes both its memory <canvas> element and its WebGL texture when it is detached from a CreateJS object tree.

Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Shape objects

Our object renderer does not only use memory <canvas> elements to render createjs.Shape objects but also it uses a shared cache so multiple createjs.Shape objects can automatically share createjs.Graphics objects.

Adobe Flash Pro generates JavaScript code that creates a createjs.Shape instance in its constructor (not its prototype) as listed in the following code snippet.

  (lib.my_shape = function() {

    // Layer 1
    this.shape = new cjs.Shape();"#ffffff").p("...");

  }).prototype = p = new cjs.Container();

This code shows creating one lib.my_shape instance creates one createjs.Shape instance (and one createjs.Graphics instance). When another Flash-generated class creates three lib.my_shape instances in its constructor as listed in the following code snippet, creating one instance creates three lib.my_shape instances, i.e. it creates three createjs.Shape instances of the same image.

  ( = function () {
    this.instance_0 = new lib.my_shape();
    this.instance_1 = new lib.my_shape();
    this.instance_2 = new lib.my_shape();
  }).prototype = p = new cjs.Container();

(This case often happens when games use createjs.Shape objects as particles.) Our object renderer uses a shared cache so such createjs.Shape instances of he same image can automatically share one createjs.Graphics instance.

The createjs.Shape class automatically compresses huge shapes to save memory consumed by its memory <canvas> element and by its WebGL texture, e.g. the createjs.Shape object in the following snippet draws a star to a 2048x2048 <canvas> element and its memory <canvas> element consumes about 16 MB of memory.

  var shape = new createjs.Shape();'#58c').drawPolyStart(1024, 1024, 1024, 5, 0.5, -90);

Shape 1

The createjs.Shape class automatically decreases the shape width to 64 and its height to 64, respectively. It also increases its scales so its visible width is equal to the original one and so is its visible height, i.e. it automatically replaces the above shape with the one listed below.

  var shape = new createjs.Shape();"#58c").drawRect(64, 64, 64, 5, 0.5. -90);
  shape.scaleX = 16;
  shape.scaleY = 16;

Shape 2

This compression is a lossy compression algorithm and compressed createjs.Shape objects look blurry.

Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Video objects

Our object renderer has a new class createjs.Video that encapsulates a <video> element to play it inline.

It is not so trivial to render a <video> element:

  • A WebGL texture needs to update its image according to the position of a <video> element.
  • Internet Explorer cannot create a WebGL texture from a <video> element;
  • Mobile Safari needs tweaks to play a <video> element inline, etc.

The createjs.Video class implements these browser-specific issues so our object renderer can create WebGL textures from <video> elements and update them. This class also has methods to safely start playing <video> elements and to stop playing them.

Calculating global affine transformations

A CreateJS object has an affine transformation, a 3x3 augmented matrix representing the relative position from its parent. It is calculated from the createjs.DisplayObject properties (x, y, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotation, regX, and regY) as listed below:

Equation 1

For example, for a createjs.Bitmap object with its scaleX 2 and its skewX 45 degrees, its affine transformation is calculated as listed below:

Equation 2

The global affine transformation of a CreateJS object is an affine transformation representing its global position, i.e. the position in the output <canvas> element. For all visible CreateJS objects, we need their global affine transformations to render them with WebGL.

The global affine transformation of a CreateJS object is equal to the product of all affine transformations of the CreateJS object and its ancestors, e.g. when the above createjs.Bitmap object is a child of a createjs.Stage object with its scaleY 2, its global affine transformation is calculated with multiplying the affine transformation of the createjs.Stage object by the one of the createjs.Bitmap object as listed below:

Equation 3

In general, it is slow to calculate the global affine transformations of all visible CreateJS objects. Assume a tree of CreateJS objects and their affine transformations (A[0], ..., A[n]) as listed below.

  stage                 A[0]
   +- container         A[1]
        +- container    A[n-1]
             +- bitmap0 A[n]

To denote the global affine transformation of the bitmap0 as A, (n-1) matrix multiplications are needed to calculate A as listed below:

Equation 4

This equation shows each CreateJS object needs (n-1) matrix multiplications to calculate its global affine transformation, i.e. it needs the following number of matrix multiplications to calculate the global affine transformations of all CreateJS objects:

(the depth of each CreateJS object) * (the number of CreateJS objects)

Games commonly use hundreds of visible CreateJS objects and it is very slow for smartphone browsers to calculate their global affine transformations.

Caching global affine transformations

To improve the calculation speed of global affine transformations, we cache the global affine transformations of CreateJS objects. Assume a tree of CreateJS objects containing two bitmaps (bitmap0 and bitmap1).

  stage                 A[0]
   +- container         A[1]
        +- container    A[n-1]
             +- bitmap0 A[n]
             +- bitmap1 A'[n]

To denote the global affine transformation of bitmap0 as A, the one of bitmap1 as A', and the one of container as C, they satisfy the following equations.

Equation 5

These equations show A and A' share the matrix C, i.e. when container caches its global affine transformation C, A is calculated with one matrix multiplication and A' is calculated with one matrix multiplication, respectively. To use mathematical induction, it needs the following number of matrix multiplications to calculate the global affine transformations of all CreateJS objects when each CreateJS object caches its global affine transformation:

(the number of CreateJS objects)

Monitoring the properties of CreateJS objects

To avoid unnecessary matrix multiplications, we monitor the properties of each CreateJS object and calculate its global affine transformation only when it has its properties changed by games or tweens.

A public property of a CreateJS object has a setter method as listed in the following code snippet. The setter functions of a CreateJS object set true to its dirty flag to re-calculate its global affine transformation next time when it rendered. (Tweens uses the createjs.TweenTarget interface to change properties.)

Object.defineProperties(createjs.DisplayObject.prototype, {
  'x': {
    get: createjs.DisplayObject.prototype.getX,
    set: createjs.DisplayObject.prototype.setX
  'y': {
    get: createjs.DisplayObject.prototype.getY,
    set: createjs.DisplayObject.prototype.setY

Converting a composition mode to a blend function

Our object renderer emulates a composition modes of Canvas 2D with a blend function of WebGL.

Our object renderer replaces a composition mode of Canvas 2D with a blend function of WebGL as listed in the following table. (These conversions assume WebGL textures are premultiplied-alpha ones, i.e. our object renderer has to set 1 to the gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL flag.)

composition modeblend mode

This conversion is not perfect because our shader program cannot blend pixels outside of the source rectangle. This incompatibility causes rendering issues when the composition mode is not one of source-over, source-atop, destination-over, lighter, darker, or multiply.

Implementing a mask

Our object renderer partially implements the DisplayObject.prototope.mark property so it can render masked CreateJS objects.

WebGL has the scissor test to clip a bitmap with a rectangle. On the other hand, it does not have trivial methods to mask a bitmap with another. (This does not mean it is impossible to mask a bitmap with another, though.)

Our object renderer draws a CreateJS object and its mask to an off-screen framebuffer to draw a masked CreateJS object:

  1. Draw a mask into a memory <canvas> element (only once);

    Mask 1

  2. Switch a rendering target to an off-screen framebuffer;

  3. Enables the scissor test to the off-screen framebuffer to render only the inside of the mask;

  4. Draw the CreateJS object onto the off-screen framebuffer;

    Mask 2

  5. Draw the memory <canvas> element to the off-screen framebuffer with its composition mode destination-in, and;

    Mask 3

  6. Draw the off-screen framebuffer to the output framebuffer.

This implementation currently has limitations:

Choosing the best rendering API

Our object renderer uses an API-independent interface (denoted as the createjs.Renderer interface) to render CreateJS objects. This library implements the createjs.Renderer interface both with WebGL and with Canvas 2D so we can choose the best rendering API for browsers.

Our object renderer uses WebGL to render CreateJS objects on the following browsers:

On the other hand, it use Canvas 2D on the following browsers:

Currently, there are not any methods for games to choose the API used by our object renderer.

The createjs.Renderer interface

This createjs.Renderer interface is a common subset of Canvas 2D and WebGL. This interface provides the following methods and properties of the CanvasRenderingContext2D interface:

Our object renderer provide a couple of classes that implements the createjs.Renderer interface:

  • The createjs.WebGLRenderer class, which implements the interface with WebGL, and;
  • The createjs.CanvasRenderer class, which implements the interface with Canvas 2D.

Our object renderer uses the createjs.WebGLRenderer class to render CreateJS objects on browsers that provide WebGL (including Android browsers that provide experimental WebGL implementation, which is not compliant with the WebGL specification), and it uses the createjs.CanvasRenderer class on browsers that do not.

Dispatching events

Games attach event listeners to CreateJS objects and they expect an event is dispatched to their listeners without delay or glitches, even when a tree consists of thousands of CreateJS objects. Some games also expect an event is dispatched to their listeners only when its position points to non-transparent pixels, i.e. we have to read pixels of CreateJS objects to dispatch an event.

We use rendering results not only to prevent traversing CreateJS objects that do not have event listeners attached but also to prevent traversing CreateJS objects that do not intersect with an event position.

Collecting events

For each CreateJS object, our object renderer recursively collects events listened by the object or its descendants to traverse only CreateJS objects that have event listeners. Games often uses huge CreateJS-object trees, consisting of thousands of CreateJS objects, and it is very slow to traverse all of them to dispatch an event. When our object renderer renders a CreateJS object, it returns a set of events listened by the object or its descendants.

For example, assume the following tree of CreateJS objects.

   +- container0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1
   +- container1
       +- shape0

When bitmap1 has a click-event listener listener0, we need to traverse three CreateJS objects stage, container0, and bitmap1 to dispatch a click event to listener0.

  stage *
   +- container0 *
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 * {click: listener0}
   +- container1
       +- shape0

When our object renderer renders this tree, bitmap0 returns an event click to container0, and container0 returns the event click to stage, respectively.

  stage click
   +- container0 click
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 {click: listener0}
   +- container1
       +- shape0

When stage dispatches a click event, each CreateJS object looks up its event set to prevent stage from traversing container1 and to prevent container0 from traversing bitmap0, respectively.

  stage click
   +- container0 click
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 click
   +- container1
       +- shape0

On the other hand, our object renderer needs to traverse all children of a createjs.Container object when it has an event listener.

For example, assume the following tree of CreateJS objects and an event listener listener1 is attached to container1.

   +- container0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1
   +- container1  {click: listener1}
       +- shape0

When our object renderer renders this tree, container1 returns an event click to stage.

  stage click
   +- container0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1
   +- container1 click
       +- shape0

When stage dispatches a click event, it looks up its event set and traverses to container1. Container1 traverses shape0 because it has listener1 attached so it can receive an event triggered by shape0.

  stage click
   +- container0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1
   +- container1 click  {click: listener1}
       +- shape0 click

Using bounding boxes

Our object renderer uses the bounding boxes of CreateJS objects to prevent dispatching events to CreateJS objects that do not contain the event position.

A CreateJS object has a couple of bounding boxes;

For example, for a createjs.Bitmap object with its position {x: 10, y: 10} and its size {width: 10, height: 10}, its local bounding box is {minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 10, maxY: 10} and its global bounding box is {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20}, respectively.

As written in Calculating the global affine transformation, each CreateJS object has a global affine transformation and our object renderer can get its global bounding box with multiplying its local bounding box by its global affine transformation.

When a createjs.Stage object receives an HTML event, our object renderer finds CreateJS objects whose global bounding boxes contain the event position. For each matching CreateJS object, our object renderer converts the event position from the global coordinate to its local coordinate and check if its local bounding box contains the local position.

For example, assume the following tree of CreateJS objects.

  stage           {x: 0, y: 0}
   +- container0  {x: 10, y: 10}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0 {x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 {x: 20, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10}
   +- container1  {x: 20, y: 20}
       +- bitmap2 {x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10}

The following figure roughly shows the rendering result of this tree.

  |          |
  |          |
  | 00  11   |
  | 00  11   |
  |   22     |
  |   22     |

While rendering the CreateJS objects, our object renderer recursively calculates the bounding boxes of these CreateJS objects as listed in the following steps.

  1. Calculate the bounding boxes of the createjs.Bitmap objects.
   +- container0
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0 {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 {minX: 30, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 20}
   +- container1
       +- bitmap2 {minX: 20, minY: 20, maxX: 30, maxY: 30}
  1. Merge the bounding boxes of the createjs.Bitmap objects to get the ones of the createjs.Container objects.
   +- container0  {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 20}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0 {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 {minX: 30, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 20}
   +- container1  {minX: 20, minY: 20, maxX: 30, maxY: 30}
       +- bitmap2 {minX: 20, minY: 20, maxX: 30, maxY: 30}
  1. Merge the bounding boxes of the createjs.Container objects to get the one of the createjs.Stage object.
  stage           {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 30}
   +- container0  {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 20}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap0 {minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20}
   |   |
   |   +- bitmap1 {minX: 30, minY: 10, maxX: 40, maxY: 20}
   +- container1  {minX: 20, minY: 20, maxX: 30, maxY: 30}
       +- bitmap2 {minX: 20, minY: 20, maxX: 30, maxY: 30}

When stage receives an event at {x: 15, y: 15}, it looks up the bounding boxes of its children and traverses to container0. Container0 looks up the bounding boxes of its children and traverses to bitmap0.

Reading pixels

When an event reaches either to a createjs.Bitmap object or to a createjs.Shape object, our object renderer reads its pixels and trigger the event when they are opaque (i.e. alpha > 0).

Reading pixels of a createjs.Bitmap object

Our object renderer draws a createjs.Bitmap object to a 1x1 memory <canvas> element and reads its pixel.

A <canvas> element allows reading its pixels only when it is not tainted, i.e. our object renderer can read pixels of a createjs.Bitmap object created either from a <canvas> element or from an <img> element shared as written in Cross Origin Resource Sharing. Fortunately, as written in Loading a binary file from a resource server, our resource loader always sends a Cross Origin Resource Sharing request to download an image file from a resource server so our object renderer can create a WebGL texture from an image file without errors. That is, our resource loader can read pixels of a createjs.Bitmap object without errors when its image file is loaded by our resource loader.

Reading pixels of a createjs.Shape object

Our object renderer reads pixels from the cache <canvas> element of a createjs.Shape object.

As written in Creating WebGL textures from createjs.Shape objects, createjs.Shape objects cache their rasterized images to <canvas> elements. Our object renderer reads pixels of the cache <canvas> element of a createjs.Shape object directly, i.e. without rendering it.

Emulating the createjs.Ticker class

We emulate a couple of the timing modes (timeout and synched) for the createjs.Ticker class. We also add the createjs.TickListener interface so we can update createjs.Stage objects without dispatching tick events.

Choosing a timing mode

The timeout mode is implemented with the setInterval() method and the synched mode is implemented with the requestAnimationFrame() method, respectively. Unfortunately, these methods have browser-specific issues as listed below:

  1. The requestAnimationFrame() method does not guarantee calling its callbacks at 60 fps;
  2. Chrome drops frames rendered by setInterval() callbacks Issue 436021;
  3. An eval() call clears setInterval() callbacks on Android 4.2 Stack Overflow, etc.

The following table summarizes these browser-specific issues.

browserOS timingMode
WebView Android 4.0 or 4.1N/A
Android 4.23
Android 4.3
Android 4.4 or later1
Internet Explorer 11Windows
Microsoft EdgeWindows

This table show that it is not so trivial to choose a timing method that a game can render its frames consistently at 60 fps. (In general, it would be good to use synched except on Chrome for Android or on Chromium WebView.)


This library allows the createjs.Ticker.setFPS() method to set only a divisor of 60 (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60) to a game FPS (Frames Per Second).

This is a temporary workaround for visual glitches of our object renderer: it cannot display all its frames for the same period of time if it uses the requestAnimationFrame() method and its FPS is not a divisor of 60.

When the requestAnimationFrame() method calls its callback at 60 FPS and a game sets 24 to its FPS, our object renderer displays Frame #0 for 50 ms (= 1000 / 60 * 3 ms), renders Frame #1 for ~33.3 ms (= 1000 / 60 * 2 ms), Frame #2 for 50 ms, Frame #3 for ~33.3 ms, etc.

  0     16ms  33ms   50ms   66ms   83ms   100ms  116ms  133ms  150ms  166ms
  |      Frame #0      |   Frame #1  |      Frame #2      |   Frame #3  | ...

Game users sometimes feel such not-constantly-displayed frames as glitches and the createjs.Ticker.setFPS() method temporarily rounds up its input FPS to a divisor of 60.

Emulating SoundJS

Our sound player does not only emulate SoundJS so games can play sounds either with HTMLAudioElement or with Web Audio, but also we add some useful features for smartphones.

Mobile Safari need user actions to play sounds and game developers usually add code that plays an empty sound on first touch by themselves. Unfortunately, there are OS-specific issues on playing an empty sound on first touch as listed below:

  • Mobile Safari cannot play sounds on first touch when it is used for scrolling a screen, and;
  • Mobile Safari (on iOS 9.0) cannot play sounds on the first touchstart event.

It is not so easy for game developers to handle such browser-specific issues by themselves and we automatically play an empty sound on first touch on smartphones on their behalf.

Playing sounds

Our sound player is integrated into the createjs.LoadQueue object.

A game often uses so many sound files (e.g. BGMs, SEs, and voices) at once that it uses a mapping table to avoid load already-loaded sound files.

  function loadSound(url) {
    window.sounds = window.sounds || {};
    if (!window.sounds[url]) {
      var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
      queue.on('fileload', function (event) {
        var id =;
        var instance = createjs.Sound.createInstance(id);
        window.sounds[id] = instance;
      queue.loadFile({ 'src': url });

A game expects that it can start playing sound files immediately when it calls the play() method.

  function playSound(url) {
    window.sounds = window.sounds || {};
    var instance = window.sounds[url];
    if (instance) {, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    } else {
      var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
      queue.on('fileload', function (event) {
        var id =;
        var instance = createjs.Sound.createInstance(id);
        window.sounds[id] = instance;, 0, 0, 0, 1);
      queue.loadFile({ 'src': url });

On the other hand, a createjs.SoundInstance object decodes a sound file for the first time when it plays the file with Web Audio, i.e. a createjs.SoundInstance object cannot play a sound file immediately.

To play a sound file immediately, our sound player automatically creates a createjs.SoundInstance object and finishes API-specific preparations (e.g. decoding sounds, creating DOM elements, etc.) when a createjs.LoadQueue object loads a sound file, i.e. a createjs.SoundInstance object is ready to play when the createjs.LoadQueue object dispatches a fileload event.

Compatibility Issues

Our sound player does not have a master volume, i.e. the createjs.Sound.setVolume() method is an empty method. The HTMLAudioElement interface does not have a master volume and it is hard to implement a master volume when a game uses our HTMLAudioElement player.

Playing sounds with Web Audio

Our Web Audio player decodes preloaded sound files in advance.

The AudioBufferSourceNode interface (used both by CreateJS and by our Web Audio player) can play only PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) data, i.e. a game needs to decode a sound file (e.g. an MP3 file or an MP4 file) to play it with the interface. It often takes several milliseconds for a smartphone to decode a sound file and this decode time causes a so-called lip-sync problem: a synchronization issue that a game cannot play a sound file synchronously with an animation. This lip-sync problem happens when a game decodes a sound file for the first time when it plays the file and our Web Audio player decodes sound files when it loads them with PreloadJS to fix this lip-sync problem.

  var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
  queue.on('complete', function (){
    // This instance already has decoded PCM data and it is ready to play.
    var instance = createjs.Sound.createInstance('test1');, 0, 0, 1, 1);
  // Load an MP3 file and wait for a browser to finish decoding the file.
    { 'src': 'test1.mp3', id: 'test1', 'sync': 1 }

The Web Audio specification changes pretty often and not all browsers catch up with its latest specification.

  var source = context.createBufferSource();
  source.buffer = buffer;
  source.onended = function() {
    source.buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22500);

Playing sounds with <audio> elements

Our HTMLAudioElement player is optimized for Internet Explorer and it has some limitations on Android smartphones.

Our sound player uses our HTMLAudioElement player only on browsers having Web Audio unavailable, i.e. on Internet Explorer and on Android stock browsers on Android 4.x smartphones.

Unfortunately, an <audio> element has several issues on Android 4.x smartphones:

  • Several Android stock browsers can play only one <audio> element at once;
  • Several Android stock browsers cannot use Object URLs as the sources of <audio> elements;
  • An Android stock browser does not send ended events, etc.

These Android-specific issues make it hard for our HTMLAudioElement player to implement all createjs.SoundInstance features on Android 4.x smartphones and it has a couple of huge limitations:

  • It can play only one sound file at once, and;
  • It cannot play cached sound files.

On the other hand, our HTMLAudioElement player implements almost all createjs.SoundInstance features on Internet Explorer.

Decoding sounds with <iframe> elements

Our Web Audio player use an <iframe> page to decode sound files in the background.

Out createjs.LoadQueue class decodes sound files in advance so games can play them without delays. Most browsers (e.g. Mobile Safari, Microsoft Edge) use hardware to decode sound files and it is pretty fast to decode sound files with Web Audio on them. On the other hand, Chrome uses software decoders, which consumes lots of CPU power, to decode sound files with Web Audio and decoding sound files causes glitches on smartphones that do not have enough CPU power. To mitigate such glitches, our sound player uses an <iframe> element to decode sound files in the background. (An <iframe> page has its own context and run JavaScript code on it to prevent an <iframe> page from interrupting its parent page, i.e. Decoding sound files on an <iframe> page can prevent interrupting a game running on its parent page.)


Our sound player uses unsecure communication between a game page (which includes this library) and the above <iframe> page, i.e. malicious JavaScript libraries included in the game page can send messages to the <iframe> page to decode sounds.

In brief, this library does not use <iframe> elements as expected by browsers and it is hard to fix this issue without stopping using them: this library creates an <iframe> element with a data URL to load the page without network access. A data URL does not have a host name or a port number, i.e. its origin is undefined. The above <iframe> page also has an undefined origin and it is hard to set the targetOrigin property when this library posts a message to the <iframe> page. It is also hard to verify the origin property when this library receives a message event from the <iframe> page.

For what it's worth, this library assumes games use this library only with trusted JavaScript code, which does not post malicious messages to the <iframe> page. We recommend to compile this library with the createjs.USE_FRAME flag false to disable the <iframe> decoder for games that use this library with untrusted JavaScript libraries.

Emulating TweenJS

We integrated TweenJS to EaselJS to prevent a tween from changing properties of its target CreateJS object too often.

A tween consists of a couple of operations:

  • Animations (a pair of properties and an interpolation function), and;
  • Actions (a JavaScript function).

When CreateJS updates a tween, CreateJS does not only change properties of its target CreateJS object but also it executes a JavaScript function, i.e. it is not so fast to update a tween. CreateJS runs tweens asynchronously and it often updates a tween more than once in a frame. It is not so fast to change properties of CreateJS objects and it does not make so much sense to change properties of CreateJS objects without rendering them.

A CreateJS object may have multiple tweens. A tween owned by a CreateJS object can change properties not only of its owner CreateJS object but also of any CreateJS objects.

Updating a tween

As written in Emulating EaselJS, we need to calculate the global affine transformation of a CreateJS object when it has its property changed. It consumes lots of CPU power to calculate the global affine transformation of a CreateJS object and we have to avoid unnecessary property changes. To avoid unnecessary property changes, we update tweens attached to a CreateJS object synchronously before calculating its global affine transformation. For example, assume the following tree of CreateJS objects and tweens.

  stage           (tween0 -> stage, tween1 -> container0)
   +- container0  (tween2 -> container0)
       +- bitmap0 (tween3 -> bitmap0)
       +- bitmap1 (tween4 -> bitmap1)

We update tweens and render this tree in the depth-first order as listed below:

  1. Update tween0 (change stage properties);
  2. Update tween1 (change container0 properties);
  3. Calculate the global affine transformation of stage;
  4. Update tween2 (change conainer0 properties);
  5. Calculate the global affine transformation of container0;
  6. Update tween3 (change bitmap0 properties);
  7. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap0 and draw it;
  8. Update tween4 (change bitmap1 properties);
  9. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap1 and draw it;

This algorithm needs to calculate the global affine transformation of a CreateJS object only once in one frame. On the other hand, it causes incompatibilities with TweenJS if a tween changes properties of an already-drawn CreateJS object as listed in the following tree of CreateJS objects and tweens.

   +- container1
       +- bitmap2
       +- bitmap3 (tween5 -> bitmap2)

In this case, bitmap2 has been drawn when tween5 changes its properties. We draw bitmap2 with its changed properties in the next frame.

Tweens changes the property values of their target CreateJS objects without calling property setters. As written in Monitoring the properties of CreateJS objects, each createjs.DisplayObject property has a property setter. Unfortunately, calling a property setter is not as fast as calling a JavaScript method and each createjs.DisplayObject property implements the createjs.TweenTarget interface so tweens can change its value directly, i.e without calling its setter.

Changing the position of a tween

Each tween has its own position and it automatically advances its position (independent mode) by default, i.e. tween6 increases its position by one when container2 is rendered.

   +- container2  (tween6 -> container2)
       +- container3

Our tween code is optimized for independent-mode tweens. Each tween does not only have its position but also it has a list of the property values of its target CreateJS object. When a tween increases its position, it retrieves the next item from the list and sets its property values to its target CreateJS object, i.e. it takes O(1) time for a tween to advance its position.

On the other hand, this implementation takes long time to change the position of a tween. When a tween changes its position, it needs to scan its property-value list from its beginning to find an item for the position, i.e. it takes O(n) time for a tween to change its position.

createjs.MovieClip objects

Changing the position of an independent-mode tween often causes a synchronization problem: e.g. once when tween7 changes it position with a setPosition() call, its position is not equal to the one of tween8 any longer.

   +- container2  (tween7 -> container2, tween7 -> container3)
       +- container3

To solve this synchronization problem, CreateJS uses createjs.MovieClip objects. A createjs.MovieClip object has its own position and set it to all its tweens, e.g. movieclip0 sets its position to tween8 and tween9 every time when it updates its timeline, i.e. even when tween8 changes its position, movieclip0 over-writes the position of tween8 with the one of movieclip0.

   +- movieclip0  (tween9 -> movieclip0, tween10 -> movieclip1)
       +- movieclip1
           +- bitmap4

Createjs.MovieClip objects solve the synchronization problem and Adobe Flash Pro uses createjs.MovieClip objects pretty often. Unfortunately, it was not so fast for us to emulate createjs.MovieClip objects. Each tween of a createjs.MovieClip object updates its position twice per frame (one by itself and the other by a createjs.MovieClip object). As written in Changing the position of a tween, it is not so fast for us to change the position of a tween and it consumes long time to render createjs.MovieClip objects.

To avoid unnecessary changes of tween positions, we changes the position of tweens belonging to a createjs.MovieClip object only when a game changes the position of the createjs.MovieClip object. Otherwise, the tweens automatically advances their positions. For example, when a game changes the position of movieclip0, we update tweens and render the above tree as listed below:

  1. Calculate the global affine transformation of stage;
  2. Set the position of tween9;
  3. Update tween9 (change movieclip0 properties);
  4. Set the position of tween10;
  5. Update tween10 (change movieclip1 properties);
  6. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip0;
  7. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip1, and;
  8. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap4 and draw it.

On the other hand, when a game does not change the position of movieclip0, we update tweens render the above tree as listed below:

  1. Calculate the global affine transformation of stage;
  2. Update tween9 (change movieclip0 properties);
  3. Update tween10 (change movieclip1 properties);
  4. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip0;
  5. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip1, and;
  6. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap4 and draw it.

It is not so often for a game to change the positions of createjs.MovieClip objects and it is mostly pretty fast for us to render createjs.MovieClip objects.

Synchronizing createjs.MovieClip objects

A createjs.MovieClip object can synchronize its position with another. This is often used by complicated animations generated by Adobe Flash Pro, which use dozens of images. As written in Updating a tween, we have a rendering issue in changing tween positions after it is rendered. To avoid this rendering problem, we synchronize the position of a synchronized createjs.MovieClip object to another before it sets the positions of its tweens.

For the following tree of CreateJS objects and tweens, movieclip3 is synchronized to movieclip2, i.e. the position of movieclip3 is equal to the one of movieclip2.

   +- movieclip2     (tween11 -> movieclip2)
       +- movieclip3 (tween12 -> movieclip3) (synchronized => movieclip2)
           +- bitmap5

We update tweens and render this tree as listed below:

  1. Calculate the global affine transformation of stage;
  2. Set the position of tween11;
  3. Change movieclip2 properties;
  4. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip2;
  5. Synchronize the position of movieclip3 to the one of movieclip2;
  6. Set the position of tween12;
  7. Change movieclip3 properties;
  8. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip3;
  9. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap5 and draw it.

Emulating a startPosition property

A tween has a startPosition property, which can change the position of its target createjs.MovieClip object. Same as synchronized createjs.MovieClip objects, a startPosition property should change the position of its target before the target updates its tweens. For example, when the startPosition property of tween13 changes the position of movieclip5, movieclip5 should change its position before it updates tween14.

   +- movieclip4 (tween13 -> movieclip5)
       +- movieclip5 (tween14 -> bitmap6)
           +- bitmap6

Any tweens can use startPosition properties to change the position of movieclip5, i.e. movieclip5 cannot expect either which tweens change its startPosition property or when they change the property. To allow the startPosition property to change the position of a createjs.MovieClip object, it monitors its startPosition property to change its position only when a tween changes its value.

  1. Calculate the global affine transformation of stage;
  2. Update tween13 (change the position of movieclip5);
  3. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip4;
  4. Retrieve the position set by tween13;
  5. Set the position of tween14;
  6. Update tween14 (change bitmap6 properties);
  7. Calculate the global affine transformation of movieclip5;
  8. Calculate the global affine transformation of bitmap6 and draw it.

Compiling a createjs.Tween object

We compile a createjs.Tween object to a list of internal objects at run time to improve the speed of changing its position.

Each createjs.Tween method can specify only the properties it changes as listed in the following snippet.

  circle.set({ x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 1 });
  var tween15 = createjs.Tween.get(circle, { loop: true, useTicks: true })
      .to({ x: 150, y: 75, alpha: 0.1 }, 10)
      .to({ x: 0 }, 10)
      .to({ y: 150 })
      .to({ y: 0, alpha: 1 }, 10);

This tween changes the properties of its target CreateJS object as listed in the following table.


In general, it takes O(n) time for a tween to calculate the property values of its target for Position #n, i.e. it is not so fast for a tween to change its position.

To calculate the property values in O(1) time, we scan these createjs.Tween method calls to complete their properties, e.g. the above tween15 adds x, y, and alpha properties as listed in the following snippet.

  circle.set({ x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 1 });
  var tween16 = createjs.Tween.get(circle, { loop: true, useTicks: true })
      .to({ x: 150, y: 75, alpha: 0.1 }, 10)
      .to({ x: 0, y: 75, alpha: 0.1 }, 10)
      .to({ x: 0, y: 150, alpha: 0.1 }, 0)
      .to({ x: 0, y: 150, alpha: 0.1 }, 10)
      .to({ x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 1 }, 10);

We also converts these calls into a list of internal objects to calculate the property values faster.

Caching compiled createjs.Tween objects

A class derived from createjs.MovieClip has a per-class cache of compiled createjs.Tween objects.

A createjs.Tween object compiles its calls to a list of internal objects either when it is added to a createjs.MovieClip object or when it updates its target for the first time. This compilation takes so long time that a game often stalls while it creates lots of createjs.MovieClip objects generated by Flash Pro. For example, the following class lib.parent consists of five lib.child objects and five createjs.Tween objects. A lib.child class consists of two createjs.Bitmap object and two createjs.Tween object.

  lib.child = function() {
    this.instance_00 = new createjs.Bitmap('test0.png');
    var tween00 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_0).
        to({x: 10},10).
        to({y: 100},10).

    this.instance_01 = new createjs.Bitmap('test1.png');
    var tween01 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_1).
        to({y: 100},10).
        to({alpha: 0},10).
  lib.child.prototype = new createjs.MovieClip();

  lib.parent = function() {
    this.instance_0 = new lib.child();
    var tween0 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_0).
        to({_off: true}).

    this.instance_1 = new lib.child();
    var tween1 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_1).
        to({_off: true}).

    this.instance_2 = new lib.child();
    var tween2 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_2).
        to({_off: true}).

    this.instance_3 = new lib.child();
    var tween3 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_3).
        to({_off: true}).

    this.instance_4 = new lib.child();
    var tween4 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_4).
        to({_off: true}).

    this.instance_5 = new lib.child();
    var tween5 = createjs.Tween.Get(this.instance_5).
        to({_off: true});
  lib.parent.prototype = new createjs.MovieClip();

When a game creates an instance of the lib.parent class, the lib.parent class compiles 5 + 5 * 2 = 15 createjs.Tween objects.

To decrease the number of createjs.Tween objects compiled in creating instances of a createjs.MovieClip-derived class a createjs.MovieClip class has a per-class cache that caches compiled createjs.Tween objects. This cache allows the second instance of a createjs.MovieClip-derived class to copy the createjs.Tween objects compiled by the first instance, e.g. the above instance_1 property can copy the createjs.Tween objects compiled by the instance_0 property. To use this cache, an instance of the above lib.parent class needs to compile only 5 + 2 = 7 createjs.Tween objects.

Emulating PreloadJS

Our resource loader has its own cache optimized for games.

A game uses PreloadJS to load its resource files, e.g. images to be rendered with EaselJS and sounds to be played with SoundJS. A game often loads so many resource files from its resource servers at run time that it has to wait until its host browser finishes loading all of them to establish a network connection to its game server, i.e. it takes long time to start a game. (A browser mostly has a limit to the number of resource requests.) A browser in theory caches resource files to avoid reloading them. On the other hand, a user in practice presses a 'reload' button so often that it is hard for a browser to cache resource files as expected by game developers. To cache resource files even when a user presses a 'reload' button, our resource loader uses Indexed Database to cache resource files to a database.

Using a cache

Our resource loader uses its cache only when it is enabled. Our resource loader writes only resource files with their cache-attribute value true to its cache, i.e. our resource loader does not write resource files to its cache by default.

Our cache is an object store (a.k.a. a database table) consisting of three fields (URL, time, and data). The URL field represents a resource URL provided to PreloadJS, the time field represents the last-access time of the cache file, and the data field represents the raw data of the cache file, respectively.

URL (STRING, UNIQUE) time (INTEGER) data (BINARY) 1472718875743 "(function() {...})();" 1472718875744 "{...}"

Our resource loader looks up a resource file from its cache and loads it only when the cache does not have an entry for the file.

  1. Create a read-only transaction to the object store.

  2. Issue a get() request with the URL to the resource file.

  3. Create a result from an entry if the object store has it for the URL:

    a. Create a read-write transaction to the object store;

    b. Issue a put() request to update its time field, and;

    c. Create a result from its data value.

  4. Load the resource file if the object store does not have entries for the URL:

    a. Load the resource file from a resource server;

    b. Create a read-write transaction to the object store, and;

    c. Issue a put() request to add an entry for the URL.

When there is an error in adding a file, we sort the entries in the descending order of their time values and delete least-recently-accessed entries.

A game MUST manually set a version number before loading resource files to use its cache, i.e. a game MUST call the createjs.Config.setCacheVersion() method with a version number before loading its resource files.


When a game uses a version string, it should convert its version string into an integer with a parseInt() call.


It is OK to use a logical OR instead of a parseInt() call.

  createjs.Config.setCacheVersion('20160901' | 0);

Our resource loader does not write resource files to its cache by default, i.e. our resource loader write only resource files with their cache properties one to its cache.

  var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
    { 'src': 'test1.png', 'cache': 1 },  // This file is cached.
    { 'src': 'test2.png' }               // This file is not cached.

A game MUST increase the cache version so our resource loader can upgrade its cache. Our cache uses the version number of an Indexed Database database, a 64-bit monotonic integer, as its version number, i.e. it must be monotonic


Our cache is not perfect and it sometimes includes corrupted data. We strongly recommend for a game to have a button that calls the createjs.Config.clearCache() method to clear our cache.


Loading a file from a resource server

Our resource loader loads a resource file from a resource server either when its cache is disabled of when its cache does not contain the file.

Loading a text file from a resource server

For a text file, our resource loader retrieves its text with XMLHttpRequest and writes it to its cache, i.e. our resource loader always writes a UTF-16 text to its cache for a text file. We recommend for text files to quote their non-ASCII characters to avoid encoding issues.

Loading a binary file from a resource server

For a binary file, our resource loader loads its raw data with XMLHttpRequest v2 and writes it to its cache,, i.e our resource loader writes an ArrayBuffer object to its cache. Our resource loader currently does not write the content types of resource files to its cache, i.e. it discards the content types of resource files. Unfortunately, this causes a type inconsistency issue: a ".mp4" extension is used both by audio files or by video files and our resource loader treats ".mp4" files as audio files by default. If our resource loader loads a video file "a.mp4" without its type specified by a game, it treats the file as an audio file. (This is a workaround for badly-configured servers, which always set either "application/octet-stream" or "audio/mp4" to the HTTP "Content-Type" headers of ".mp4" files.)

Our resource loader always set anonymous to the crossOrigin attributes of <img> elements so we can create WebGL textures from them, i.e. resource servers MUST accept anonymous Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests. (WebGL allows creating textures only from images shared using Cross Origin Resource Sharing as written in its specification.)

Creating a result

Once when our resource loader loads a resource file either from a resource server (with XMLHttpRequest) or from a cache (with Indexed Database), it creates a type-specific object and returns it to a game.

Creating a result from a JavaScript file

For a JavaScript file, our resource loader returns a <script> element containing JavaScript code. A JavaScript file is a text file, i.e. the loaded JavaScript file is always a UTF-16 text and so is the one inserted to a <script> element. (A <script> element expects its text content is a UTF-16 string, i.e. it is OK to insert a UTF-16 text to a <script> element.)

  <script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
     console.log('☃');  /* This character is a UTF-16 character '\u2603'. */

Creating a result from a CSS file

For a CSS file, our resource loader returns a <style> element containing CSS rules. Unfortunately, our resource loader currently has a character-encoding issue in loading a CSS file not encoded in UTF-16: our CSS loader inserts a UTF-16 text into a <style> element without over-writing the @charset at-rule. When our loader loads a CSS file, browsers automatically replace non-ASCII characters into UTF-16 ones and return a UTF-16 text so our loader can insert it into a <style> element. If the returned UTF-16 text includes an @charset at-rule, its encoding does not match with the text encoding any longer. For example, when our loader creates an inline <style> element with its @charset value UTF-8, browsers expect UTF-8 characters and cannot render UTF-16 characters as expected. (Some browsers ignore @charset at-rules for inline CSS rules so they can work around this issue, though.)

  <style type="text/css">
  @chatset "UTF-8";
  .test::before {
    content: '«';  /* This character is a UTF-16 character '\u00AB',
                    * not an expected (UTF-8) one '\xC2\xAB'. */
  .test::after {
    content: '»';  /* This character is a UTF-16 character '\u00BB',
                    * not an expected (UTF-8) one '\xC2\xBB'. */

To work around this character-encoding issue, a CSS file MUST quote non-ASCII characters.

  <style type="text/css">
  @chatset "UTF-8";
  .test::before {
    content: '\AB';
  .test::after {
    content: '\BB';

Creating a result from an image file

For an image file (e.g. a PNG file or a JPEG file), our resource loader creates an Object URL from an ArrayBuffer object and returns an <img> element with its src-attribute value the Object URL when it uses a cache. (In this case, our resource loader creates an Object URL not only from an ArrayBuffer object retrieved from its cache but also from one loaded from a resource server.)

  <img src="blob:0000-0000-0000-0000" crossOrigin="anonymous" .../>

Our resource loader creates an <img> element with its src-attribute value the resource URL and returns it otherwise.

  <img src="" crossOrigin="anonymous" .../>

Creating a result from an audio file

For an audio file (e.g. an MP3 file or an AAC file), our resource loader returns an ArrayBuffer object when its host browser provide Web Audio. Our resource loader also creates an AudioBufferSourceNode object and starts decoding the ArrayBuffer object so games can play the audio file without delays. Our resource loader waits until the ArrayBuffer object is decoded only for audio files with their sync properties one.

  var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
    { 'src': 'test1.mp3', 'sync': 1 },  // Wait for this file to be decoded.
    { 'src': 'test2.mp3' }              // Do not wait for this file to be
                                        // decoded.

On the other hand, our resource loader creates an <audio> element with its src-attribute value the resource URL when its host browser does not provide Web Audio. In this case, our resource loader does not cache audio files.