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167 lines (112 loc) · 6.4 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (112 loc) · 6.4 KB

Development Setup

For contributing to this project please also read the Contribution Guideline.

Note: To just run the tool locally, provide the required configuration and use Docker Compose: docker compose up -d

Prerequisites (Requirements)

  • Python: >=3.10
  • Mamba: >=1.4
  • Node: >=14

This project uses Mamba for environment and dependencies management. Please make sure it is installed on your system: Installation Guide. Instead of Mamba, Conda can also be used.

Actually, Mamba and Poetry together are used to manage environment and dependencies. But only Mamba is required to be present on the System. Poetry will be installed by Mamba. Mamba installs pre built binaries for depedencies like GDAL. Poetry installs the rest of the Python dependencies.


Python Package

Note: Editors like IntelliJ IDEA or PyCharm will try to automatically setup Sketch Map Tool. This does fail. They will likely create a virtual environment managed by Poetry. This is wrong (See prerequisites). If this happens remove the environment (poetry env remove 3.10). Then execute steps below

# clone repository
git clone
cd sketch-map-tool

# setup environment and install package
mamba env create --file environment.yml

mamba activate smt
poetry install  # poetry installs directly into activated mamba environment

# install git commit hooks
pre-commit install

# fetch and run backend (postgres) and broker (redis) using docker
docker run --name smt-postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=smt -e POSTGRES_USER=smt postgres:15
docker run --name smt-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis:7

# compile languages:
pybabel compile -d sketch_map_tool/translations

# install local versions of esbuild, eslint and stylelint to build and check JS and CSS
npm install
npm run build  # build/bundle JS and CSS


Please refer to the configuration documentation.

TL;DR: Except of the API token (SMT-NEPTUNE-API-TOKEN) for all configuration values come with defaults for development purposes. Please make sure to configure the API token for your environment.


1. Start Celery (Task Queue)

mamba activate smt
docker start smt-postgres smt-redis
celery --app sketch_map_tool.tasks worker --loglevel=INFO

2. Start Flask (Web App)

mamba activate smt
pybabel compile -d sketch_map_tool/translations
flask --app sketch_map_tool/ --debug run
# Go to


Linter and Formatter

ruff format


The use of custom exceptions is highly encouraged.

To translate error messages all custom exceptions should inherit from the TranslatableError class (see A TranslatableError should have as first argument a message wrapped in a N_() function (see, to mark it for translation, and optionally a dictionary with values for interpolation.

Note: For more information on translation please see [/docs/]


Provide required configuration variables in config/test.config.toml.

To run all tests:


Integration Tests

The integration test suite utilizes the Testcontainers framework to run unique instances of Redis and Postgres for each test session. It also configures and starts Flask and Celery workers in the background.

Many fixtures are written to a temporary directory on disk managed by Pytest. This makes it easy to inspect the results at various steps of the program (E.g. Marking detection pipeline). Unix users usually find this directory under /tmp/pytest-of-{user}/pytest-current/{uuid}/. The UUID of requests triggered by the tests (E.g. Create or digitize) is the directory name.

The integration tests will make requests external services. Among others requests are made to HeiGIT Maps (WMS) to retrieve basemap images. Those requests can only be made from HeiGITs internal network.

Some test are using the Approval Testing methodology. Approval tests capture the output (snapshot) of a piece of code and compare it with a previously approved version of the output.

Once the output has been approved then as long as the output stays the same the test will pass. A test fails if the received output is not identical to the approved version. In that case, the difference of the received and the approved output is reported to the tester. The representation of the report can take any form: A diff-tool comparing received and approved text or images side-by-side.

In the case of the Sketch Map Tool the report takes the form of two images side-by-side, the uploaded sketch map with markings (input) and the resulting GeoJSON with the detected markings.

Update dependencies

When dependencies changed the environment can be updated by running:

mamba activate smt
mamba env update --file environment.yml
poetry install

Front-End (HTML, CSS and JS)

For the individual html pages the js and css code should be developed in client-src/** as ES6 modules.

To use the code in the HTML Templates it must be build (bundled). The bundler (esbuild) will write the result to static/bundles/** such that it will be provided by Flask to the web and can be referenced from the HTML Templates.

If you want to add new code for additional HTML pages add entry-points in the build script esbuild.js

Bundle the code with:

npm run build

Project Setup using and IDE

If you setup sketch-map-tool in an IDE like PyCharm please make sure that your IDE does not setup a Poetry managed project/virtual environment. Go thought the setup steps above in the terminal and change interpreter settings in the IDE to point to the mamba/conda environment.

Also make sure the environment variable PROJ_LIB to point to the proj directory of the mamba/conda environment:



Make sure that Poetry does not try to manage the virtual environment. Check with poetry env list. If any environment are listed remove them: poetry env remove ...