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File metadata and controls

196 lines (137 loc) · 7.29 KB


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Ghastly is a minimal static blog engine that emphasizes the use of themes and plugins. Get a blog up and running in seconds, then customize it with plugins and themes.



Ghastly requires PHP 5.4+.

git clone
cd ghastly
composer install
cp config.sample.php config.php

Edit config.php and you're done.

If you're installing in a sub directory, add RewriteBase /path/to/dir to .htaccess.

Ghastly ships with the following plugins enabled: Archive, Rss, Admin.


Create posts in posts/ in the format of If you have the Admin plugin installed, you can login at http://localhost/admin.

A post should have a jekyll-like front matter. An example post would look like:

title: My blog post title!
summary: A short summary about this post
tags: something, stuff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Front Matter Items
Option Explanation
title The title of your blog post
summary A summary of your blog post
tags A comma seperated list of tags for a post

Installing new Plugins and Themes

Ghastly plugins and themes are available via Composer. Add them to your composer.json and run composer update.

Developing Themes

Ghastly uses the spooky theme by default. You can copy it to a folder and rename it to something else to make your own theme. You can modify the html files however you like. Ghastly uses the Twig template engine.

Your template must have a layout.html file and a single_post_layout.html file.

Template Variables

Ghastly exposes the following variables for you to use in your templates:

Variable Explanation
posts This is an array of posts
post A single post The date of a post
post.tags The tags of a post
post.title The title of a post
post.summary The summary of a post if supplied through front matter
post.content The html content of a post

All of the options in config.php are available as template variables.

Publishing your theme for others

Your theme must be in a repository and it must contain a composer.json file that references a type of ghastly-theme and must require ghastly/theme-installer as a dependency. Your repository must also be available on Packagist. If your theme requires any plugins, list those as dependencies as well.

    "name" : "ghastly/spooky",
    "description" : "An excellent theme for Ghastly",
    "type" : "ghastly-theme",
    "license" : "UNLICENSE",
    "require" : {
        "ghastly/theme-installer" : "dev-master",
        "ghastly/archive" : "dev-master"

Developing Plugins

Before you embark on creating Ghastly plugins, be aware that the plugin API is likely going to be changing a lot as I play around with it.

Create a class that extends Plugin and put it in a folder with a name the same as the class you just created. . Your class should populate a public class property $this->events with any events the plugin will subscribe to.

class Archive extends \Ghastly\Plugin\Plugin {
    public $events;
    public function __construct()
        $this->events = [
            ['event'=>'Ghastly.PreRoute', 'func'=>'onPreRoute'],
            ['event'=>'Ghastly.PreRender', 'func'=>'onPreRender']

The plugin constructor can also accept a $config array if the user adds a configuration array for your plugin in their config.php.

Add the plugin to the plugins config option in config.php to enable it.

Event Event Properties
Ghastly.PreRoute Make your plugin respond to routes
Ghastly.PreRender Inject template variables prior to rendering

Note that all events are passed an instance of $Ghastly.


Exposes: $router, $postModel, $renderer

Your Ghastly plugin can respond to routes by subscribing to this event. Example:

class Hello extends \Ghastly\Plugin\Plugin {
    public $events;
    public function __construct()
        $this->events = [
            ['event'=>'Ghastly.PreRoute', 'func'=>'onPreRoute'],
    public function onPreRoute(\Ghastly\Event\PreRouteEvent $event){
        $event->router->respond('/some_route', function() use ($event){
            $event->renderer->setTemplateVar('greeting', 'Hello World!'); 

The hello_world.html template now has {{ greeting }} available to it when Ghastly is responding to some_route. You can modify existing template variables in the same manner.


Exposes: $renderer, $postModel

This event lets you modify the Ghastly instance on any route after it and all plugins have responded to the route.

Event Objects

The $event object passed to your event function contains several useful objects:


$renderer->addTemplateDir($str) - add a directory to the renderer to search for additional templates
$renderer->addTemplateVar($key,$val) - add a template variable
$renderer->setTemplate($str) - set the template ghastly will render


$postModel->findAll($limit) - will retrieve $limit posts and parse them
$postModel->findAllHeaders($limit) - will retrieve $limit posts but without getting the file contents
$postModel->getPostById($id) - will retrieve a single parsed post, $id should be a slug


A Klein instance. See their documentation. Use it for responding to new routes.

Publishing your plugin for others

Your plugin must be in a repository and it must contain a composer.json file that references a type of ghastly-plugin and must require ghastly/plugin-installer as a dependency. Your repository must also be available on Packagist

        "name" : "ghastly/archive",
        "description" : "An archive plugin for Ghastly",
        "type" : "ghastly-plugin",
        "license" : "UNLICENSE",
        "require" : {
            "ghastly/plugin-installer" : "dev-master"


Bring on the pull requests. I'm open to your ideas and suggestions. If you want to be very active, I can add you to the team.

Unit tests exist in Ghastly/Test. To run them, execute vendor/bin/phpunit.