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Spooky UE4

Skeleton-centered Virtual Reality Sensor Fusion plugin for the Unreal Engine

Spooky Kinect-VR Example App (video)

Development History

The full development history of Spooky can be found here

Aims and Introduction

The rapidly improving quality and availability of head mounted displays (HMDs) has seen a large increase in public interest in virtual reality (VR). HMDs allow for a wide variety of immersive experiences unavailable to other display platforms. However, HMDs typically block out the real world, leaving the user feeling disembodied in the virtual space. Without tracking of the user’s body and hands, interactions within the environment are limited. Furthermore, without visual body and hand representation within the virtual environment, states of presence and immersion are impeded. If the virtual environment is multi-user, communication can also be impeded by inaccurate or limited body or hand tracking.

Tracking systems for achieving high fidelity body and hand tracking are prohibitively expensive. For example, OptiTrack, Vicon, and similar gold-standard motion capture systems can have costs in the range of thousands to hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Many low cost devices exist as alternatives, but often do not provide the required tracking quality and range for many purposes. Some examples include Leap Motion, Microsoft Kinect, Perception Neuron, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. These devices cost from one hundred to a few thousand US dollars, but suffer from issues such as limited tracking volume, occlusion, drift and low accuracy. This repository represents work towards creating highly accessible fusion software which allows for the combination of low cost tracking systems. The objective is to bridge the quality gap between commodity and gold-standard tracking systems. By minimizing the need for user configuration, the software aims to decrease required technical expertise and increase access to high-quality tracking for businesses, research laboratories and hobbyists.


At this time, only windows is supported

Compulsory Dependencies:

Unreal Plugin Dependencies:

  • Kinect4Unreal for using the Microsoft Kinect v2
  • OptiTrack for using with an OptiTrack motion capture system
  • VR systems are also supported through UE4 native support VR support (e.g. Oculus Rift w. Touch, HTC Vive, SteamVR, etc.)
  • Leap Motion for Leap Motion optical hand tracking
  • Perception Neuron for Perception Neuron inertial hand and body tracking

In the future, each of the above dependencies will be optional.

How to use

  1. Install Unreal Engine Editor (tested on v4.14) and the relevant plugin dependencies for your planned use as described above.
  2. Download and extract the latest release of Spooky.
  3. Edit Spooky.uproject with a text editor and remove any plugins that you dont have installed in your UE4 editor (note that for now all plugins listed above are compulsory).
  4. Right click Spooky.uproject and select "Generate Visual Studio project files". This will automatically configure the build information for your system.
  5. Open Spooky.uproject in the same version of UE4 Editor that you are using for your project. It will prompt you to build - accept and wait for it to build.
    • If building fails, then try opening Spooky.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and build manually with Ctrl+Shift+B. Then reopen Spooky.project.
    • If you get the error "ERROR: Couldn't find module rules file for module 'Kinect4Unreal'.", copy the directory (including contents) Plugins/Kinect4Unreal/Source in this repo to the Plugins/Kinect4Unreal directory where you installed Kinect4Unreal. after about a minute.

The project should open to Content/Spooky/Maps/LeapVRTest.umap. This map combines the Leap Motion with VR headset tracking and the Spooky Skeleton model to estimate the body pose of the user and represent it with the UE4 Mannequin avatar. Click the dropdown menu next to the play button and select VR preview. When the Leap Motion sensor is attached to the head, you should be able to see your hands and interact with the ball and cube with a pinch gesture.

  1. To use with your own project:
    • Copy Plugins/Spooky to either your <ProjectName>/Plugins folder or Engine/Plugins folder. Go to the Plugins settings and enable Spooky. Restart the editor when prompted.
    • Merge the Content folder with your <ProjectName>/Content folder

Spooky Soccer

To try the Spooky Soccer demo in the video at the top of this Readme, you have to use an old version of Spooky. This is because I haven't had time to make kinect code compatible with the new fusion code (tested only on Leap Motion and Perception Neuron). Furthermore, downloading the release itself (Spooky Soccer Release) will not work since Github releases don't support git-lfs. To use SpookySoccer:

  1. Clone the Spooky repo and checkout the branch SpookySoccer

    $ git checkout branch SpookySoccer

  2. Follow the instructions in the How to Use section.

  3. Playing Spooky Soccer:

The project should open to Content/Spooky/Maps/SpookySoccer.umap. Ensure SteamVR or Oculus clients are running and the Kinect v2 is connected, then click the dropdown next to the play button and select VR preview. Face the Kinect v2 and hold the VR controllers in the correct hands (check thumb polarity). Walk and move your hands to allow spooky to gather data. After a short time your body will appear, and you can kick the soccer ball. Spawn more balls by clicking the touchpad or thumbstick. Spooky saves the latest config in <ProjectName>/Saved/System1_System2.spky by default, in a human readable format. This location can be changed in the VRGraveyard blueprint at the SpookyFusionPlant->SetSaveDirectory() function call. Spooky will automatically detect changes in the position of the Kinect v2 or in the VR tracking space and recalibration will occur

Spooky Blueprint Structure

Terms and definitions:

Spooky Fusion Plant

Main class for interacting with Spooky.

Spooky Spirit

A blueprint which sends data from a tracking device to a Spooky Fusion Plant.

Spooky Skeleton

A blueprint class which serves as the output of the Spooky Fusion Plant.

Spooky Graveyard

A blueprint which links together multiple spirits and a single skeleton to configure the sensor fusion process.

Spooky Toys

Extra UE4 assets designed for demonstrating Spooky.