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Admin Manual

Henri edited this page May 18, 2015 · 31 revisions

Admin Manual

In this section, we cover all aspects of administration within a running PEPS server. All details about how to operate the server itself are detailed in the next section.

Create users and teams

Create users via bulk upload

To create multiple users, hit on the Settings icon in the Topbar menu, then hit on Bulk upload link in the sidebar menu. You can quickly add multiple users using the Bulk upload field.


Add a single user

To create a single user, hit on the People icon in the Topbar menu, then hit on the Users link in the sidebar menu. Click the New user button to view the form. Enter user name, email and password to create a new user account.


Create teams

Note that if you add users with team options in the Bulk upload field, they will be automatically created and added to the teams list.

To create a new team, hit the People icon in the Topbar menu, click on the Teams link in the Sidebar menu and then hit "New team" button in the Sidebar. Fill in the form fileds to create a new team.


Once a team is created, you can edit it or create a child team which will be displayed in the treeview.

To view a list of team members, hit a Users submenu button situated right under Topbar. Then you can view and edit teams members profiles.



Classes are used to protect communications. By default, five classes are automatically created:

  • open for external communications,
  • internal for internal communications,
  • encrypted for secure communications.
  • notify
  • attached

Note that team classes are automatically created if you create users with teams options via Bulk upload. To create a new class, hit the Settings icon in the Topbar menu, then hit Classification in the Sidebar menu and hit "New class" button.

Name your class. Description field is optional. Choose "Not protected" if the class will be used for external communication and choose if you allow or disallow internet diffusion. Choose "Restricted diffusion" if you tend to use this class for internal communication. You can associate this class to a particular team and choose to use encryption.


Once created, you can change class propeties by clicking on the class in the classes list to view.


You can also create Filters and view users who are using this class in the messages.


Change user properties

To change users properties hit the People icon in the Topbar menu, then hit Users in the Sidebar menu. You can scroll through the Users list, then select a user and view or edit his properties. You can update user level, add or remove team membership, and provide with extra admin or super admin powers via Edit form.

You can also block this user, change his/her password or delete user using top right buttons.



Adding applications

PEPS acts as a platform, to which you can add applications. For instance, PEPS Chat is a multi-channel chat application that can be added to PEPS. To create an app, define the address of the server running PEPS Chat. Keys will be created, that you should then specify in PEPS Chat parameters.
