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Segmentation fault on filters.covariancefeatures #3848

digital-idiot opened this issue Aug 17, 2022 · 3 comments

Segmentation fault on filters.covariancefeatures #3848

digital-idiot opened this issue Aug 17, 2022 · 3 comments


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  1. Read input point cloud
  2. Apply filters.optimalneighborhood
  3. Apply filters.covariancefeatures
  4. Write processed point cloud
$ pdal pipeline --input pipeline.json


        "filename": "pc_area20.las"
        "type": "filters.optimalneighborhood",
        "min_k": 8,
        "max_k": 50
        "type": "filters.covariancefeatures",
        "knn": 8,
        "threads": 4,
        "optimized": true,
        "feature_set": "Dimensionality"
        "type": "writers.las",
        "filename": "test.las",
        "extra_dims": "all"

Encountered behavior

segmentation fault (core dumped)

Expected behavior
Pipeline successfully generates processed point cloud or report appropriate error in the input dataset. The pipeline tested to be working till filters.optimalneighborhood stage. It fails on filters.covariancefeatures stage. Expermented with different feature_set but outcome did not change.


  • Point cloud (las) to reproduce the described behavior: Dropbox

System/installation information:

$ uname -a
Linux 5.19.0-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ pdal --version
pdal 2.4.2 (git-version: 3d466d)

Python environment information

$ micromamba list
$ conda list

  Name                           Version       Build                         Channel    
  _libgcc_mutex                  0.1           conda_forge                   conda-forge
  _openmp_mutex                  4.5           2_kmp_llvm                    conda-forge
  abseil-cpp                     20211102.0    h27087fc_1                    conda-forge
  absl-py                        1.2.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  affine                         2.3.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  aiohttp                        3.8.1         py310h5764c6d_1               conda-forge
  aiosignal                      1.2.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  alsa-lib                    h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  aom                            3.3.0         h27087fc_1                    conda-forge
  argon2-cffi                    21.3.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  argon2-cffi-bindings           21.2.0        py310h5764c6d_2               conda-forge
  asttokens                      2.0.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  async-timeout                  4.0.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  attr                           2.5.1         h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  attrs                          22.1.0        pyh71513ae_1                  conda-forge
  backcall                       0.2.0         pyh9f0ad1d_0                  conda-forge
  backports                      1.0           py_2                          conda-forge
  backports.functools_lru_cache  1.6.4         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  beautifulsoup4                 4.11.1        pyha770c72_0                  conda-forge
  blas                           2.115         mkl                           conda-forge
  blas-devel                     3.9.0         15_linux64_mkl                conda-forge
  bleach                         5.0.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  blinker                        1.4           py_1                          conda-forge
  blosc                          1.21.1        h83bc5f7_3                    conda-forge
  boost-cpp                      1.74.0        h75c5d50_8                    conda-forge
  brotli                         1.0.9         h166bdaf_7                    conda-forge
  brotli-bin                     1.0.9         h166bdaf_7                    conda-forge
  brotlipy                       0.7.0         py310h5764c6d_1004            conda-forge
  brunsli                        0.1           h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  bzip2                          1.0.8         h7f98852_4                    conda-forge
  c-ares                         1.18.1        h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  c-blosc2                       2.2.0         h7a311fb_0                    conda-forge
  ca-certificates                2022.6.15     ha878542_0                    conda-forge
  cachetools                     5.0.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  cairo                          1.16.0        ha61ee94_1011                 conda-forge
  certifi                        2022.6.15     py310hff52083_0               conda-forge
  cffi                           1.15.1        py310h255011f_0               conda-forge
  cfitsio                        4.1.0         hd9d235c_0                    conda-forge
  charls                         2.3.4         h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  charset-normalizer             2.1.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  click                          8.1.3         py310hff52083_0               conda-forge
  click-plugins                  1.1.1         py_0                          conda-forge
  cligj                          0.7.2         pyhd8ed1ab_1                  conda-forge
  cloudpickle                    2.1.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  colorama                       0.4.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  commonmark                     0.9.1         py_0                          conda-forge
  cryptography                   37.0.4        py310h597c629_0               conda-forge
  cudatoolkit                    11.6.0        hecad31d_10                   conda-forge
  curl                           7.83.1        h7bff187_0                    conda-forge
  cycler                         0.11.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  cytoolz                        0.12.0        py310h5764c6d_0               conda-forge
  dask-core                      2022.8.0      pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  dataclasses                    0.8           pyhc8e2a94_3                  conda-forge
  dbus                           1.13.6        h5008d03_3                    conda-forge
  debugpy                        1.6.0         py310hd8f1fbe_0               conda-forge
  decorator                      5.1.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  defusedxml                     0.7.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  draco                          1.5.3         h924138e_0                    conda-forge
  eigen                          3.4.0         h4bd325d_0                    conda-forge
  einops                         0.4.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  entrypoints                    0.4           pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  entwine                        2.2.0         h52726e9_6                    conda-forge
  executing                      0.9.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  expat                          2.4.8         h27087fc_0                    conda-forge
  ffmpeg                         4.4.1         h964e5f1_4                    conda-forge
  fftw                           3.3.10        nompi_ha7695d1_103            conda-forge
  fiona                          1.8.21        py310h60a68a4_2               conda-forge
  flit-core                      3.7.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono      2.37          hab24e00_0                    conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata           3.000         h77eed37_0                    conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro       2.038         h77eed37_0                    conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu                0.83          hab24e00_0                    conda-forge
  fontconfig                     2.14.0        h8e229c2_0                    conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem          1             0                             conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge              1             0                             conda-forge
  fonttools                      4.34.4        py310h5764c6d_0               conda-forge
  freeglut                       3.2.2         h9c3ff4c_1                    conda-forge
  freetype                       2.10.4        h0708190_1                    conda-forge
  freexl                         1.0.6         h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  frozenlist                     1.3.1         py310h5764c6d_0               conda-forge
  fsspec                         2022.7.1      pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  future                         0.18.2        py310hff52083_5               conda-forge
  gdal                           3.5.1         py310hce6f0df_1               conda-forge
  geos                           3.11.0        h27087fc_0                    conda-forge
  geotiff                        1.7.1         h4fc65e6_3                    conda-forge
  gettext                    h73d1719_1008                 conda-forge
  giflib                         5.2.1         h36c2ea0_2                    conda-forge
  glib                           2.72.1        h6239696_0                    conda-forge
  glib-tools                     2.72.1        h6239696_0                    conda-forge
  gmp                            6.2.1         h58526e2_0                    conda-forge
  gmpy2                          2.1.2         py310h92f7908_0               conda-forge
  gnutls                         3.6.13        h85f3911_1                    conda-forge
  google-auth                    2.10.0        pyh6c4a22f_0                  conda-forge
  google-auth-oauthlib           0.4.6         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  graphite2                      1.3.13        h58526e2_1001                 conda-forge
  grpc-cpp                       1.48.0        hbd84cd8_0                    conda-forge
  grpcio                         1.48.0        py310ha0b7d45_0               conda-forge
  gst-plugins-base               1.20.3        hf6a322e_0                    conda-forge
  gstreamer                      1.20.3        hd4edc92_0                    conda-forge
  harfbuzz                       4.4.1         hf9f4e7c_0                    conda-forge
  hdf4                           4.2.15        h10796ff_3                    conda-forge
  hdf5                           1.12.1        nompi_h2386368_104            conda-forge
  icu                            70.1          h27087fc_0                    conda-forge
  idna                           3.3           pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  imagecodecs                    2022.8.8      py310hd3ecb60_2               conda-forge
  imageio                        2.21.1        pyhfa7a67d_0                  conda-forge
  importlib-metadata             4.11.4        py310hff52083_0               conda-forge
  importlib_resources            5.9.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  ipykernel                      6.15.1        pyh210e3f2_0                  conda-forge
  ipython                        8.4.0         py310hff52083_0               conda-forge
  ipython_genutils               0.2.0         py_1                          conda-forge
  ipywidgets                     7.7.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jack                           1.9.18        h8c3723f_1002                 conda-forge
  jasper                         2.0.33        ha77e612_0                    conda-forge
  jedi                           0.18.1        pyhd8ed1ab_2                  conda-forge
  jinja2                         3.1.2         pyhd8ed1ab_1                  conda-forge
  joblib                         1.1.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jpeg                           9e            h166bdaf_2                    conda-forge
  json-c                         0.16          hc379101_0                    conda-forge
  jsonschema                     4.9.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jupyter                        1.0.0         py310hff52083_7               conda-forge
  jupyter_client                 7.3.4         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jupyter_console                6.4.4         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jupyter_core                   4.11.1        py310hff52083_0               conda-forge
  jupyterlab_pygments            0.2.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jupyterlab_widgets             1.1.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  jxrlib                         1.1           h7f98852_2                    conda-forge
  kealib                         1.4.15        hfe1a663_0                    conda-forge
  keyutils                       1.6.1         h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  kiwisolver                     1.4.4         py310hbf28c38_0               conda-forge
  krb5                           1.19.3        h3790be6_0                    conda-forge
  lame                           3.100         h7f98852_1001                 conda-forge
  lcms2                          2.12          hddcbb42_0                    conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-64               2.36.1        hea4e1c9_2                    conda-forge
  lerc                           4.0.0         h27087fc_0                    conda-forge
  libaec                         1.0.6         h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  libavif                        0.10.1        h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  libblas                        3.9.0         15_linux64_mkl                conda-forge
  libbrotlicommon                1.0.9         h166bdaf_7                    conda-forge
  libbrotlidec                   1.0.9         h166bdaf_7                    conda-forge
  libbrotlienc                   1.0.9         h166bdaf_7                    conda-forge
  libcap                         2.64          ha37c62d_0                    conda-forge
  libcblas                       3.9.0         15_linux64_mkl                conda-forge
  libclang                       14.0.6        default_h2e3cab8_0            conda-forge
  libclang13                     14.0.6        default_h3a83d3e_0            conda-forge
  libcups                        2.3.3         hf5a7f15_1                    conda-forge
  libcurl                        7.83.1        h7bff187_0                    conda-forge
  libdap4                        3.20.6        hd7c4107_2                    conda-forge
  libdb                          6.2.32        h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  libdeflate                     1.13          h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  libdrm                         2.4.112       h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  libedit                        3.1.20191231  he28a2e2_2                    conda-forge
  libev                          4.33          h516909a_1                    conda-forge
  libevent                       2.1.10        h9b69904_4                    conda-forge
  libffi                         3.4.2         h7f98852_5                    conda-forge
  libflac                        1.3.4         h27087fc_0                    conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                      12.1.0        h8d9b700_16                   conda-forge
  libgdal                        3.5.1         h32640fd_1                    conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng                 12.1.0        h69a702a_16                   conda-forge
  libgfortran5                   12.1.0        hdcd56e2_16                   conda-forge
  libglib                        2.72.1        h2d90d5f_0                    conda-forge
  libglu                         9.0.0         he1b5a44_1001                 conda-forge
  libiconv                       1.16          h516909a_0                    conda-forge
  libkml                         1.3.0         h238a007_1014                 conda-forge
  liblapack                      3.9.0         15_linux64_mkl                conda-forge
  liblapacke                     3.9.0         15_linux64_mkl                conda-forge
  libllvm14                      14.0.6        he0ac6c6_0                    conda-forge
  libnetcdf                      4.8.1         nompi_h329d8a1_102            conda-forge
  libnghttp2                     1.47.0        h727a467_0                    conda-forge
  libnsl                         2.0.0         h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  libogg                         1.3.4         h7f98852_1                    conda-forge
  libopencv                      4.5.5         py310hcb97b83_11              conda-forge
  libopus                        1.3.1         h7f98852_1                    conda-forge
  libpciaccess                   0.16          h516909a_0                    conda-forge
  libpng                         1.6.37        h753d276_3                    conda-forge
  libpq                          14.4          hd77ab85_0                    conda-forge
  libprotobuf                    3.20.1        h6239696_0                    conda-forge
  librttopo                      1.1.0         hf730bdb_11                   conda-forge
  libsndfile                     1.0.31        h9c3ff4c_1                    conda-forge
  libsodium                      1.0.18        h36c2ea0_1                    conda-forge
  libspatialite                  5.0.1         h38b5f51_18                   conda-forge
  libssh2                        1.10.0        ha56f1ee_2                    conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng                   12.1.0        ha89aaad_16                   conda-forge
  libtiff                        4.4.0         h0e0dad5_3                    conda-forge
  libtool                        2.4.6         h9c3ff4c_1008                 conda-forge
  libudev1                       249           h166bdaf_4                    conda-forge
  libuuid                        2.32.1        h7f98852_1000                 conda-forge
  libva                          2.15.0        h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  libvorbis                      1.3.7         h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  libvpx                         1.11.0        h9c3ff4c_3                    conda-forge
  libwebp                        1.2.3         h522a892_1                    conda-forge
  libwebp-base                   1.2.3         h166bdaf_2                    conda-forge
  libxcb                         1.13          h7f98852_1004                 conda-forge
  libxkbcommon                   1.0.3         he3ba5ed_0                    conda-forge
  libxml2                        2.9.14        h22db469_3                    conda-forge
  libzip                         1.9.2         hc869a4a_0                    conda-forge
  libzlib                        1.2.12        h166bdaf_2                    conda-forge
  libzopfli                      1.0.3         h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  llvm-openmp                    14.0.4        he0ac6c6_0                    conda-forge
  locket                         1.0.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  lz4-c                          1.9.3         h9c3ff4c_1                    conda-forge
  markdown                       3.4.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  markupsafe                     2.1.1         py310h5764c6d_1               conda-forge
  matplotlib                     3.5.2         py310hff52083_1               conda-forge
  matplotlib-base                3.5.2         py310h5701ce4_1               conda-forge
  matplotlib-inline              0.1.3         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  mistune                        0.8.4         py310h6acc77f_1005            conda-forge
  mkl                            2022.1.0      h84fe81f_915                  conda-forge
  mkl-devel                      2022.1.0      ha770c72_916                  conda-forge
  mkl-include                    2022.1.0      h84fe81f_915                  conda-forge
  mpc                            1.2.1         h9f54685_0                    conda-forge
  mpfr                           4.1.0         h9202a9a_1                    conda-forge
  mpmath                         1.2.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  multidict                      6.0.2         py310h5764c6d_1               conda-forge
  munch                          2.5.0         py_0                          conda-forge
  munkres                        1.1.4         pyh9f0ad1d_0                  conda-forge
  mysql-common                   8.0.30        haf5c9bc_0                    conda-forge
  mysql-libs                     8.0.30        h28c427c_0                    conda-forge
  nbclient                       0.6.6         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nbconvert                      6.5.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nbconvert-core                 6.5.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nbconvert-pandoc               6.5.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nbformat                       5.4.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  ncurses                        6.3           h27087fc_1                    conda-forge
  nest-asyncio                   1.5.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nettle                         3.6           he412f7d_0                    conda-forge
  networkx                       2.8.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  nitro                          2.7.dev6      h27087fc_5                    conda-forge
  notebook                       6.4.12        pyha770c72_0                  conda-forge
  nspr                           4.32          h9c3ff4c_1                    conda-forge
  nss                            3.78          h2350873_0                    conda-forge
  numpy                          1.23.1        py310h53a5b5f_0               conda-forge
  oauthlib                       3.2.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  opencv                         4.5.5         py310hff52083_11              conda-forge
  openh264                       2.1.1         h780b84a_0                    conda-forge
  openjpeg                       2.4.0         hb52868f_1                    conda-forge
  openssl                        1.1.1q        h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  owslib                         0.25.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  packaging                      21.3          pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pandas                         1.4.3         py310h769672d_0               conda-forge
  pandoc                         2.19          ha770c72_0                    conda-forge
  pandocfilters                  1.5.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  parso                          0.8.3         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  partd                          1.2.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  patsy                          0.5.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pcre                           8.45          h9c3ff4c_0                    conda-forge
  pdal                           2.4.2         h68a0bdf_2                    conda-forge
  pexpect                        4.8.0         pyh9f0ad1d_2                  conda-forge
  pickleshare                    0.7.5         py_1003                       conda-forge
  pillow                         9.2.0         py310he619898_0               conda-forge
  pip                            22.2.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pixman                         0.40.0        h36c2ea0_0                    conda-forge
  pkgutil-resolve-name           1.3.10        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  ply                            3.11          py_1                          conda-forge
  poppler                        22.04.0       h1434ded_1                    conda-forge
  poppler-data                   0.4.11        hd8ed1ab_0                    conda-forge
  portaudio                      19.6.0        h57a0ea0_5                    conda-forge
  postgresql                     14.4          hfdbbde3_0                    conda-forge
  proj                           9.0.1         h93bde94_1                    conda-forge
  prometheus_client              0.14.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  prompt-toolkit                 3.0.30        pyha770c72_0                  conda-forge
  prompt_toolkit                 3.0.30        hd8ed1ab_0                    conda-forge
  protobuf                       3.20.1        py310hd8f1fbe_0               conda-forge
  psutil                         5.9.1         py310h5764c6d_0               conda-forge
  pthread-stubs                  0.4           h36c2ea0_1001                 conda-forge
  ptyprocess                     0.7.0         pyhd3deb0d_0                  conda-forge
  pulseaudio                     14.0          h7f54b18_8                    conda-forge
  pure_eval                      0.2.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  py-opencv                      4.5.5         py310hfdc917e_11              conda-forge
  pyasn1                         0.4.8         py_0                          conda-forge
  pyasn1-modules                 0.2.7         py_0                          conda-forge
  pycparser                      2.21          pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pydeprecate                    0.3.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pygments                       2.12.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pyjwt                          2.4.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pyopenssl                      22.0.0        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pyparsing                      3.0.9         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pyproj                         3.3.1         py310hf94497c_1               conda-forge
  pyqt                           5.15.7        py310h29803b5_0               conda-forge
  pyqt5-sip                      12.11.0       py310hd8f1fbe_0               conda-forge
  pyrsistent                     0.18.1        py310h5764c6d_1               conda-forge
  pysocks                        1.7.1         py310hff52083_5               conda-forge
  python                         3.10.5        h582c2e5_0_cpython            conda-forge
  python-dateutil                2.8.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  python-fastjsonschema          2.16.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  python-pdal                    3.1.2         py310h6245e14_3               conda-forge
  python_abi                     3.10          2_cp310                       conda-forge
  pytorch                        1.12.1        py3.10_cuda11.6_cudnn8.3.2_0  pytorch    
  pytorch-lightning              1.6.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pytorch-mutex                  1.0           cuda                          pytorch    
  pytorch-ranger                 0.1.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pytz                           2022.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pyu2f                          0.1.5         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  pywavelets                     1.3.0         py310hde88566_1               conda-forge
  pyyaml                         6.0           py310h5764c6d_4               conda-forge
  pyzmq                          23.2.0        py310h330234f_0               conda-forge
  qt-main                        5.15.4        ha5833f6_2                    conda-forge
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  readline                       8.1.2         h0f457ee_0                    conda-forge
  requests                       2.28.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
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  rich                           12.5.1        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  rsa                            4.9           pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  scikit-image                   0.19.3        py310h769672d_0               conda-forge
  scikit-learn                   1.1.2         py310h0c3af53_0               conda-forge
  scipy                          1.9.0         py310hdfbd76f_0               conda-forge
  seaborn                        0.11.2        hd8ed1ab_0                    conda-forge
  seaborn-base                   0.11.2        pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  send2trash                     1.8.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
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  six                            1.16.0        pyh6c4a22f_0                  conda-forge
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  snuggs                         1.4.7         py_0                          conda-forge
  soupsieve                      2.3.2.post1   pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  sqlite                         3.39.2        h4ff8645_0                    conda-forge
  stack_data                     0.3.0         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
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  x265                           3.5           h924138e_3                    conda-forge
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  xcb-util-keysyms               0.4.0         h516909a_0                    conda-forge
  xcb-util-renderutil            0.3.9         h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  xcb-util-wm                    0.4.1         h516909a_0                    conda-forge
  xerces-c                       3.2.3         h55805fa_5                    conda-forge
  xorg-fixesproto                5.0           h7f98852_1002                 conda-forge
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  xorg-kbproto                   1.0.7         h7f98852_1002                 conda-forge
  xorg-libice                    1.0.10        h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
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  xorg-libx11                    1.7.2         h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                    1.0.9         h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp                  1.1.3         h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  xorg-libxext                   1.3.4         h7f98852_1                    conda-forge
  xorg-libxfixes                 5.0.3         h7f98852_1004                 conda-forge
  xorg-libxi                     1.7.10        h7f98852_0                    conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender                0.9.10        h7f98852_1003                 conda-forge
  xorg-renderproto               0.11.1        h7f98852_1002                 conda-forge
  xorg-xextproto                 7.3.0         h7f98852_1002                 conda-forge
  xorg-xproto                    7.0.31        h7f98852_1007                 conda-forge
  xz                             5.2.5         h516909a_1                    conda-forge
  yaml                           0.2.5         h7f98852_2                    conda-forge
  yarl                           1.7.2         py310h5764c6d_2               conda-forge
  zeromq                         4.3.4         h9c3ff4c_1                    conda-forge
  zfp                            1.0.0         h27087fc_1                    conda-forge
  zipp                           3.8.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0                  conda-forge
  zlib                           1.2.12        h166bdaf_2                    conda-forge
  zlib-ng                        2.0.6         h166bdaf_0                    conda-forge
  zstd                           1.5.2         h8a70e8d_3                    conda-forge

$ micromamba info
          __  ______ ___  ____ _____ ___  / /_  ____ _
         / / / / __ `__ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ `/
        / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /
       / .___/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/\__,_/

            environment : PyDev (active)
           env location : ~/micromamba/envs/PyDev
      user config files : ~/.mambarc
 populated config files : ~/.mambarc
       libmamba version : 0.25.0
     micromamba version : 0.25.1
           curl version : libcurl/7.83.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1q zlib/1.2.12 libssh2/1.10.0 nghttp2/1.47.0
     libarchive version : libarchive 3.3.3 zlib/1.2.11 liblzma/5.2.5 bz2lib/1.0.8 liblz4/1.9.2 libzstd/1.4.5
       virtual packages : __unix=0=0
               channels :
       base environment : ~/micromamba
               platform : linux-64
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chambbj commented Aug 17, 2022

Indeed, it looks like the OptimalKNN dimension ends up with 0's and the covariance features filter doesn't know how to handle these. Need to investigate why optimal neighborhoods is yielding a 0 and provide better error checking in the covariance filter.

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chambbj commented Aug 17, 2022

A workaround for now would be to use the assign filter to manually override OptimalKNN, e.g., to knn=8, where it is 0. This could be inserted into your pipeline between the two filters @digital-idiot.

I have yet to determine why the updated knn and radius values are not being set (something with the entropy calculation, probably resulting in a NaN/inf). One thing we could do would be to at least fix the initialized values of knn and radius here:

point_count_t kopt(0);
double ropt(0.0);

It would make more sense to bind these to the min_k and distance to the min_kth neighbor. That way, if things fail for some reason, we at least have usable values.

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@chambbj Thank you for suggesting the workaround, it works well.

I have yet to determine why the updated knn and radius values are not being set (something with the entropy calculation, probably resulting in a NaN/inf).

Do you have any suggestion how to debug this and pin point which points and why they are causing NaN/Inf to occur?

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