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Pdal pipeline crash when using filters.csf and filters.covariancefeatures #3890

ClementAlba opened this issue Nov 17, 2022 · 2 comments


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ClementAlba commented Nov 17, 2022

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering problems with filters.csf and filters.covariancefeatures.
A little bit of context : I had a scan separate in 8 tiles (but for this example, let's say we only have to, it will be easier). First, I run a first pipeline on these tiles to add the OriginId dimension for each point to identify which point correspond to which scan :

    "type": "readers.las",
    "filename": "..."
    "type": "filters.python",
    "script": "D:/calba/street_pointcloud_process/src/terrestre/seg_class_mobilier/filters/",
    "function": "marquage",
    "module": "anything",
    "add_dimension": "OriginId"
    "type": "writers.las",
    "filename": "...",
    "extra_dims": "all",
    "minor_version": 4
import numpy as np

def marquage(ins,outs):

    n_points = len(ins['X'])

    identifiant_scan = ins['Intensity'][10] + ins['X'][10] + ins['Y'][10] + ins['Z'][10]
    for point in range(0, n_points):
        ins['OriginId'][point] = identifiant_scan
    outs['OriginId'] = ins['OriginId']
    return True

I get these two files in output :

Then, I want to process this pipeline on these two files :

                "type" : "readers.las",
		"filename": "..."
                 "type" : "filters.neighborclassifier",
                 "domain" : "Classification[1:2]",
                 "k" : 50
		"where": "Classification == 2",
                "radius": 0.05,
                "feature_set": "Verticality,Anisotropy"
		"type": "writers.las",
		"filename": "..."

But there is a problem, the pipeline is ok on the wam-ob00000.las file but not on wam-ob00004.las, on this file the pipeline crash and stop.

After some researches I think the filers.covariancefeatures is responsible of the bug, but I really don't know why it is not working on the second file. I checked the pdal info output for wam-ob00004.las and nothing weird.

Did someone have an idea ?

System/installation information:

PDAL version :

pdal 2.4.3 (git-version: Release)

ver :

Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19044.2251]

Conda details :

$ conda list

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$ conda info

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chambbj commented Dec 5, 2022

Looks like a couple of issue going on here. First, the eigen decomposition to obtain covariance features is failing. I wonder if a larger radius could help to get around this (or use fixed knn rather than radius). Second, we are not cleanly exiting all threads when the exception is thrown about the eigenvalues.

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Hi @chambbj, thanks for your response.

I searched in the source code of the covariancefeatures filter and found this about the eigen decomposition :

if ( != Success)

What does the check ? Because if the is not equal to "Success", I will see the message Cannot perform eigen decomposition in my console right ? So I wonder if the eigen decomposition gives "corrupted" values or something like that.

And for the threads who not exit cleanly, do you know which exception is thrown ?

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