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PinkelStar Demo App Instructions

Assuming you are using Eclipse and you have set up an Android project before*, there are five steps to take in order to run the PinkelStar Android Demo App:

1. Clone this demo project and the Android UI project in a directory:

git clone git://
git clone PinkelStarAndroidUI

2. Import the cloned repos 'pinkelstar-android-demo' and 'PinkelStarAndroidUI' project into Eclipse:

File > Import > "Existing Projects into Workspace"

3. Register a mobile app on PinkelStar ( and you MUST add an icon for your app here (can be changed later)

4. Add your key and secret to the pinkelstar.xml file in the res/xml directory:

pinkelstar-android-demo > res > xml > pinkelstar.xml

5. Hit the play button to run the demo

Please post your questions to the support forum and we will answer ASAP.

Happy Coding,

The PinkelStar Team

Side Note:

To enable logging, open a shell using the adb tool and set the logging level to VERBOSE like so setprop log.tag.PinkelStar VERBOSE.

Log messages tagged with 'PinkelStar' will be shown in the logcat output.

If you are using eclipse, you can also set -prop log.tag.PinkelStar=VERBOSE to the 'additional emulator command line options' field on the 'target' tab of the run configuration of your app.

(*) If not, follow the instruction provided here:


A fully working Demo App for PinkelStar (except for 3 steps)






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