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File metadata and controls

276 lines (191 loc) · 13.1 KB

Model Parameters

This describes how custom parameters can be embedded into the generated .tflite model file.

_Any_  `.tflite` model file will work with updating model parameters.  
i.e. The model file does _not_ need to be generated by the MLTK to add additional parameters.

Quick Reference


The MLTK allows for embedding custom parameters into a generated .tflite model file.

Model parameters are useful as they allow the model developer to embed the various processing settings used to train the model into the .tflite model file. In this way, the .tflite file and the processing settings are an "atomic unit" and can easily be distributed with the assurance that the .tflite model file and the processing settings are synchronized on the target device.

The basic flow for enabling model parameters is as follows:

  1. Custom parameters are configured into Python dictionary using MltkModel.model_parameters (this is typically done in a model specification script)
  2. Python dictionary serialized using the Google Flatbuffer schema: dictionary.fbs
  3. Serialized parameters added to metadata section of the corresponding .tflite model file
  4. At a later time, the parameters are retrieved from the .tflite model file's metadata section and de-serialized by either Python or the embedded device at runtime
  5. The de-serialized parameters are used to configure the software to run the machine learning model
Model parameters are __optional__. They are added as an additional entry to the "metadata" section of the `.tflite` model file. 
The core model structure and any other metadata entries in the `.tflite` model file are unchanged.

Parameter Basics

Each model parameter is comprised of a:

  • key - The name of the parameter
  • type - The data type of the parameter
  • value - The value of the parameter

The supported Python types are:

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • str
  • List[str]
  • List[int]
  • List[float]
  • bytes

Viewing Parameters

Use the MLTK's model summary feature to view the model parameters. e.g.:

mltk summarize audio_example1 --tflite
mltk summarize ~/workspace/my_model.tflite

General Parameters

The following parameters are added by the MLTK by default:

  • name - The name of the model
  • version - The version number of the model as configured in the model specification script using MltkModel.version
  • date - The date/time the .tflite model file was generated in ISO8601 format
  • hash - MD5 hash of the .tflite binary (excluding the date and hash parameters). This can be used as a unique ID for the .tflite model file
  • classes - List of strings for each class label the model supports. If the model is a classifier, the order of this list matches the model's output tensor
  • runtime_memory_size - The amount of RAM required by Tensorflow-Lite Micro's "tensor arena"

Model Mixins

The following model mixins add parameters to the generated .tflite.

These parameters are used during model training, as such, they should also be used on the target device.


The AudioDatasetMixin adds the following parameters.
NOTE: The fe.* parameters are specified in the AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings and used by the AudioFeatureGenerator during model training.

See the Audio Feature Generator guide for more details.

The samplewise_norm.* parameters are specified in ParallelAudioDataGenerator.

  • fe.sample_rate_hz - The sample rate of the audio in Hz
  • fe.sample_length_ms - The length of an audio sample in milliseconds
  • fe.window_size_ms - Length of desired time frames in ms
  • fe.window_step_ms - Length of step size for the next frame in ms
  • fe.filterbank_n_channels - The number of filterbank channels to use.
  • fe.filterbank_upper_band_limit - The highest frequency included in the filterbanks
  • fe.filterbank_lower_band_limit - The lowest frequency included in the filterbanks
  • fe.noise_reduction_enable - Enable/disable noise reduction module
  • fe.noise_reduction_smoothing_bits - Scale up signal by 2^(smoothing_bits) before reduction
  • fe.noise_reduction_even_smoothing - Smoothing coefficient for even-numbered channels
  • fe.noise_reduction_odd_smoothing - Smoothing coefficient for odd-numbered channels
  • fe.noise_reduction_min_signal_remaining - Fraction of signal to preserve in smoothing
  • fe.pcan_enable - Enable PCAN auto gain control
  • fe.pcan_strength - Gain normalization exponent
  • fe.pcan_offset - Positive value added in the normalization denominator
  • fe.pcan_gain_bits - Number of fractional bits in the gain
  • fe.log_scale_enable - Enable logarithmic scaling of filterbanks
  • fe.log_scale_shift - Scale filterbanks by 2^(scale_shift)
  • fe.fft_length - This is required FFT length which is the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the window size
  • fe.activity_detection_enable - Enable the activity detection block. This indicates when activity, such as a speech command, is detected in the audio stream
  • fe.activity_detection_alpha_a - The activity detection "fast filter" coefficient. The filter is a 1-real pole IIR filter: computes out = (1-k)*in + k*out
  • fe.activity_detection_alpha_b - The activity detection "slow filter" coefficient. The filter is a 1-real pole IIR filter: computes out = (1-k)*in + k*out
  • fe.activity_detection_arm_threshold - The threshold for when there should be considered possible activity in the audio stream
  • fe.activity_detection_trip_threshold - The threshold for when activity is considered detected in the audio stream
  • fe.dc_notch_filter_enable - Enable the DC notch filter. This will help negate any DC components in the audio signal
  • fe.dc_notch_filter_coefficient - The coefficient used by the DC notch filter, DC notch filter coefficient k in Q(16,15) format, H(z) = (1 - z^-1)/(1 - k*z^-1)
  • fe.quantize_dynamic_scale_enable - Enable dynamic quantization of the generated audio spectrogram. With this, the max spectrogram value is mapped to +127, and the max spectrogram minus fe.quantize_dynamic_scale_range_db is mapped to -128. Anything below max spectrogram minus fe.quantize_dynamic_scale_range_db is mapped to -128.
  • fe.quantize_dynamic_scale_range_db - The dynamic range in dB used by the dynamic quantization
  • samplewise_norm.rescale - Value to scale each element of the sample: norm_sample = sample * <scaler>. The model input dtype should be a float32
  • samplewise_norm.mean_and_std - Normalize the sample by the mean and standard deviation: norm_sample = (sample - mean(sample)) / std(sample). The model input dtype should be a float32


The ImageDatasetMixin adds the following parameters.
The samplewise_norm.* parameters are specified in ParallelImageDataGenerator.

  • samplewise_norm.rescale - Value to scale each element of the sample: norm_img = img * <scaler>
  • samplewise_norm.mean_and_std - Normalize the sample by the mean and standard deviation: norm_img = (img - mean(img)) / std(img)

Custom Parameters

Custom, user-defined parameters may also be added to the generated .tflite model file.

Add Via Model Script

The recommended approach is adding the parameters to the model specification script using the MltkModel.model_parameters property then either invoking the update_params command or update_model_parameters API.

For instance, the model specification script might have:

# The minimum number of inference results to average when calculating the detection value
my_model.model_parameters['minimum_count'] = 3
# Set the volume (in dB) scaler (i.e. amplitude) to apply to the microphone data. If 0 or omitted, no scaler is applied
my_model.model_parameters['volume_db'] = 5.0
# This simulates the amount of time in milliseconds an audio loop takes.
my_model.model_parameters['latency_ms'] = 0
# Console logging level, set to 'debug' to enable verbose logging
my_model.model_parameters['log_level'] = 'info'

These parameters will be embedded into the generated .tflite model file.

The parameters are added _any_ time the `.tflite` model file is generated.
This includes after the `train`, `quantize`, and `update_params` commands and APIs.

Add Via Command/API

Alternatively, parameters can be added directly through the update_params command and update_model_parameters API without modifying the model specification script.

For example,

mltk update_params ~/workspace/my_model.tflite my_custom_params=43
update_model_parameters('~/workspace/my_model.tflite', params={'my_custom_params': 43})


Updating model parameters from the command-line is done using the update_params operation.

For more details on the available command-line options, issue the command:

mltk update_params --help

Example 1: Update model specification

The most common use case of the update_params command is:

  1. Fully train a model
  2. Later modify the model specification script with additional parameters
  3. Run the update_params command to update the .tflite model file in the model archive

In this example, it's assumed that the MltkModel.model_parameters in the tflite_micro_speech model specification script have been modified after the model has been trained.

mltk_model.model_parameters['average_window_duration_ms'] = 1000
mltk_model.model_parameters['detection_threshold'] = 185
mltk_model.model_parameters['suppression_ms'] = 1500
mltk_model.model_parameters['minimum_count'] = 3
mltk_model.model_parameters['volume_db'] = 5.0
mltk_model.model_parameters['latency_ms'] = 0
mltk_model.model_parameters['log_level'] = 'info'
mltk update_params tflite_micro_speech

After this command completes, the model archive is updated with a new tflite_micro_speech.tflite model file.
Note that only the parameters in the .tflite's metadata section are modified. The model weights and layers are untouched.

Example 2: Update with command-line

The update_params command also works with .tflite model files generated outside of the MLTK.
In this mode, model parameters can be supplied on the command-line, e.g.:

mltk update_params ~/workspace/my_model.tflite volume=10.0 log_level=debug threshold=43

After this command completes, the ~/workspace/my_model.tflite model file is updated with the given parameters.
Note that only the parameters in the .tflite's metadata section are modified. The model weights and layers are untouched.

Example 3: Update with .json file

The update_params command also works with .tflite model files generated outside of the MLTK. In this mode, model parameters can be supplied via a JSON file, e.g.:

Given the file model_parameters.json:

    "volume": 10.0,
    "log_level": "debug",
    "threshold": 43

and running the command:

mltk update_params ~/workspace/my_model.tflite --params  ~/workspace/model_parameters.json

the ~/workspace/my_model.tflite model file is updated with the given parameters.
Note that only the parameters in the .tflite's metadata section are modified. The model weights and layers are untouched.

Python API

Updating model parameters is accessible via the update_model_parameters API.

Examples using this API may be found in update_params.ipynb